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Highlands 56 CovCath 54

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Was anybody physical for Highlands other than Guidugli?


The other Highlands guys just don't strike me as all that physical. Well maybe Eaton, but nobody else.


Ben G was obviously the most physical. He overreacted to a foul by CCH and got T'd up. He plays hard and makes you earn everything. He comes close to "that line" and sometimes over it however he did keep his composure for most of the game.


I think he let the student section get in his head a bit tonight. However, like all of the Birds, the boy hit his free throws.

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The Bluebirds JV has some big, physical (football) studs who like to bang. Who won JV tonight?


The HHS JV team is easily the most physically strong team I've seen - varsity or JV. The one kid doesn't even look normal. I'm going to assume that the majority (other than the curly headed kid) are on the gridiron on Friday nights in the fall.

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Was this a normal HHS student turnout or was this a "big game" turnout? They were loud.



Actually, I know there were about 40 more HHS students that could not get in. Lots of the football players that were lifting until around 6pm jsut did not get there in time. Would have been even louder with them in the house!

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I wonder why Willie sat Nick Simpson most of the first half????????That kid is going to be a really good ball player.....Doesn't get raddled very easily for a Soph..........Alot of potential..... :thumb:


Two early fouls.

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Unfortunately I was not able to get in the gym tonight to see this terrific basketball game. I will still stand by what I said after seeing them play at St. Henry a few weeks ago and again on Monday night, when you play against this Highlands team you had better bring your hard hat because they are going to bang on you for 32 minutes. Just goes to show what a little coaching and hard work can do for a group of kids if they buy into the system that the coach is pushing on them.

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Just think how good the Birds would be this year if Matt Roberts had not moved across the river to Moeller. I have not heard how he is doing there but he would have really added somthing to this team.


Good call there. You could either go big or bring Johnson off the bench.


I think he's doing pretty well for Moe's varsity.

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Congrats to Highlands for a big victory tonignt, they are clearly the number two team in NKy. I have to admit though, after watching this game tonight , Homes should win the Ninth in a walkover.


IMHO I thought the back and fourth cheering between the two student sections in the third quarter was even better than the game itself. It was almost like both student section were the show and the game was just something going on at the time. :ylsuper: :thumb: Both student section were outstanding and if HHS says CovCath isn't its biggest rival, somebody isn't telling the truth. Congrats to both the CovCath and Highlands students section, they are the best in Kentucky at cheering and sportmanship..... As a fan it was great, and I woudl have paid even more than the five bucks to see this game. Too bad in many places in Kentucky, when you watch the highlights there are no students in the stands cheering. Twenty to thirthy years from now the students who attended this game will be telling their children who will be attending the HHS CovCath Basketball game in 2027 about how in the 2006 game HHS beat CovCath and how they cheered on their team.


Great game, great students, too bad that Holmes is the best basketball team of the Ninth region becuase they have no student section like the Birds and Colonels.....




Good luck HHS the rest of the way.....

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One of the downsides to an offense that relies on the outside shot is that sometimes bad shots are taken at bad times. I can think of 2 tonight. Fortunately, those are teaching situations and next time will be different.


Great night for b-ball regardless of who you root for. Add in an OT JV game and you'd be hard pressed to find a better $5 value.

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