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My email to Mitch McConnell

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Would love to know if you get a response. Keep us posted.


In the ones I have sent before to the KY senators, representatives, Bush White House, etc, etc, it is usually a personalized form letter. Talking points wrapped up in something sent to me.


Made me feel better as I sat there with my class stewing over his speech. I had my class watch Obama's speech and all of the coverage from the election this week.

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Fired me up , I wanted to get my teachers union " Ditch Mitch" yard sign out --- The one they break out every 4 years for the past 2 decades. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Why do they get the sign out every four years?


Because of intense hatred they put them up 2 years early .


Yeah, that's it. :lol:


That's funny right there.

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The bolded is the exact point of my email. They have made it about one of them keeping power. The voters have sent a message that it is NOT about them. But for the independents like RM and the RINO's that someone mentioned, it is not about party but rather about leading this country. THAT IS THE MESSAGE THAT WAS SENT.


It was sent to the Democrats in 1994.

It was sent to the Democrats in 2000.

It was sent to the Republicans in 2006.

It was sent to the Republicans in 2008.

It was sent to the Democrats in 2010.

The Republicans better see that message or it is going to be sent to them once again.


We don't want to hear, it is Republicans vs. Democrats and having a party take power.

It is about them compromising and working together to lead.


Working together to lead is fine, but IMO, "compromise" is the root cause of much of this country's current ills. When you hear the word "compromise" in national politics, too often over the last 40 years it has meant conservatives leaving their principles to back increases in the size of the federal gov't - recent examples include No Child Left Behind & prescription drug coverage. When conservatives compromise, federal bureaucracies are born that we can never get rid of. When liberals compromise, we're temporarily allowed to keep a little more of the money that was ours to begin with.


Now is not the time for compromise. Now is the time for bold action to show the electorate that conservatives are about getting the gov't off the average Joe's back, about allowing Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money, about applying some common sense to current environmental issues, and about wearing the shoes within the international community that so many Americans before us have died to provide us with.


And if after two years the electorate decides they don't like the direction conservatives have taken the country, then fine, bring back the Democrats for more big gov't. At least we will have made some strides in the right direction.

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If I can be critical and disagree.....


It's never good to start a letter out with an attack. The reader immediately goes on the defensive so the "are you so dense" line probably wasn't a good way to start.


Secondly, I disagree that we're no longer Democrat or Republican. I'd say we're MORE D & R than we've ever been. The voters did NOT send a message that we want compromise. They sent a message that we want change from what we have now. Period.


I do applaud you for taking the time to pen a letter. We need more of that.

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The voters did NOT send a message that we want compromise. They sent a message that we want change from what we have now. Period.


I'm kind of torn on this. A part of me agrees that voters want drastic change, but there's another part that says if voters really wanted that much change, Republicans would have control of both houses of Congress & that Obama's approval rating would be under 40%. I guess it's how you define change.


Bill O'Reilly has long-maintained that America is a middle-leaning-right country, and the longer I live and more experiences I have, I tend to think he's right.


But like you, I applaud LBBC for sending the note. If Mitch McConnell's top priority is to keep Obama a one-term President, then he needs a wake-up call. And the voters have shown they're not afraid to send one.

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Voters want (and IMO) are starving for fiscal disipline. We all have heard Pres. Obama and his closest allies (Reid Pelosi) stand before the camera and with a straight face tell the America public that the Federal govt was going to add 90 million people to the category of Insured and it was going to be revenue neutral and may actually save us money. It was a insult to any person with a functioning brain. In turn the voters looked elsewhere.


What a wonderful breath of fresh air to hear Rand Paul say that the salaries of Federal Employees needs cut 10% (they average 110-120K a year VS 60K for private workers) and that yes, we need to consider a couple approaches with Social Security. Either means test it or raise the retirement age . And give the option to young people to invest in the stock market. And to simply cut the size of a very bloated govt.

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