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Once saved always saved

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How you doing today buddy ? .....A lot of criminals would gladly give back what they stole just to avoid punishment. It doesn't mean they are truly sorry just sorry they got caught.




I agree...I've never had the impression that Judas was saved. The scriptural evidence certainly seems to suggest that he wasn't.

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So if I decide to murder my wife a long as I ask for forgiveness first then I can go ahead and take her out with a clear conscious ? Judas betrayed Christ. He in a since sent him to his death. We all are guilty but he betrayed him. Jesus tells us in matt. 26 or 27 ? that if we betray the Son of man it would be better for us if we had never been born.



Jesus also said, "Whoever would deny me on earth, him I will deny before my Father in Heaven." (paraphrase)


Peter committed just such a sin that had serious, SERIOUS reprecussions. There seems to have been hope for him.


Just Asking.

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As long as we live the christian life that follows. If we fail then we have broken the vow we make to God when we give our life to him. God tells us never make a vow to God if we don't plan on keeping it. If we mess up at times we can ask God to forgive us for our lapse of sanity. But if we dont ask for forgiveness how can the Lord's blood cover us ?


We do not "Do" things to earn our salvation. We serve the Lord, manifest fruits of righteousness not because we think we can earn our salvation but because of what Christ DID for us. He PAID IT ALL. Repentence is acknowlegement of our sin(s). We are admitting to God we did wrong (he already knows but desires our admission) and asking for forgiveness to maintain sweet fellowship with Him. Our relationship is broken and we are asking forgiveness so that it can be healed.


If you sin against or hurt your wife in some way does that mean you are not married? No, but the relationship and fellowship are certainly broken. We ask forgiveness to get that restored. However, humans sometimes don't forgive . . . God not only forgives but forgets. Our sins are as "far as the East is from the West . . . one scared hand to the other." (Casting Crowns- East to West)

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Niner, I'm Ok...thanks for joining in. Once Judas saw what was happening to Jesus he had remorse. He was human and felt so bad he took his life. I don't see many people betraying someone and then hanging themselves.


Judas had to betray Jesus. It was foretold.

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The danger with the theology of "Once Saved Always Saved" is that it can lead people into a false sense that they are guaranteed salvation whatever they do. It limits mankind's responsiblity to obey God. Of course, our sin nature makes it impossible for us to always obey God. But with the help of the Holy Spirit a degree of holy living is possible. God is clear about His desire for us to live holy lives. Not so that we can boast about it but God's benefit and for our own benefit.


Galatians 6.7-8 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

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Niner, I'm Ok...thanks for joining in. Once Judas saw what was happening to Jesus he had remorse. He was human and felt so bad he took his life. I don't see many people betraying someone and then hanging themselves.


Judas had to betray Jesus. It was foretold.


Mr. Calvin, meet Mr. Larry. :lol:

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Hatz, I reread my posts and I can't see Calvin anywhere. Help me out there. Wasn't it told in the OT that "he would share bread with the betrayer?" I'm too lazy to look it up and I'm watching B-Ball. We lost.:cry:


At least your team got to play. :lol::lol::lol::lol: The wildcats are going to have to play a double header today.:thumb::thumb::thumb:

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Jesus also said, "Whoever would deny me on earth, him I will deny before my Father in Heaven." (paraphrase)


Peter committed just such a sin that had serious, SERIOUS reprecussions. There seems to have been hope for him.


Just Asking.


Peter went out and wept bitterly. He didn't go to the drastic extreme that Judas did and was able to get forgiveness from the Lord. Peter did'nt stay in that state of mind. He sought out forgiveness. Judas could have recieved the same if he had came back to the Lord and sought it.


Don't you think the Word would have told us that Judas got forgiveness. A great question to ask ourselves is this ..... " What did it benefit Judas to kill himself ? He took himself away from doing anymore good for the Lord. He could have been used greatly by the Lord to help establish his Church on this earth after his ascension .... just as he used Peter ... and Paul.



Think about it. If he truly was repentant he would have understood the forgiving power of Christ's blood and seen that he could rectify what he had done. He was more valuable to God alive then dead. He had heard the Lord's teachings on forgiveness and love.

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Peter went out and wept bitterly. He didn't go to the drastic extreme that Judas did and was able to get forgiveness from the Lord. Peter did'nt stay in that state of mind. He sought out forgiveness. Judas could have recieved the same if he had came back to the Lord and sought it.


Don't you think the Word would have told us that Judas got forgiveness. A great question to ask ourselves is this ..... " What did it benefit Judas to kill himself ? He took himself away from doing anymore good for the Lord. He could have been used greatly by the Lord to help establish his Church on this earth after his ascension .... just as he used Peter ... and Paul.



Think about it. If he truly was repentant he would have understood the forgiving power of Christ's blood and seen that he could rectify what he had done. He was more valuable to God alive then dead. He had heard the Lord's teachings on forgiveness and love.



That's what I've thought for a long time. I'm not ready to say I know with certainty that Judas was NOT repentant and forgiven but his actions cause me to believe he would not wait for Easter's Morning to make everything more clear. Peter did. Peter took the hardest road.

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Hatz, I reread my posts and I can't see Calvin anywhere. Help me out there. Wasn't it told in the OT that "he would share bread with the betrayer?" I'm too lazy to look it up and I'm watching B-Ball. We lost.:cry:


When we begin to say that someone had no choice (i.e. Judas had to betray) then everything is extremely preordained. That's hyper Calvinism.


I believe Judas had a choice and even at the Supper Jesus attempted to convict him into NOT doing it by pointing him out with the last sup from the bowl. Still Judas chose to go betray him.


It's like saying that Jesus had no choice in Gethsamene. I think his prayer reveals the struggle to choose the cross or not. He had a choice and chose to go to the cross.


We've talked about "Knowing ahead of time" and God's "Foreknowledge." But I contend that Foreknowledge is not Predestination. It's knowing someone so well that you know what they will choose. Like a parent that doesn't want their child to make the wrong choice but knows he/she will.


Free Will vs. Predestination. There's a quote from Devil's Advocate I could use here but the filter and my delicacies won't allow it. :D

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Mr. Calvin, meet Mr. Larry. :lol:


Just for the record, the doctrines of Grace are clearly found in the bible. This was not something John Calvin just came up with. He may have created a system (T.U.L.I.P.) that organized it but it has been in God's Word all along. Those who believe in the Sovereignty of God in salvation (with the exception of some Presbyterians) are not Calvinists . . . they just believe and teach the Word of God.;)

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Just for the record, the doctrines of Grace are clearly found in the bible. This was not something John Calvin just came up with. He may have created a system (T.U.L.I.P.) that organized it but it has been in God's Word all along. Those who believe in the Sovereignty of God in salvation (with the exception of some Presbyterians) are not Calvinists . . . they just believe and teach the Word of God.;)



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