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In the eyes of God, which is worse?

Which is worse in the eyes of God?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is worse in the eyes of God?

    • homosexual sex
    • premarital sex
    • both are equally wrong
    • neither - God loves everyone the same
    • other - for which I will explain

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and mathematics...double major!



I knew it!!! Which is actually good, you could be one heck of a teacher if it wasn't for KERA. Which, actually, you could be a great teacher anyway, but KERA won't let students learn what they need.

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God destroyed a city because of the sin, and as of yet thats the only city to suffer the fate. Lot even offered his young daughters to the men, but they wanted the men. Genesis 19


Also Romans 1:27 Men committed indecent acts with other men and recieved in them selves the due penalty for their perversion.

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I'm sorry, but there are differences in sins. I don't understand why people say that they're all the same. Yes, all sin is sin. However, just as our legal system does not treat all crimes equally, nor all circumstances equally, God doesn't treat all sin the same.


As to this poll...I will have to ponder a while before I vote.


I think I would have to say that the graver sin would be to partake in sex for sex, and not for love. Of course, that could apply to either instance above.


Great....now I have to and do some deep thinking. :lol: Thanks TB&G! :thumb:

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I think they're both equally wrong... which as you might note doesn't place any emphasis on just how wrong they are or aren't.


For example, frogs and turtles are both equally mammalian. Similar statement.

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I'm sorry, but there are differences in sins. I don't understand why people say that they're all the same. Yes, all sin is sin. However, just as our legal system does not treat all crimes equally, nor all circumstances equally, God doesn't treat all sin the same.


As to this poll...I will have to ponder a while before I vote.


I think I would have to say that the graver sin would be to partake in sex for sex, and not for love. Of course, that could apply to either instance above.


Great....now I have to and do some deep thinking. :lol: Thanks TB&G! :thumb:


Your basis for the bolded?

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I've always thought a sin is a sin, whether you lie, cheat, steal or have premarital sex, extramarital affair, etc.. yet so many people hate homosexuals!! Why is it acceptable to do any number of these things yet someone who loves someone of the same sex is a sinner. Certain sins are "acceptable" to so many of us. So why is it ok to wave at your neighbor, who lies to the goverment by cheating on his taxes, daily as you pass in the neighborhood yet the homosexual down the street is shunned. Are we to judge each other or love each other.

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I've always thought a sin is a sin, whether you lie, cheat, steal or have premarital sex, extramarital affair, etc.. yet so many people hate homosexuals!! Why is it acceptable to do any number of these things yet someone who loves someone of the same sex is a sinner. Certain sins are "acceptable" to so many of us. So why is it ok to wave at your neighbor, who lies to the goverment by cheating on his taxes, daily as you pass in the neighborhood yet the homosexual down the street is shunned. Are we to judge each other or love each other.


Well said...and sort of one of the points that I was trying to get people to discuss here. I understand why people think homosexual sex is a sin...but according to the Bible, so is any premarital sex. Yet, as you say, we shun the homosexuals, but co-exist with (or excuse our own) adultry.

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Jesus said that whoever looks at a woman (man) with lust in his (her) heart is committing adultery.


Looks like many more than we imagined are probably adulterous at one point or another.

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All Sin are equal


Gooch it is actually scary that we actually agree on something. :scared: (jk) ALL sin is sin regardless of what it is. We (as humans) tend to place sin in categories, but God does not. We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. God sent His only Son to be that Savior and He paid it all . . . past sins, present sins, and future sins have been forgiven by His marvelous, matchless grace. Thank God I am a sinner saved by grace.

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All Sin are equal


We are in accord. At least we agree that homosexual sex and pre-marital sex are sin.


They are both sins.


I think they're both equally wrong... which as you might note doesn't place any emphasis on just how wrong they are or aren't.


For example, frogs and turtles are both equally mammalian. Similar statement.


Jesus said that whoever looks at a woman (man) with lust in his (her) heart is committing adultery.


Looks like many more than we imagined are probably adulterous at one point or another.


Gooch it is actually scary that we actually agree on something. :scared: (jk) ALL sin is sin regardless of what it is. We (as humans) tend to place sin in categories, but God does not. We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. God sent His only Son to be that Savior and He paid it all . . . past sins, present sins, and future sins have been forgiven by His marvelous, matchless grace. Thank God I am a sinner saved by grace.


I am in agreement with all of these. Sin is sin and premarital sex, cheating on a spouse, lusting, homosexual activity are all equilivant sins from my reading of the Bible.


Let me add that both 3 and 4 would be accurate if you take the neither out of choice 4. Both sins are equal and yet God loves everyone.

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I've always thought a sin is a sin, whether you lie, cheat, steal or have premarital sex, extramarital affair, etc.. yet so many people hate homosexuals!! Why is it acceptable to do any number of these things yet someone who loves someone of the same sex is a sinner. Certain sins are "acceptable" to so many of us. So why is it ok to wave at your neighbor, who lies to the goverment by cheating on his taxes, daily as you pass in the neighborhood yet the homosexual down the street is shunned. Are we to judge each other or love each other.


Well said...and sort of one of the points that I was trying to get people to discuss here. I understand why people think homosexual sex is a sin...but according to the Bible, so is any premarital sex. Yet, as you say, we shun the homosexuals, but co-exist with (or excuse our own) adultry.


So, you want Christians to "judge" more and not "judge" less?


I would say that the guy cheating is not pushing his cheating on the rest of the nation and that would be the short answer for the difference.


I think premarital sex was looked at with very low regard many moons ago. Remember teenage pregnancy used to be regarded as akin to a scarlet letter. Than the 60's with free love came about and changed it all.

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Your basis for the bolded?



Well, it's not a simple answer. But, one has to believe that salvation can be lost, that one saved, always saved is not accurate, to understand/believe in the concept of venial and mortal sins.

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Well, there's not that many homosexuals out there, but I guess in this world there to be treated equally for some reason.

Really, not that many. It seems as if every TV show has a least one Homosexual and every reality show has several. If you watch mainstream American television it would seem that somewhere between 10-20% of Americans were Homosexual. Just like the counter culture revolution in the 60's and 70's made everybody think Americans were a bunch of pot smoking hippies today Homosexuality is the "IN" thing.


As far as the vote I would vote both are sins but Homosexual sex is worse since it is both premarital (in most cases) and with another of the same sex which are both forbidden.

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So, you want Christians to "judge" more and not "judge" less?


I would say that the guy cheating is not pushing his cheating on the rest of the nation and that would be the short answer for the difference.


I think premarital sex was looked at with very low regard many moons ago. Remember teenage pregnancy used to be regarded as akin to a scarlet letter. Than the 60's with free love came about and changed it all.


Honestly, I would like to see the "judgement" part taken away. That's God's job.

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