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Dick Vitale: What happened?

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I was a bit disappointed by this as well. All the love he has showered the program with over the last few years and now it is not a good job? I just dont really get it. It could be interesting to see how Dicky V is received when he comes to Rupp next year.

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I was a bit disappointed by this as well. All the love he has showered the program with over the last few years and now it is not a good job? I just dont really get it. It could be interesting to see how Dicky V is received when he comes to Rupp next year.


Trust me, the UK students will definately have something planned...

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Imo Vitale has a point to this statement. U.K. is considered the best program/job in college b.b. and continues to. I believe that what he meant was from the day that a coach is hired, the so called U.K. fans/bashers are just waiting with baited breath to jump on anything for any reason. There are FAR more what I call (True) U.K. fans than the so called bgp 18% of idiots. This MINORITY are simply the most vocal and make the biggest badonkadonk of themselves, therefore casting a "black eye" on all U.K. fans. I mean, OTS won a NC in his first season at the helm and when he didn't repeat the next year - it was "he won it with Pitno's players" :irked: :rolleyes: the bashing started and just steamrolled from that point on.


ALL schools have their pct. of idiot fans, NO ONE is immune to it, U.L. and Duke just to name a couple certainly have their idiot fans on here as do all teams/schools. I would rather hear critisizm of U.K. fans from the U.K. fan base itself than from self proclaimed U.K. haters that have posted on this thread. Their (U.K. haters) opinion doesn't carry much weight with me. Yes, U.K. has the number of idiot fans that happen to be a minority of the fan base, just the most vocal and thus cast that image on all U.K. fans. As for the self proclaimed U.K. haters..............my advice would be to take care of your own house before commenting on anyone else's:rolleyes: . As for the ones that claim to love U.K. and wait with baited breath to jump on anything and anyone ant any opportunity, imo you are doing much more harm to the program that you claim to be a fan of than good.




Like with any program, the small % of idiotic fans won't be able to effect what a great job UK is as long as the coach is successful. Tubby Smith was a very good coach, but the 2 years were well below the acceptable standard set at UK is means for some criticism. Not over the top criticism, but it was obvious some changes were needed to be made. If a coach comes in and is very successful I dont think there is a better job in America.

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Based on what I have read on BGP I am sure that Duke and UL has more than their share of idiot fans too. But I am also sure that any real UK fan will be realistic about expectations next year with the coach, much like when Pitino took over. I know that myself as a fan will be patient the first year or two because I realize that the next coach is going to have to clean up someone else's mess before they can establish their own legacy at UK.

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Vitale is upset because he feels people in Ky were to hard on Tubby....but when Tubby was hired everyone in the country agreed that UK was the best job in the country....Now Vitale is saying that KY is a terrible job what happened in ten years? Are the fans more passionate and critical now than they were then...I dont think so...If you look at what Tubby walked into and compare that with what he is walking away from Dicky V or anyone else can see that UK's program did go downhill under Smith's tenure. What these guys need to remember is that Smith walked away...No fans, alumni, boosters or anyone else had anything to do with that but him. Tubby is a great solid man and mentor but is only a good basketball coach and KENTUCKY expects greatness. Six straight losses to Florida and four straight to Vandy is not greatness.


And you would be wrong in that. The FANS, the boosters, etc. definitely had a big part in him leaving. Yeah in the end he walked on his own, but do you think he would have done that if the fans didn't really pretty much hate him for all 10 years he was here. From the very beginning there was many fans who didn't want him here, and he just finally realized that no matter what he did here, he still would not be wanted by many. So in the end that had a huge part in him walking away, and that is the truth even if you dont want to admit it...

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I'm a self proclaimed hater of UK's Eighteen Percenters. I was a big fan of Tubby Smith, and I always cheer for UK football, since I helped protect their star (Keenan Burton) in high school.


Get it in order before you label me anything.

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And you would be wrong in that. The FANS, the boosters, etc. definitely had a big part in him leaving. Yeah in the end he walked on his own, but do you think he would have done that if the fans didn't really pretty much hate him for all 10 years he was here. From the very beginning there was many fans who didn't want him here, and he just finally realized that no matter what he did here, he still would not be wanted by many. So in the end that had a huge part in him walking away, and that is the truth even if you dont want to admit it...

:thumb: :thumb: You are 100% correct fc.


Imo the thing that the bashing part of the fan base can't stand about is that Tubby left on HIS terms and was not fired.

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IMO Tubby walked into the worst situation any coach at a major University can walk into...the cupboard being full. There really was nowhere to go but down from there. It didn't matter what he did thereafter,anything other than a final four appearance was unnacceptable to the "18%". Whoever takes over will NOT have that problem,but any fan of Ky. with anything upstairs better understand that at LEAST the next 2 years are going to be a rebuiding process.

My only problem with Tubby was that all he had to do was RELOAD.Now someone else has to REBUILD.

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^ 95%? Come on....UK has more than 5% complete morons.


I agree, it's probably closer to 10-15%, maybe even 18%, but, the truth of the matter is, every school has those same unrealistic idiots, but, there not UK fans, so, noone notices...

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I agree, it's probably closer to 10-15%, maybe even 18%, but, the truth of the matter is, every school has those same unrealistic idiots, but, there not UK fans, so, noone notices...

If you get to claim having the largest fan base you also get the most idiots... :p

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