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Fixing Politics.......just an idea.

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All politicians place what is best for re-election before what is best for the people. What if we get rid of the ability to be re-elected? How would this work?


Terms for all federal elected positions would increase 50%

  • President 6 years
  • Congress 3 years
  • Senate 8 years

No sitting elected official would be eligible to run for any office while they were in office. Elected federal officials could not go from one position directly to another one without sitting out the time between election cycles.


President serves one 6 year term and is never eligible to run again

Vice-President could not run for President as no sitting official can run.

Congressmen and Senators would spend one term and then go back to private life.


This would put the focus back on the job they are elected to do. It would greatly diminish the sway of special interest groups and lobbyist.



Okay pick this apart or add to the rules just tell me what you think.

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The problem does not lie with the politicians but with the people. Our government came fully equipped with a mechanism to keep politicians focused on their job, yet little over half will use it this Presidential election and far less than that will use it intelligently. What incentive would a politician have to be an effective advocate for their constituency if they did not have to face the voters? Politicians focus on their jobs when voters are similarly focused.

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The problem does not lie with the politicians but with the people. Our government came fully equipped with a mechanism to keep politicians focused on their job, yet little over half will use it this Presidential election and far less than that will use it intelligently. What incentive would a politician have to be an effective advocate for their constituency if they did not have to face the voters? Politicians focus on their jobs when voters are similarly focused.
:thumb: I agree. We will not get better representation until we improve the quality of the electorate.


I would also like to see a grass roots movement to reform the way that states draw Congressional districts. Politicians increasingly do not have to appeal to broad cross section of voters because of gerrymandering. I believe that our political system is becoming ever more polarized because extreme gerrymandering is creating seats that are too easily retained by bad incumbents.

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:thumb: I agree. We will not get better representation until we improve the quality of the electorate.


I would also like to see a grass roots movement to reform the way that states draw Congressional districts. Politicians increasingly do not have to appeal to broad cross section of voters because of gerrymandering. I believe that our political system is becoming ever more polarized because extreme gerrymandering is creating seats that are too easily retained by bad incumbents.


Gerrymandering was ruled illegal by the Sumpreme Court years ago..

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Gerrymandering was ruled illegal by the Sumpreme Court years ago..


...only in certian cases. For example, a state cannot create congressional districts in the state that have grossly unequal population. Also, the redrwan district lines may not dilute miority representation. As a result of this decision in the 80's, many states have gerrymandered districts to pool the main parts of African American population together into one or two state districs, ensuring that an African American representaive is elected to Congress(As an African American, I have thoughts about why I think it is a bad idea-even if I agree with the positive results of having more minorities serve in Congress).


Finally, the state cannot gerrymander districts if they are too strongly biased agianst a party's candidates, but no district drawn anytime in the past twenty years has been declared unconstitutional. Pennsylvania, and a more widely known case in Texas(directed by now ex-Majority leader Tom Delay) have happend recently. This is where the Democrats in the Texas state house left the state, rather than be present on the day this plan came up for a vote. The Texas case cost the Democrats probably six seats from Texas in the House of Representatives, and keeping a majority nationwide.

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:thumb: I agree. We will not get better representation until we improve the quality of the electorate.

I would also like to see a grass roots movement to reform the way that states draw Congressional districts. Politicians increasingly do not have to appeal to broad cross section of voters because of gerrymandering. I believe that our political system is becoming ever more polarized because extreme gerrymandering is creating seats that are too easily retained by bad incumbents.


Exactly what I was thinking after the last two presidential elections.

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Exactly what I was thinking after the last two presidential elections.
My comment was not sniping at a particular candidate or party. Candidates are successfully buying offices at all levels by promising assorted goodies that are not in our long term interests but voters and non-voters are too stupid to recognize how government expenditures impact anything beyond their next paycheck.


As long as voters can be bought so cheaply, we will elect representatives that appeal to the worst sides of human nature. As long as politicians can successfully target scapegoats and dodge any real accountability, they will continue to get reelected most of the time.

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My comment was not sniping at a particular candidate or party. Candidates are successfully buying offices at all levels by promising assorted goodies that are not in our long term interests but voters and non-voters are too stupid to recognize how government expenditures impact anything beyond their next paycheck.


As long as voters can be bought so cheaply, we will elect representatives that appeal to the worst sides of human nature. As long as politicians can successfully target scapegoats and dodge any real accountability, they will continue to get reelected most of the time.


Some people cannot help bringing partisianship into the most basic political discussion. That is sad.

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He just increased all current terms 50% to get his numbers. Hence, the current 2 year term goes to 3. I do believe the senate would then be 9.



I'm still curious why longer terms in Congress aren't considered. I personally don't think that the longer terms in the Senate are any more effective, but I'd like to see both houses with longer terms, as I think that the current 2 year terms for Congress (and the proposed 3) makes them focus on beginning an immediate bid for reelection, versus the business of running the country.

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I'm still curious why longer terms in Congress aren't considered. I personally don't think that the longer terms in the Senate are any more effective, but I'd like to see both houses with longer terms, as I think that the current 2 year terms for Congress (and the proposed 3) makes them focus on beginning an immediate bid for reelection, versus the business of running the country.


I agree, to me 2 years is obviously ineffective.

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The reps do need a four year term. Like has already been said they spend most of their time working on being re-elected. Limiting a presidents veto power would probably help move things along. Most of the time vetos go along party lines.

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