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Attention Bluegrassprepers!


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I don't know about anybody else, but I've never been able to read misspelled words faster! Lack of punctuation slows down my progress as well.


Really folks, one of the symptoms of today's society is the fact that not too many people take pride in what they do. It doesn't matter if you're doing an email, cooking a meal, balancing the books at a bank, or fighting a war. You should ALWAYS do your best in anything you do. And if you're not so hot at something, then try harder and learn something! What I fail to see is why folks don't want to do their best in something, regardless of how important or trivial it might be! Like it or not, it tells a major story about your character. But, once again, we are talking about the effort you make and we are trying to get the folks who are chronic in their misuse of the English language, along with misspelled words. A few we can understand. A grammatical error from time to time we can understand. A missed capital letter from time to time we can understand. We are talking about chronic misuse/mistakes, and no effort to try to correct them. And we're talking about posts with so many errors that some of us can't make heads or tails out of your post.


If you don't want to make the effort for us, fine. But you should have enough pride in yourself and what you do that you should do it for yourself!!:D

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There are a select few BGP members that consistently use poor grammar and almost no punctuation, making their posts nearly unreadable.


In my opinion, it severely hurts their credibility. Why should I value the opinion of someone who doesnÕt appear to be able to compose a complete sentence?

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I completely agree with PurpleHaze and westsider. A marvelous and Christlike nun, who also happened to be an elementary school teacher, once told me that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Although she is no longer here, I'm sure she is disappointed to see how our standards, as mentioned by PurpleHaze above, have slipped and continue slip with each passing year.

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Did'nt realize how bad misspelled words effected you guys. I am one who has been bad for it in the past. Usually its in a dark room or I just do not proof read it. Sorry for the trouble or hardship I've caused anyone. As a educator I should know better and slow down and check for mistakes.

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Originally posted by topgun

Did'nt realize how bad misspelled words effected you guys. I am one who has been bad for it in the past. Usually its in a dark room or I just do not proof read it. Sorry for the trouble or hardship I've caused anyone. As a educator I should know better and slow down and check for mistakes.

Misspelled words aren't the problem. Those things happen, whether it be a typo or the wrong word. The problem is some posts that are very dificult to navigate because the grammar and syntax are so bad.

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Originally posted by scooterbob

I completely agree with PurpleHaze and westsider. A marvelous and Christlike nun, who also happened to be an elementary school teacher, once told me that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Although she is no longer here, I'm sure she is disappointed to see how our standards, as mentioned by PurpleHaze above, have slipped and continue slip with each passing year.


Excellent post, scooter!! The nun was right!! I'll bet that she was quite an influence on her students and a GREAT role model!!:cool: :thumb:

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You guys are cracking me up! I can't even believe that there's an argument in this! That's a rhetorical statement, as I've read the reasons in previous posts.


When I was in grade school, we learned to diagram sentences. Some students thought it was the most excruciating exercise of all time. I, personally, enjoyed it. It was like a puzzle to me. The single most important thing I credit my ability to use proper sentence structure and grammar to is diagramming sentences.


As for the spelling issue, I can understand when someone has problems spelling. But, in this day and age, and in this media (internet) one is obviously using a computer. Spell check is a wonderful thing! Not to mention, whatever happened to a good, old-fashioned dictionary?


I'm as guilty as anyone of typo's, and I do try to edit them when I see them. I have a really bad habit of speed-reading, though. A lot of times I skim right over my mistakes. For that, I apologize.


I think it's a great new idea that these guys are implementing. I am trying to be more cognizant of my errors, and trying to be more careful of my posts. The Mods read literally hundreds of posts a day, and I can see where it would be a tedious task to try and decipher what in the heck was written.


Keep up the good work, Mods! I'll try to do my part.



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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


amzanig huh?


Hey GURU is this why the rule went into effect?:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I hope the changes in the SAT are actually made. They are much needed. If some students are not prepared in the basics of a good and proper education, hold the individual school districts responsible. Wouldn't it be interesting to see parents sue school districts and school boards for breach of contract for not providing students with the proper preparation for college and life?

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