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Mayfield 28 Heath 6

just 4 fun

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Thanks... :thumb:


How did everyone look???


Not bad in my opinion. We have to hold onto the ball better. The line looked better than what most people thought they would. Mayfield has a ton of talent in the running back spot. Freshman sensation Decole Noonan scored two touchdowns and made plenty of good open field tackles on defense.. Logan Armstorng had a whale of a game at QB. He threw some good strikes tonight. Mayfield had two freshman starting on defense tonight because of injury and they looked good. One thing you can say about this team is that they have good senior leadership and work good together as a team.

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I thought that Mayfield looked very well for a first game of the season...I though the line played very well last night and gave Armstrong plenty of time to throw the football and opened up some holes for the backs to run through. Mayfield played without its starting tailback after the 1st quarter due to a slight back injury, but Murrell and "Rump" aka Decole Noonan played very well for his first game as a freshman. Also on Friday night Xavier Shelton said hello in a big way to the Mayfield crowd showing blazing speed on the end position and made one of the sweetest punt returns that he took the distance, but was called back on a clip after a Mayfield lineman hustled down the field to give an extra block and when the lineman got to a Heath player he turned his back at the last second and Mayfields lineman could not avoid hitting him...which is a shame because A) the Cardinal lineman was hustling and just had a bad break...and B) the Heath player had no chance of catching Shelton as he was 5 yards past him. The score could have and probably should have been a littler larger margin, but the Cards made some turnovers that I am sure the coaching staff will work on to repair....but overall a good opening game win for the Cards.

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Yeah, they looked real good, just gotta work on those turnovers, it would have added 1 to 2 more scores to this total!! Noonan did look good, I didn't think he would get to play this early but with Trevarthen getting injured I guess things had to change. Does anyone know how serious his injury was? I saw him walking around in the last quarter, it looked like he got hit in the back. I think Heath showed some good offense, Wright is the real deal, they had him running, throwing and punting, the kid just wore out!!

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Mayfield should have scored at least two more times but turnovers and penalties killed drives/scores.


Overall, Mayfield played just as I anticpated...had trouble with the option offense for the first half, but adjusted well. I thought Logan looked great in his decisionmaking and threw some strikes.


I am VERY excited about Mayfield's passing game. Gary Hall, Xavier Shelton, Levi Pruett, and Jared McCustion, plus the running backs...WOW, should be an exciting year for the Cards offense!


Wright was a good back for Heath and defintely will be a force in a few weeks when he gets in football shape!


Good win for the Cards!

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First downs....................15...................................8


Rushing Attempts............42..................................29


Rushing yards................186................................68




Passing yards...............142.................................42


Total yards..................328...............................110




Rushing for Mayfield


Tyrese Murrell 12 carries for 64 yards


Decole Noonan 9 carries for 30 yards and 2 TDs


Jarrod Noonan 5 carries for 42 yards


Brent Simpkins 6 carries for 23 yards


Logan Armstrong 5 carries for 21 yards


Andy Trevarthan 4 carries for 8 yards before a injury took him out of the game.



Mayfield held Chad Wright to 37 yards on 16 carries.

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