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Male 47 Trinity 45

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I was there. Both teams played bad. Painful to watch, that would still be true if we had won only slightly less painful. Sometimes our guys just don't seem to understand the basic fundamentals of basketball. Trinity is a poor passing team.

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Male played without Dexter Heyman. I saw him on crutches during the game. Over heard someone say he broke his ankle. Don't know if that is 100% correct or not. Hopefully someone on here knows for sure. If he is lost for the year, Male will struggle. They won tonight but didn't look like the same team. Dexter is there main man down low and is a big key to them winning.


Some other results from the LIT:


Fairdale beat E-Town 66-63. Pettigrew was in foul trouble some and had 24 points.


Ballard beat PRP by about 20 (don't know the final score). Ballard led big all the way. PRP struggled with Ballards pressure defense. Gowers for Ballard was 4 of 4 from three point range in the first quarter.

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Jacobs did ok. Thought he would have dominated more with Heyman out. I love watching him because he goes hard every minute of every possesion. Noticed he gets angry very easily though. I noticed him yelling at some of his players. I figure it is just his passion. I think he could be a stellar college player.

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jacobs was double teamed so they could not get the ball in to him thats why trinity had trouble scoring

You are correct. But that didn't stop the Rocks from trying:confused:. If the Rocks can't figure out how to score without Tanner, it will be a short season.

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Couldn't get Tanner the ball? He had it on plenty of trips, instead of feeling the double, triple and sometimes quadruple teams and passing it to the perimeter he insists on shooting it. He is a beast on the boards, don't get me wrong but when Male's tallest player is 6'2" and Jacobs and Robey combine for 11 points there is something wrong. Both of them should own the boards and have all the put backs they want.


What Trinity has to figure out is who are the shooters on the team. With a shoot first point guard who struggles shooting you are going to be in trouble. Going 4-19 against Henry Clay at the pt guard spot and losing in OT is crazy. You have a solid two guard who is avering 15-16 ppg and gets maybe 2 plays ran to him all game. Beaumont has 4,5 and sometimes 6 screens for him and our 2 guard gets 2 plays per game. When your pt guard averages double the shots of Chambless and Jacobs you are going to struggle. Not sure what is going on there.


You are correct. But that didn't stop the Rocks from trying:confused:. If the Rocks can't figure out how to score without Tanner, it will be a short season.
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