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Which would be the right thing for me to do?

Which should be the right thing for me to do in May?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Which should be the right thing for me to do in May?

    • Abstain from voting.
    • Vote for the candidate that I best think the Republican can beat?
    • Vote for the best Democrat candidate which is Hillary.
    • Vote for the best Democrat candidate which is Obama.

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In every local election I've ever voted in I vote the person. Republicans and Democrats don't matter hardly at all in the county and small city. I voted for an Independent county prosecutor, a Republican Sheriff, and a Democrat mayor in my hometown in Ohio since they all seemed to be the best qualified. The national political party policies do not affect small town government and if it does then there are big problems with me. National Democratic Party and local elections are apples and oranges IMO.


Except that in the primaries in May, they are labeled as Dems or Reps in deciding who runs in the general election in Nov.


Let's say you and I are good friends and you are running for Judge Exec or sheriff of our community. You are a Dem and if I went with your view, I would be a Republican. Now you are in a tight race for the Dem Party nomination for sheriff. I COULD NOT VOTE FOR YOU IN MAY, because I was a Rep.


In my county, my friends and those I would support in local elections are Democrats. I want to support them.


And for the record, I vote ALL ELECTIONS for the person/issues and not the party.

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For what it is worth, I think you are the one should change to another party and quit tearing down the Democrat party that I once supported. And did so gladly. Heck, I voted for Michael Dukakkis but became to realize that the Dems quit representing the everyday person but rather fringe and special interest groups.


How am I tearing it down? I defend the party I believe in and I believe represents me, my values, and the common man better than the GOP. You're the one sitting here saying you will vote for a Democrat that you think is the most beatable, whereas I will go to the polls and vote for the one that I think is going to win and I want representing me. Tell me how I am tearing down the party when I defend it on this board when people come up with stupid statements that the Democratic candidates are socialist or that they're anti-gun (whatever that means).

I wasn't trying to offend you and if I did I'm sorry but I don't think it accomplishes anything to vote for someone you want to lose. Want to remain a Democrat? Good for you. Want to vote for McCain in November? If you can swallow his abortion flip-flopping go ahead I can support that. But why in the heck would you say you "used" to support the Democratic party and remain a member? Why try to get someone nominated who you want to lose when there are millions of us in the this country who are fervently supporting the Democratic nominees and actually give our time, money, and effort in the process?


Once again, sorry if I offended you, but I would say this to anyone who wanted to vote for someone just to see them lose whether they are Democrat or Republican.

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How am I tearing it down? I defend the party I believe in and I believe represents me, my values, and the common man better than the GOP. You're the one sitting here saying you will vote for a Democrat that you think is the most beatable, whereas I will go to the polls and vote for the one that I think is going to win and I want representing me. Tell me how I am tearing down the party when I defend it on this board when people come up with stupid statements that the Democratic candidates are socialist or that they're anti-gun (whatever that means).

I wasn't trying to offend you and if I did I'm sorry but I don't think it accomplishes anything to vote for someone you want to lose. Want to remain a Democrat? Good for you. Want to vote for McCain in November? If you can swallow his abortion flip-flopping go ahead I can support that. But why in the heck would you say you "used" to support the Democratic party and remain a member? Why try to get someone nominated who you want to lose when there are millions of us in the this country who are fervently supporting the Democratic nominees and actually give our time, money, and effort in the process?


Once again, sorry if I offended you, but I would say this to anyone who wanted to vote for someone just to see them lose whether they are Democrat or Republican.


You have not offended me.


On the bolded, are you saying if I am a Democrat I cannot vote the person but instead am to vote the party?


Twice I have cast votes for Ken Lucas, Democrat because he represented my beliefs best. When the Democrats give me a candidate that best represents my beliefs, than I will gladly support them.


They simply have not done that in Presidential elections for a long time.


They have done better at that in the Congressional races.

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You have not offended me.


On the bolded, are you saying if I am a Democrat I cannot vote the person but instead am to vote the party?


Twice I have cast votes for Ken Lucas, Democrat because he represented my beliefs best. When the Democrats give me a candidate that best represents my beliefs, than I will gladly support them.


They simply have not done that in Presidential elections for a long time.


They have done better at that in the Congressional races.


Fair enough. I too voted for Lucas last time around. I just think it's wrong to vote for someone b/c you want them to lose and my advice is to abstain.

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Fair enough. I too voted for Lucas last time around. I just think it's wrong to vote for someone b/c you want them to lose and my advice is to abstain.


I have had it DRILLED in my head that it is our responsiblity to vote in every election.


Probably led to my write in vote for governor of my wife because I couldn't make myself abstain.


It just feels wrong to not vote.


I really wish, the Dems would give me an option. But as a Christian, I see NO WAY I can support a candidate that thinks killing unborn children is acceptable in society.

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I have had it DRILLED in my head that it is our responsiblity to vote in every election.


Probably led to my write in vote for governor of my wife because I couldn't make myself abstain.


It just feels wrong to not vote.


I really wish, the Dems would give me an option. But as a Christian, I see NO WAY I can support a candidate that thinks killing unborn children is acceptable in society.


I and many other Christians can and will vote for Obama and or Clinton. I don't want to get into an abortion debate but if you don't like the candidate don't vote for them. Write in a choice if you have to.

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This is going to sound mean and I don't mean it to so I apologize ahead of time. If you want to vote for who's more beatable just change parties. If you can't support a Dem in the state and national levels then you aren't a Democrat IMO. At the local level it doesn't matter one iota. You're just playing into the hands of people like Drugg-o Limbaugh and you need to realize that. Either abstain or switch parties b/c you're not helping those of us who actually want to see a winner that will win the general election. You're a one issue voter and the Democratic party is not a one-issue party.


I hope it's over by the time it gets to KY but if it isn't I wouldn't vote if I were in your shoes.


I apologize for being harsh but I don't see a point in trying to bring down something you claim to be a part of.


Sorry guy I'm doing exactly the same thing. I'm voting for Hillary because I hope her and Obama gut each other right up to the convention. I'm a Democrat by registration because the Dems have kept such a tight grip on state government that you can't get even come close to getting anything done if you are not registered Democratic. How dare you suggest that anyone not vote and how dare you try to convince someone that their vote is wrong because it doesn't match your world view or you don't agree with why they are voting a certain way. A person's vote is their business and their reason for voting is their own business. I'll bet it really chaps you that Limbaugh's ploy might actualy work.


And finally as to the bolded part. For the first time that I remember Kentuckians may actually get to vote in a presidential primary that means something. I can't believe that anyone no matter how partisan would deny that to our state, except maybe the people in FRankfort who think they are better able to hold on to power by having the primary well after the session is over.

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You have not offended me.


On the bolded, are you saying if I am a Democrat I cannot vote the person but instead am to vote the party?


Twice I have cast votes for Ken Lucas, Democrat because he represented my beliefs best. When the Democrats give me a candidate that best represents my beliefs, than I will gladly support them.


They simply have not done thPresidential elections for a long time.at in


They have done better at that in the Congressional races.




LBBC, may I ask you why you felt that the liberal, pro-choice(and quite frankly, not a very good Democratic candidate) Micheal Dukakis best represented your views and what is important to you? I mean, George H. Bush, was not exactly a Reagan conservative but probably moreso than Mike. Were you pro-choice back in those days? I know, it was that P.R. shot of him in the tank that helped get your vote. ;)


Just curious.

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Sorry guy I'm doing exactly the same thing. I'm voting for Hillary because I hope her and Obama gut each other right up to the convention. I'm a Democrat by registration because the Dems have kept such a tight grip on state government that you can't get even come close to getting anything done if you are not registered Democratic. How dare you suggest that anyone not vote and how dare you try to convince someone that their vote is wrong because it doesn't match your world view or you don't agree with why they are voting a certain way. A person's vote is their business and their reason for voting is their own business. I'll bet it really chaps you that Limbaugh's ploy might actualy work.


And finally as to the bolded part. For the first time that I remember Kentuckians may actually get to vote in a presidential primary that means something. I can't believe that anyone no matter how partisan would deny that to our state, except maybe the people in FRankfort who think they are better able to hold on to power by having the primary well after the session is over.



If its a fight on the floor of the convention, it won't have anything to do with the strategy of Rush Limbaugh, just Bill and Hillary's stubborn refusal to accept defeat. The Clinton's just don't give up.They would be a 10+ on my "How Competitive are You?" poll in G.D. Forum. I see B&H taking it to the convention, regardless. Rush's "strategy" won't play a role; Hill & Bill's unwillingness to say "uncle" will.

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While I would love to tell you to vote for Hillary because it would be easier for McCain to win. I believe the right thing would be to abstain from voting in the Presidential Primary. If there are other things on the ballot to vote, I would do that, but not for President.

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If its a fight on the floor of the convention, it won't have anything to do with the strategy of Rush Limbaugh, just Bill and Hillary's stubborn refusal to accept defeat. The Clinton's just don't give up.They would be a 10+ on my "How Competitive are You?" poll in G.D. Forum. I see B&H taking it to the convention, regardless. Rush's "strategy" won't play a role; Hill & Bill's unwillingness to say "uncle" will.


Either way, it's been fun watching these two eviscerate each other. After all is said and done how can either one have one shread of credibility when they push for the other in the general?


Go Hillary take Kentucky!:dancingpa

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I voted that you shouldn't vote, LBBC.;)


If you're a Democrat and don't want to vote for either or want to vote for the one you think is more beatable then either A. abstain or B. Change parties. You're not helping anything IMO.



Sorry, but I agree with Eagle. As I have stated previously, it is my opinion that this is why all local elections should be non-partisan. I'm registered the "wrong way" in my county; I find it aggravating, but I'm not willing to change it because of that. I did change my affiliation once before, it was because the party and my beliefs were no longer in sync.

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LBBC, may I ask you why you felt that the liberal, pro-choice(and quite frankly, not a very good Democratic candidate) Micheal Dukakis best represented your views and what is important to you? I mean, George H. Bush, was not exactly a Reagan conservative but probably moreso than Mike. Were you pro-choice back in those days? I know, it was that P.R. shot of him in the tank that helped get your vote. ;)


Just curious.


My parents were Democrats and we always voted Democrats.

My grandparents were Democrats and we always voted Democrats.

My great grandparents were Democrats and we always voted Democrats.

I was a senior at a liberal arts college.


Now, that I have gain wisdom, I vote differently.


I have been told by my parents that my ancestors would roll over in their graves if they knew how I voted.

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