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Bill Clinton-Analysis

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I have known and are friends with a couple of guys who are doing this right now, I dont have a problem with it, and its not my business. I guess I dont find it a problem because I never want to get married, or have kids.


If a person's friends are not the ones to call a person out when they are doing things wrong in their life, who should?


I pray I have friends with enough backbone to call me out when I am doing things that are not Christian and right.

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I am sure there are oodles and oodles of wife-cheaters sitting in your sacred little pews or behind your pulpits each Sunday.


And thank goodness that they are allowed and encouraged to come to church.


Do you hold a view that only perfect people should be allowed in church?


Which would mean that attendance at church would be nil on Sundays.


Ironically, non-Christians somehow have the view that Christians are perfect. We readily admit that we are not perfect and never will be perfect in this life.


And yet the critics of CHristians are not satisfied with us unless we become perfect.


Would you have preferred that since these type of people are not perfect like you seemed to want them to be that Jesus would not have been hanging out with them???? Which means he would have only hung out with non-sinners which would have excluded all of us.


Arguably the greatest Christian of all-time, Paul, even lamented that he knew what he was supposed to do but struggled to get his body and mind to do it. He called HIMSELF out for sinning on the things he was preaching to not sin on.

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Nope. Unlike others I can admit that I struggle with sin of lust too much for my own comfort in my life.


In fact, I would guess that most men do in this culture that we have in this country. You can't watch television or read a magazine without a half-naked women appearing in front of me. I struggle with it.


That does NOT give someone a pass on cheating on their family. THen making them look even more foolish by 1) lying about it; 2) trying to convince everyone that oral sex is not sex and thus, not cheating. Wonder if Hillary thinks he cheated on her?


Let me be crystal clear to quote Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson.


I have and will never cheat on my wife.

I have no homosexual desires.

But people like Halle Berry have led me to have more impure thoughts than I am comfortable with.

And yes, I do think that is lusting and a sin in the eyes of God.

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I don't want my drinking and carousing "buddy" to be Commander in Chief.


Wasn't that exact same description what people liked about GWB to begin with? "He sounds like one of us," was what I would hear people saying as to why they overlooked his obvious stupidity and lack of mental ability to do a competent job.

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You're off base with me, I don't like anything about the guy. However, when he was President, I gave him the respect of the office, which is more than I can say for most Dems when it comes to Bush.


He is and will always be a untruthful sleeze bag.

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