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BGP QOTD: What movie(s) freaked you out when you were younger?

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100%. I still have some nightmares with Michael Myers involved.


Also, A Nightmare on Elm Street. I hadn’t even seen it, just looked at the box in the rental store. Knowing the concept was enough. Plus, there was a striped blanket in my closet that looked just like his shirt.

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Blair Witch Project. I enjoyed the movie an was somewhat scared while viewing. It was until I walked into the deer woods that first time that I really was a bit frightened. Needless to say I do not watch that movie during fall/winter anymore.

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When I was pretty young one of my older brothers had friend with a penchant for horror movies. I ended up watching more of those movies than I probably should have before I'd reached 4th grade or so. Among others, I remember watching The Exorcist (1973), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), The Pit (1981), The Thing (1982), and Ghost Town (1988). All of those kept me up at night at some time or other, but The Exorcist is the only one that still makes my skin crawl.

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The original "Nightmare on Elm Street" was not just scary, but legitimately kept me from being able to sleep for a couple days.


"The Fog" really creeped me out as well.


Blair Witch was extremely scary, and unsettling, and kept me tense the entire movie, and left me worn out at the end. I'm glad I saw it before it became common knowledge that it wasn't real.

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Blair Witch Project. I enjoyed the movie an was somewhat scared while viewing. It was until I walked into the deer woods that first time that I really was a bit frightened. Needless to say I do not watch that movie during fall/winter anymore.


Yes the deer stand is where it got me too! I hate watching anything that makes me nervous walking into the woods in the dark.

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Never really been one to get creeped out by movies because I know they're not real, so they don't bother me.


My sister in law was always freaked out by about "Children of the Corn". I used to do stuff like hang a hand scythe outside her window. It scared the crap out of her.


I was bad.

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