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Ellen DeGeneres Announces On Show She Will Marry Girlfriend

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God said in Genesis 19


God said in Romans 1:27


God said 1st Corinthians.


If God isn't "real" explain how your eyes with your brain enables you to do what you do?


Air? If it goes away for 3 minures you die...Where did it come from?


You can't prove God is real by quoting text from the bible. That is most definitely not going to convince non believers that God is real.


Like I said before, I believe in God. I am saved. However, I understand that it is impossible to prove through science that God is real. God is something you have to believe in. You have to have faith that God is real and that God created earth.

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Halfback, your right they are not going to believe in my Bible quotes, but if I don't give them I'm going against the very scripture I believe in, and I also asked them some questions that they cannot explain. Eye/brain/air questions.


There is a resaon we think/see/breathe and I could go on and on. Most nonbelievers don't think about how they have a heart and a body that heals it self and my big one is how the earth, if it leaves its orbit for only a few degrees we either burn/freeze instantly.


If all humans "married" the same sex what would happen to our race?


God's plan?

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That may be your opinion, but neither you or I can prove whether or not God is real. So you can not pretend like you know that God is not real.


I do agree that it will not hut anyone if a gay couple gets married. I believe in God, but I have no problem what so ever with gay marriage.

I agree with the bolded. Well said.

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God said in Genesis 19


God said in Romans 1:27


God said 1st Corinthians.


If God isn't "real" explain how your eyes with your brain enables you to do what you do?


Air? If it goes away for 3 minures you die...Where did it come from?

It must have crawled out of that hole of water everything else supposively "evolved":rolleyes::rolleyes: out of Alabama. Man.. the faith one has to have to believe in evolution. Unreal. When there was nothing there .. that nothing exploded and created what we have today from a explosion. I'm going to set off a firecracker and see if I can create a small universe in my backyard. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It must have crawled out of that hole of water everything else supposively "evolved":rolleyes::rolleyes: out of Alabama. Man.. the faith one has to have to believe in evolution. Unreal. When there was nothing there .. that nothing exploded and created what we have today from a explosion. I'm going to set off a firecracker and see if I can create a small universe in my backyard. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Evolution is real, whether you believe it or not. Believing in God doesn't mean you can't believe in evolution as well.


The explosion theory you are referring to is the "Big Bang Theory", not the theory of evolution. There is a difference. The theory of evolution is the one that claims the "survival of the fittest". Don't see why anyone should have to discredit that based on religion.

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It must have crawled out of that hole of water everything else supposively "evolved":rolleyes::rolleyes: out of Alabama. Man.. the faith one has to have to believe in evolution. Unreal. When there was nothing there .. that nothing exploded and created what we have today from a explosion. I'm going to set off a firecracker and see if I can create a small universe in my backyard. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


First of all, you are confusing evolution and the Big Bang Theory.


Secondly, there are plenty of us that feel that both are part of the universe in which God was responsible for creating.


Pardon me threadjacking...I apologize!

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It just get's tiresome hearing people talk about how they can't believe us "Bible Thumpers " can believe and have faith in creationism when it takes just as much if not more faith to believe in the big bang theory and evolution.

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One thing that is not mentioned about Ms. DeGeneres is her generosity to many charitable organizations. She is a real fixture in the celebrity giving scene, with her name, TIME and MONEY! Her work in New Orleans, and no God did not flood this town for its sins, is quite incredible. Her work with Children Affected with AIDS along with Mattel is substantial.


I think she will leave the matter as she has always kept it, private. I suspect it will be a part of her show when it happens and that will be the end of it.

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Evolution is real, whether you believe it or not. Believing in God doesn't mean you can't believe in evolution as well.


The explosion theory you are referring to is the "Big Bang Theory", not the theory of evolution. There is a difference. The theory of evolution is the one that claims the "survival of the fittest". Don't see why anyone should have to discredit that based on religion.



Very good again, HB.


Those who deny evolution in total have absolutely no credibility. It's like saying, "I don't believe in gravity ." These are the same people that are willing to believe there is a man somewhere in the sky talking notes on who we sleep with, not to mention fairies flying around watching over us. Oh, and while 99% of sane individuals agree that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, the tiny percentage who resist any urge to have a rational thought actually believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old... Incredulous!!!

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