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Bill Clinton-Analysis

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Bill Clinton seems like a likable sort of rogue, but a nice guy would not have done what he did to Billy Dale and the White House travel staff. Nor would a truly nice guy use the IRS to punish his former lovers with audits out of spite.


I do believe that Bill Clinton was probably the best Democratic president in many, many years.


At least the last 20:thumb:

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At least the last 20:thumb:
IMO, he is the best since Kennedy, if not Truman. However, I do not hold any Democratic president since Truman in very high esteem, so my opinion of Clinton is not as lofty as some might have concluded from my words :D
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You're off base with me, I don't like anything about the guy. However, when he was President, I gave him the respect of the office, which is more than I can say for most Dems when it comes to Bush.


And most Republicans when it comes to Clinton.

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Most of you will read this post, and then read who it is written by and write it off a liberal garbage. But I was disucussing Bill Clinton with a group of mixed folks(liberal and conservative) and we determined that whether or not you agree with his moves and his "moves" in the oval office; he seems to be a pretty nice, down to earth, real, and likeable guy. The entire group agreed that there is a Bill Clinton in every group of friends.....


Are we off base here?


Clinton is a politician to the last degree. He is very intelligent and pleasant as well as disarming.


Randall Everett is the new executive director of Texas Baptists and the former chaplain of the Arkansas State Legislature during Clinton's terms. Sitting at lunch with him one day (along with about 15 others, not just me), he told us how he thought Clinton was the ultimate politician.


He said that after the '94 Republican Revolution a lot of GOP friends talked about how they would show Clinton the error of his ways. Randall said he warned them that they were facing a new Clinton now. Clinton let Gingrich and company come in, tow the hard line and become an acquiescing friend. Then he went outside and told the press how the hardline GOP was going to shut down the government because they wouldn't work with him. He took the upper ground back.


I'm sure Clinton is the life of the party but I wouldn't personally trust him with anything. Read Primary Colors and it sounds like it might be spot on with him.

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Most of you will read this post, and then read who it is written by and write it off a liberal garbage. But I was disucussing Bill Clinton with a group of mixed folks(liberal and conservative) and we determined that whether or not you agree with his moves and his "moves" in the oval office; he seems to be a pretty nice, down to earth, real, and likeable guy. The entire group agreed that there is a Bill Clinton in every group of friends.....


Are we off base here?


You are probably right.


There is a lying sneak, who boldly cheats on his family, doesn't care about them because it is more about him, him, him in most groups.


But we differ in calling a person who would turn their backs on their family and hurt them to the core just so he can have 2-3 minutes of personal pleasure as a pretty nice, down to earth, real, and likeable guy.


I found NOTHING likeable about a person that would do that to their wife and child.

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I have always contested that who, what, and where he put his moves on was none of our business, many will say I am wrong. His presidency was a stable, and prosperous one though in my opinion...


Okay, now you have confused me.


You said he was a likeable guy.


Are we looking at his character as a person or his Presidency?


If it is the former, his cheating on his wife and child would have nothing to do with you saying he is a pretty nice and likeable guy????

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Okay, now you have confused me.


You said he was a likeable guy.


Are we looking at his character as a person or his Presidency?


If it is the former, his cheating on his wife and child would have nothing to do with you saying he is a pretty nice and likeable guy????


I still find him very likeable. I dont care one bit if he cheats on his wife.

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I still find him very likeable. I dont care one bit if he cheats on his wife.


Then you are a paragon. In everyday life, I feel very uncomfortable around people whom I know are actively cheating on their wives.

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"He doth protest too much." ...SHAKESPEARE


Anytime I hear people that are extremely boisterous about men who cheat on their wives, look at pornography(Swaggart), or condemn the gay lifestyle, you can just about take it to the bank that they have issues in their own lives with infidelity, smut, or homosexuality(preacher Ted). Be careful how loudly ye protest b/c yu may just give away your own dirty secrets.

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Bill Clinton is a guy who if you didn't know him very well you would like to be around him more. However, if you actually spent more time with him, it would become impossible to accept his character flaws. I suspect a large number of guys who think they would enjoy spending time with Bill would quickly change their minds after he hit on their wife or daughter.

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"He doth protest too much." ...SHAKESPEARE Anytime I hear people that are extremely boisterous about men who cheat on their wives, look at pornography(Swaggart), or condemn the gay lifestyle, you can just about take it to the bank that they have issues in their own lives with infidelity, smut, or homosexuality(preacher Ted). Be careful how loudly ye protest b/c yu may just give away your own dirty secrets.


And, of course, I'm sure that you've done ample research to arrive at that considered conclusion, or (more likely) you are merely spouting fatuous drivel to see if it gets a rise out of one us. It doesn't. I prefer reasoned debate, such as that typically made by 02Ram54 or halfback20, to brainless visceral attack.


I have no personal issues with infidelity, smut, or homosexuality. I do condemn them all as destructive behavior.


And, had I been "buddies" with Wild Bill at the time he was actively cheating on his wife, I would have not considered him a likeable guy.

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