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The Offense Of The Future?

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One more question. I read on another site that the kick formation is in effect since no one is in place to receive a direct snap from the center. That would indicate to me that the shotgun formation would suffice as well.


Is there a difference between a shotgun formation and a kick formation? What are the nuances?


A scrimmage kick formation requires at least one player 7 yards or more behind the LOS in position to receive the snap. If the player(s) in position to receive the snap are not more than 7 yards behind the LOS, it is not a scrimmage kick formation and there is no snapper protection nor numbering exception. Typically, "shotgun" QBs are not 7 or more yards deep.

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Guest Bluto
A scrimmage kick formation requires at least one player 7 yards or more behind the LOS in position to receive the snap. If the player(s) in position to receive the snap are not more than 7 yards behind the LOS, it is not a scrimmage kick formation and there is no snapper protection nor numbering exception. Typically, "shotgun" QBs are not 7 or more yards deep.


I wondered that, too. Thanks.

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The run game is jet, option, zone and option off the jet. Option is where it gets a little crazy since any player can do what is commonly refered to as cowboy motion (at the snap the player drops straight back) to get into position to take a pitch. Add that to running option off of the jet.


Bryant hass stated he is working with some colleges. The offense runs into a number of issues past Fed rules. NCAA rules restrict this offense a ton.

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Questions for the officials:


1. Does the qb have to initially line up more than 7 yards back in order to have the "no hitting the center" rule? Or can they start in a traditional formation and the move into the kick formation? I would think if its the latter, it would be a challenge for the NG to recognize it.


2. Lets say that a covered up lineman is out wide on the LOS. I assume its not illegal for him to step back after the snap and fake as if he's an eligible receiver to receive a flanker screen, correct? If not, that then places a little extra requirement of attentiveness on the part of the defender.


3. Even though we see a lineman on each side of the snapper, that's not a requirement, correct? And they can be off the LOS as well, correct?


1.It does not have to be the QB that lines up at 7 yards, it could be a back as long as he "could" receive a direct snap.


2. He can step back and fake any type screen and he can go downfield if you throw a screen to another WR.


3. The TE can either be on or off the LOS.

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I miss read it, and you are right. I thought they were saying that all 11 players were eligible all at the same time. It has since been clarified. I was reading to fast.


Keep one other thing in mind while everyone is looking at this as a new way to slice bread. Three offensive lineman. Whoever gets the snap doesn't exactly have a long time to make a decision. So having a QB who can really run this system isn't guaranteed. With a three person blocking scheme, I think many QBs (no matter how many of them they have back there) will be running for their lives. Too many opportunities for somebody to screw up, such as a covered up guy leaking downfield too far, interference plays, etc. Its a fad.


But then again, isn't that what they said years ago about that new play called a forward pass?

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Which ones can release? Better figure it ou fast. Or there will be people running wide open.


I'll bet they throw alot of alley screens, Bubble screens, middle screens and QB draws.


Looks like they could get in a formation where they only have one lineman and 9 WR. :eek:

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