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Shelby County 79 Rose Hill 49

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The reasons that Gray is the frontrunner have been hashed out in this forum ad nauseum, but the fact remains that when your team's record is what Rose Hill's currently is this season, Queen and Terry will not get the proper consideration. And I obviously believe both deserve consideration and also believe if the Royals record was better that their consideration as candidates would be more prevalent among those around the state. With that said, a good showing in the All-A would go a long way to getting more attention.

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The reasons that Gray is the frontrunner have been hashed out in this forum ad nauseum, but the fact remains that when your team's record is what Rose Hill's currently is this season, Queen and Terry will not get the proper consideration. And I obviously believe both deserve consideration and also believe if the Royals record was better that their consideration as candidates would be more prevalent among those around the state. With that said, a good showing in the All-A would go a long way to getting more attention.


However true it may be, it doesn't explain why Miss Gray was spoken of as such a clear frontrunner prior to the start of the current season. After all, Queen and Terry were members of last year's state runner-up team that compiled a 27-8 record.


My point remains the same...until and unless you tell players to lace up their shoes and decide the matter in a one-on-one contest, you are left with a popularity contest (which is fine, but call it that) or recognizing a player's accomplishments by means of considering career or single season numbers. No one has "proven" anything more than another at this point, other than what they have done on the court. In that regard...a number of players have "proven" a great deal.


I can't understand the resistance to the simple proposal of considering everyone's numbers. One is free to have a preference for a certain player or a style of play...and clearly it is next to impossible to determine who is the "best" player without seeing them go head-to-head...but I would hope that when coaches try to seriously compare players, they, if anyone, would use standards of performance...(here it is again) stats.

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However true it may be, it doesn't explain why Miss Gray was spoken of as such a clear frontrunner prior to the start of the current season. After all, Queen and Terry were members of last year's state runner-up team that compiled a 27-8 record.


My point remains the same...until and unless you tell players to lace up their shoes and decide the matter in a one-on-one contest, you are left with a popularity contest (which is fine, but call it that) or recognizing a player's accomplishments by means of considering career or single season numbers. No one has "proven" anything more than another at this point, other than what they have done on the court. In that regard...a number of players have "proven" a great deal.


I can't understand the resistance to the simple proposal of considering everyone's numbers. One is free to have a preference for a certain player or a style of play...and clearly it is next to impossible to determine who is the "best" player without seeing them go head-to-head...but I would hope that when coaches try to seriously compare players, they, if anyone, would use standards of performance...(here it is again) stats.


Excellent points, Himmelfarb. Unfortunately, as we both know, everything in life is controlled by politics. These awards are no different. It is obvious that the decision, as it was last year, was made long ago.

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The cries of bias on this thread have come from those supporting the schools of the players other than Gray mentioned. This is common in respect to all large scale MVP type awards. In football, Casey Clark's numbers were posted by the Russell fans and those in Louisville made the agrument for either Beaumont or Anderson. I personally thought Brandon Webb should have won the Rookie of the Year over D. Willis, wasn't the case. As in all cases every player mentioned is deserving in some way and all have weaknesses. When everyone empties their bladder, the contest will end.

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A lot of season left to be played. Rose Hill was rated #3 and #4 preseason so the coaches in the state know about Queen and Terry. Coaches will choose Miss Basketball so I just dont buy this bias stuff.


I don't think anyone is calling it "bias". I think we are more concerned with prejudging. Rose Hill's girls have gotten a lot of coverage and are well known throughout the Commonwealth. Nonetheless, it is not likely that either girl will get much consideration for Miss Basketball but they will get some votes. Now if that is the case for them, just think how the process hurts a player of equal ability and accomplishments like Jessica Fortman of Russell who still remains an unknown statewide.

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Politically speaking, what makes Gray so much more popular around the state than any of the other viable candidates for Miss Basketball? What does she have that the other candidates don't?


Goegraphy. She is more centrally located to the Lexington media. The TV coverage, radio talk shows, and Herald Leader coverage give her the advantage over the other players you are looking for in your question.

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First of all, I want to make it clear that nothing would make me happier than to see Either Terry or Queen be selected as Miss Basketball. They are definitely as deserving as anyone for the award.


I don't know if I necessarily buy the fact that Gray is more of a lock for this honor just due to geography. Queen has been well known to Kentucky coaches and media since she was a sophomore. Both Queen and Terry have definitely recieved a lot of attention (and rightfully so) from their impressive state tournament performance last year. This is evident in Rose Hill's preseason #3 state ranking.


In any type of subjective award, there will always be biases and ulterior motives from those casting the votes, many of which are solely due to where the voters live. The only way to eliminate all bias would be to eliminate the award.

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I think Queen and Terry are playing with two more handicaps, but I'll leave it at that.





I would hope the two hadicaps you are referring to are not the two coaches, because these are the same two coaches that took Rose Hill to the State Championship game last year.

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I would hope the two hadicaps you are referring to are not the two coaches, because these are the same two coaches that took Rose Hill to the State Championship game last year.


I don't have a reply to your comments on the coaches. I just wanted to respond to your screen name.





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I would hope the two hadicaps you are referring to are not the two coaches, because these are the same two coaches that took Rose Hill to the State Championship game last year.


I think I was as close to the situation as anyone who didn't have a child on the team. I saw the high points and I saw the lows. I don't think any other coach in Kentucky could have led that team to the finals of the state tournament other than Coach Euton and Coach Watkins. On the other hand, I am quite sure that there are a number of coaches who think that they could have done so. They are mistaken.

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The cries of bias on this thread have come from those supporting the schools of the players other than Gray mentioned. This is common in respect to all large scale MVP type awards. In football, Casey Clark's numbers were posted by the Russell fans and those in Louisville made the agrument for either Beaumont or Anderson. I personally thought Brandon Webb should have won the Rookie of the Year over D. Willis, wasn't the case. As in all cases every player mentioned is deserving in some way and all have weaknesses. When everyone empties their bladder, the contest will end.


I've accused no one of bias...not on the part of the media nor of those coaches who will vote on the matter. Neither am I campaigning for any player, although I readily admit my own bias.


This entire discussion for me revolves around the only article I've read to date about the matter, the Cats Pause season preview, in which the author described Rebecca Gray as the clear favorite for the title of Miss Basketball and chose to illustrate his suggestion by citing her stats. What was obvious to me was his failure to demonstrate that at least one other candidate had better figures...and I suspect there are others. How difficult would it have been to do some elementary research for such an article? And how does one know just who is the favorite? Did he conduct a poll?


I would further point out...and I am open for correction on the matter...that most of those who will cast a vote will have never seen those players about whom they are supposed to make a judgment. That can't be avoided and I don't fret about it. What is a problem, and I would hope that others more closely associated with the process would share my concerns, is that there are coaches who will undoubtedly cast their vote based entirely upon what they read in Cats Pause. They should have been given more accurate and comprehensive information. Those players who are eligible deserve a more careful and thorough consideration.

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I had a social studies teacher in high school that refused to let us use the word 'fair' in his class. He said life isn't fair and you may as well get used to it. At that time, it confused me, but it is one of those great lessons that sticks with you throughout your adult life and each time you are reminded of your wonderful teacher way back in the day.


Unfortunately, the situation all are describing that is happening on the state level happens in all areas of sports. Even on the local level, more easily recognizable names often get the recognition and attention of the press, the sporting community etc. Is it, shall I say it? FAIR? No, but it happens. It isn't right either, but it happens. It is definitely a shame too.


The same holds true for offensive and defensive players. Score points: you are a hero. Play good hard defense and make numerous assist and get no recognition at all.

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