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Scott fires freshman coach.

Eagle 4 Life

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Was told the drill was called bull in the ring and told the players that anything goes but shots below the belt if you know what I mean. And the parents was not happy about the situation.


I always loved bull in the ring, but 'anything goes' can be dangerous in the hands of many kids. You want them to be legal hits so that the kids don't develop bad habits.

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It was anything goes except choking and shots to the scrotum area. In other words it was like a gang fight. Punches and kicks were being thrown. Some kids were attacked from behind and therefore became defenseless. Not the kids fault, they were doing what they were told. The drill was ordered because Reusch said one kid wasn't aggressive enough. It was a BS drill and the coach should have known better. While some kids got the crap beat out of them Scott High School is very fortunate no one got seriously injured during the drill. IMO, the drill taught the kids to be dirty and cowards. You don't teach aggressiveness by allowing kids to be attacked from behind. Any coach should know that. I applaud Coach Campbell for making the tough decision to let Reusch "resign".



With all that being said, I can tell you some of the kids are tore up that they lost their coach. I don't think Coach Reusch truly knew how well he was liked by his players. Reusch did apologize to his team and admit he was wrong the day after the drill was ordered. The day after his apology, he lost his job. Unfortunate situation but correct decision by the administration.

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Bull in the Ring Not heard that in a long time. Back in the day we had to "play" bull in the ring anytime someone messed up in practice. Drill consists of one player in the middle of the circle or ring, coach points out someone in the ring to fly in and hit the bull in the ring (who was usually the player that messed up to begin with). One player after another until the entire team has unloaded on the player in the ring. Tough stuff if you were the bull. Its a good idea to not have it, but when did this drill become illegal?

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We had a somewhat different version of the Bull in the Ring for my son when he played with the NKYFL Raiders. The coaches put one man in the center and the rest of the team formed a circle around him and one of the coaches would tap a players shoulder pads in the circle and they would charge the man in the ring and try to tackle each other. However, the man couldn't hit the man in the ring in the back, he had to wait until he was somewhat facing him before he charged. I don't really have the problem with the drill if it is controlled like that. My son absolutely loved being in the middle because he enjoyed the challenge of it. It never taught him once how to be dirty.

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Bull in the Ring Not heard that in a long time. Back in the day we had to "play" bull in the ring anytime someone messed up in practice. Drill consists of one player in the middle of the circle or ring, coach points out someone in the ring to fly in and hit the bull in the ring (who was usually the player that messed up to begin with). One player after another until the entire team has unloaded on the player in the ring. Tough stuff if you were the bull. Its a good idea to not have it, but when did this drill become illegal?


I've heard that this version has been banned at both the high school and collegiate levels. I've also heard people call the Oklahoma drill the Bull in the Ring too. However, it sounds like Scott was doing your old fashion, Bull in the Ring.

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We had a somewhat different version of the Bull in the Ring for my son when he played with the NKYFL Raiders. The coaches put one man in the center and the rest of the team formed a circle around him and one of the coaches would tap a players shoulder pads in the circle and they would charge the man in the ring and try to tackle each other. However, the man couldn't hit the man in the ring in the back, he had to wait until he was somewhat facing him before he charged. I don't really have the problem with the drill if it is controlled like that. My son absolutely loved being in the middle because he enjoyed the challenge of it. It never taught him once how to be dirty.



Most of us who played football are familiar with this version described above. And it does 'toughen you up." Football is a great but rough sport and you need to be prepared to protect yourself and play the game correctly or you have no business being on the field. You simply cannot have guys standing on the sidelines just happy to wear a uni for pictures. I cannot fault the coach for trying to toughen up his guys a little. But if Scott's frosh coach went overboard with the drill, he should be dealt with.

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Does it really matter who the new coach is for the Freshman team it seems like things are starting to unravel in Eagle Country. First they get rid of the JV season and now they get rid of the Freshman coach who knows what's next.


Let's just say basketball season is not to far away and that is immediately followed by baseball season these 2 sports Scott can hang their heads high on.

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These kids at Scott need to catch a break at some point, I really feel for them. The program really does seem to be in shambles and it truly saddens me. I know Coach Campbell seems like the type of person who can turn things around for Scott but then you hear something like this and it only slows down what he is trying to do for this school and community.

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