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NFL Rookie of the Year 2012

Who should win Rookie of the Year?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win Rookie of the Year?

    • Robert Griffin III
    • Andrew Luck
    • Russell Wilson

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Of these three, which one is least likely to be exposed in the playoffs?


Wilson. If Wilson played for an east coast team, he would be the winner hands down. Wilson beat Brady. Neither of other two candidates could carry Brady's jock! Argument over!


Wilson beat Brady and Rodgers.

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I'm leaning Wilson but if the Redskins win the NFC East I say give it to RGIII. He'd be the only one of the 3 to win their division.



What blows my mind is how even their team success and stats are. I hope all 3 only continue to get better. The NFL will be in great hands with those 3 being successful.

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It will go to one of the QB's, but let me say this: Alfred Morris has over 1400 yards rushing (fourth in the league going into week 17) and 10 TD's. He never gets mentioned in this conversation because he is on the same team as RG3, but he should get more love than he does, IMO.


After last night, I am personally leaning toward Wilson. I think Luck will win the award, however.

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