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Bill Clinton-Analysis

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Most of you will read this post, and then read who it is written by and write it off a liberal garbage. But I was disucussing Bill Clinton with a group of mixed folks(liberal and conservative) and we determined that whether or not you agree with his moves and his "moves" in the oval office; he seems to be a pretty nice, down to earth, real, and likeable guy. The entire group agreed that there is a Bill Clinton in every group of friends.....


Are we off base here?

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You're off base with me, I don't like anything about the guy. However, when he was President, I gave him the respect of the office, which is more than I can say for most Dems when it comes to Bush.

I'm one Democrat who voted for Bush last election.

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Bill Clinton seems like a likable sort of rogue, but a nice guy would not have done what he did to Billy Dale and the White House travel staff. Nor would a truly nice guy use the IRS to punish his former lovers with audits out of spite.


I do believe that Bill Clinton was probably the best Democratic president in many, many years.

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That's why I said most, I'm glad there are Dems like you out there. :thumb:
I might get chastised for this comment but my favorite two Presidents I ever voted for are Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.
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I have always contested that who, what, and where he put his moves on was none of our business, many will say I am wrong. His presidency was a stable, and prosperous one though in my opinion...
Count me as one of many.l Having an affair in the White House residence would have been wrong, but none of my business. Having an affair in the Oval Office is the equivalent of a CEO having sex with an intern in his office.


In the case of the CEO, his actions would very much be the business of shareholders and in President Clinton's case, the location he chose made it the people's business.

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Most of you will read this post, and then read who it is written by and write it off a liberal garbage. But I was disucussing Bill Clinton with a group of mixed folks(liberal and conservative) and we determined that whether or not you agree with his moves and his "moves" in the oval office; he seems to be a pretty nice, down to earth, real, and likeable guy. The entire group agreed that there is a Bill Clinton in every group of friends.....


Are we off base here?

I think you posted it exactly right. He seems to be. As I've said many times, he is perhaps one of the most charismatic presidents this country has ever had. He could have accomplished much if he had put it to use, both here and internationally. I can't say I would have agreed with many of those "accomplishments." But I don't recall anything that he accomplished except personal gain and scandal.

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