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UK 73 Cleveland St 49

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I agree on the no call on the player that pushed Cousins beofre the elbow. BTW, that looked more like Cousins was swatting a fly rather than throwing an elbow :lol:. All joking aside, Cousins has to have more control.


As for the game, give the commentators a break guys :ohbrother:, they were just going for extra credit in their "intro to broadcasting" class, which btw they didn't get the extra 10 points :D.

That floor was a danger to players, imo a complete embarrassment. I just hope that we get away from tommorrow night without getting someone sriously injured on that thing. When growing up and playing at home, my gravel driveway was in better condition.

Yes, this team has a long way to go and I don't think that anyone would argue that. I also don't think there is anyone here that doesn't believe that we will get there. Like Coach Cal said.....when these guys learn to play as a team...as one, then they will be special. There was a period of time in the 2nd half when hey showed signs of how good they can/will be.


I just hope that all can just stay away from all the bashing but then again, we are talking about U.K. fans......who am I kidding. :lol:



I agree with you wholeheartedly. I can't phatom, or imagine anyone that would want to bash this team considering what we've been forced to watch as entertainment for the past 10ish years.

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What's up with Dodson and Liggins; neither has played in the last several games if I'm not mistaken? I had heard they were in "Cal's doghouse", but that would normally be a game or two I'd think? Have I missed some kind of announcement, or is Cal keeping this one close to the vest?


He hasn't faced top comp. yet. Look at the three guys who robbed a 7-11 at Tennessee. The only guy who stays on the team is the starting safety. Of course this isn't meant to be a college football thread, but I can't help but find the two related.

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No sure :idunno:. I know that he hasn't been pleased with Liggins at all .....attitude.(I don't believe that Liggins hasn't gotten in a game yet)



Not to discredit you or anything Oldrambler, but there's a lot more to the whole Liggins situation than just attitude. Now I know that Liggins hasn't really been known for his attitude, especially after refusing to go into a game last season. However, from coach Cal himself, among others, Liggins was a guy who had re invested himself, had been playing hard, and had been bringing a good attitude to practice. Not sure if this all changed around the time fall practice started or not, but it is highly speculated what is up with Liggins has a lot more to the story.



Two big things I have heard. Given each are rumors and no one really has no idea what the main cause is, because Calipari has not said. But some different things I have heard as likely possibilities, just to show you the seriousness of why he has had to sit......



The first thing I started to hear a lot was that his recruitment under Gillespie was being looked at, and that there may be something a little fishy that went on. Until what ever questions are answered I have heard Liggins would not play. If it became an issue that was serious enough for Liggins to not be eligible, then he would not play for the rest of the season. Cal doesn't want this season to get stripped by playing an ineligible player, and don't want to go down that road again, especially with the other coaches player.


Haven't heard this one as rampant as I was hearing it. First started hearing this one a lot right after the Blue/White Scrimmage.






The second thing I ave heard it is his grade issues and that until the Final Grades come out for this semester he may not be able to play. If grades still haven't picked up, then hes still going to be where he is at. If his grades have improved, then he will be seeing some time I would imagine.






The third thing I have heard a couple of times, and other likely cause is that he has failed a drug test, and more than likely failed via that sweet Mary Jane. I'f I'm not mistaken GT also heard this rumor making it one of the more quite popular.




There has been a laundry list of other reasons, but these are three that all may hold some kind of truth in them, hence some kind validation as to why he has sit this long, without Cal commenting. As much as he was hyped this summer by the coaches, I don't think its just because he sucked. Calipari, his new bud Joe B. Hall and others all hailed Liggins as the most improved hold over, and warned we would see a totally different Liggins, and they meant that in a good way. They were all looking forward to him contributing solid bench minutes. From what was then to what is now I really don't know, but like said I'm sure it is a little more than just attitude or bad play. The rumors I mentioned are the hottest ones making the rounds right now, but the guy who knows for sure does not speak upon College Basketball (God). And the man that knows (Coach Cal) hasn't budged the whole time, and its looking to be the same with Dodson as well. Oh well we may find out before the seasons out, or maybe not. All I know is I would like to see both contribute solid minutes, and think both are very capable of doing so.



Hope that helped some of those who hadn't really heard too much on the situation.

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