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Take The "Older Than Dirt" Quiz


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1) Black Jack chewing gum

2) Wax coke shaped bottles

3) candy cigarettes

4) soda pop machines that dispensed bottles

5) coffee shops with table side juke boxes

6) home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard lids

7) party telephone lines

8) news reels before the movie

12) Howdy Doody

13) 45 rpm records

14) S&H green stamps

15) metal ice trays with lever

16) mimeograph paper

17) blue flash bulbs

18) roller skate keys

19) drive-in movie theatres


If you remember 0 to 5 your a whippersnapper


If you remember 6 to 15 your getting there


If you remember 16 to 19 your older than dirt



Yeppers..I'm older than dirt.

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Ok, I got 16 of them...but I AIN'T older than dirt! It hasn't been all that long ago that some of those things went the way of the dodo bird. heck, drive ins still exist, as do candy cigs (got a pack not too long ago).


Now, if anyone says "yes" to #8, then they would have to say yes to all of them because I think those went away in the 50's.


They had the news reels before the movies in the early 1960's at my hometown theater. Not before every movie, most the time it was cartoons, but occasionally there would be a news reel. But I'm sure the heyday of the newsreel was the '40's and '50's.


I checked 16 of the the list.

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Ok, I got 16 of them...but I AIN'T older than dirt! It hasn't been all that long ago that some of those things went the way of the dodo bird. heck, drive ins still exist, as do candy cigs (got a pack not too long ago).


Now, if anyone says "yes" to #8, then they would have to say yes to all of them because I think those went away in the 50's.


They actually went into the 60's. I saw a newsreel and a cartoon, prior to the first movie I remember seeing in a theater in 1966 "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming". I do not remember any previews though.

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I don't remember Black Jack Chewing Gum, home delivery of milk in glass bottles (at least not in my little town) or roller skate keys (there wasn't a roller skate business in my county, so that wasn't a big thing when I was growing up).



The best I can remember is I wore hard soled shoes (my worn out church shoes) to wear the skates. The key loosened the hatches on the front that you hooked into the rims of the soles where the leather met the sole and then tightened or clasped on.. The key was on an old shoe string that I stuck in my sock. We skated on the street because no one had a concrete or blacktop driveway in my neighborhood. It was much harder than roller rink skates. Falling on the street hurt like crazy because they clasps came off often. never stopped us, though. We just got up and went on.


My grandma had 45's and the first one I remember was Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou" on one side and "Travelin' Man" on the other. I literally had no money to buy 45's until 1971 my junior year in high school when I got a rudimentary record player (not a stereo) with money from my grocery store job in 1971. The first 45 I bought with my own money was "Brown Sugar" by the Rolling Stones. My grandma bought lots of them before then. I was with her many times when she did. She loved Patsy Cline and Elvis.

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There's tons more memories like baseball cards or playing cards attached to the spokes of my bike with clothes pins to make a motor sound. We played tackle football with no equipment in the front yards of the subdivision. We would play through four yards, it was tackle in the grass(yard) and two hand touch on the driveways. Well, it was supposed to be, we tackled on the driveways a lot of the time.


The most trouble I think I ever got in as a kid is, I traded my bicycle for a popsicle when I was 5 or 6. It took my mom some negotiating to get it back plus my dad wore my behind out.

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There are still some drive-in movie theatres around. I still sort of remember my first one (my dad wouldn't go to an inside theatre). We saw a first-run double-feature - The Absent Minded Professor and The Commancheros. I remember the opening scene of the The Commancheros, the second movie, then I fell asleep. I was 7 at the time. Drive-ins were still pretty popular when I was in high school, and I double-dated many times to the drive-in. There weren't many inside theatres around at the time.

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There's tons more memories like baseball cards or playing cards attached to the spokes of my bike with clothes pins to make a motor sound. We played tackle football with no equipment in the front yards of the subdivision. We would play through four yards, it was tackle in the grass(yard) and two hand touch on the driveways. Well, it was supposed to be, we tackled on the driveways a lot of the time.


The most trouble I think I ever got in as a kid is, I traded my bicycle for a popsicle when I was 5 or 6. It took my mom some negotiating to get it back plus my dad wore my behind out.


One of my favorite memories is having a Little Indian mini bike. I don't remember where I got it or what happened to it. I can't remember the size of the motor but it was FAST. It had a two speed automatic transmission. It seemed like it took forever to shift into second gear, but when it did, it was like being shot out of a cannon.


One day my brother asked if he could ride it. I told him it was fast and he just rolled his eyes and said "yea,right." When he came back his eyes were as big as silver dollars and his hair looked like a voo-doo doll with the frizzed out hair. I still kind of chuckle just thinking about it.


Every time I watch the pickers I get about half sick. Who knows what it be worth today. :irked:

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No news reels for me, that is likely because the only movie I saw in a theater before I was 16, was The Sound of Music. Glass milk bottles, I knew if them, we just brought our milk in from the milk house after milking. Yep, older than dirt here.

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Not perfect, but OLDER THAN DIRT.


I have no recollection of telephone numbers with a word prefix or the Black Jack gum. Can someone enlighten an old guy? :)


In the 50's and 60's I believe phone numbers were the designated area where you lived and the 5 numbers following. I lived in the Okolona area of Louisville and our word prefix was Woodland. The number was WO9-****, when those numbers were used it went to WO4-****, In the mid to late 60's it went away and people said 969-****, just because you didn't have to look up the corresponding letters with numbers. I distinctly remember having to memorize my phone number and address in 1st grade in 1960 and it was WO9-6471.

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