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No Bengals/Texans Blackout: Chad bought Tickets

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Great move by Chad. I hope he stays on this path the rest of his career with the Bengals.


Me too!:thumb: There are things I like about him such as work ethic (minus last year) his passion for the game etc. It's the immature acts that put his team at risk that just flat wear me out!

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Just curious of the 650 people who showed up very early to get the free tickets, how many will actually attend the game?


My guess is at least 400 of the tickets will be on the streets trying to be sold by scalpers.


I just wonder how many of the 650 would have come early and waited if, (there is that word again) if they got their ticket and were ushered into the PBS at the same time.

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I have never understood why so many Bengal fans have been so against Chad. I mean yeah he likes attention, but he plays as hard as he can on the football field and produces, and he is really a good guy. I mean when fans started to turn on him in 2007, is what led to a lot of the problems before last season in 2008. When the Bengals went down hill in 2007 people turned on him, for the same thing that they use to like about him. He is a guy who wants attention, but he also is going to play as hard as he can and he wants to win. So I just never understood why people get so bent out of shape about how he likes attention. Chad is a good guy, a good football player, he just likes attention thats all.


Possibly b/c he admitted to not preparing for last year and not giving maximum effort b/c he wanted to be traded or cut.

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Kudos to Chad.


I have been one of the biggest anti-Chad people on here. Arguably, there is no one that has been on here more anti-Chad than me.


And he has been very impressive this year with his attitude, work ethic, etc, etc. He is hitting all the right buttons this year compared to the past 2-3 years.


I hope this upcoming book doesn't undermine all the credibility he is rebuilding.

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Possibly b/c he admitted to not preparing for last year and not giving maximum effort b/c he wanted to be traded or cut.


I never heard him say he didn't try last year. He wanted traded because the Bengals were awful, and they wouldn't redo his contract. He had a valid point on the money issue too, his contributions to the Bengals, compared to what some other WR's were making was way out of line. He finally realized they weren't going to pay him so decided to shut up and play.


The biggest problem last year was that Chad played hurt and Carson was out all year. The ironic thing is that TJ complained and cried just as much. But for some reason Bengal fans supported him, too bad he didn't feel the same way.

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Also to all the Bengals fans who turned on him, I don't see why you blame him for some of the stuff he has said/done. Sure he makes plenty of money, but no one wants to play for an organization that really hasn't seemed like it was trying to win for the last few years. Now, the Bengals are good and he's happy. I see nothing wrong with that, or what Moss did in Oakland.

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