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The Clintons Have Done Enough Damage


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Thought I'd stumbled across a honest and interesting take on the election results, only to find out it was another lefty rant with the typical talking points (Amazing how consistent the left is--Remember "Gravitas" being repeated incessantly when few knew what the word meant?). Writer did make some good points, up until the rant however, and in his summation.


Regarding the "hacking", count me as one who hopes we get to the bottom of this and respond accordingly. Trump would do everyone a service, if he appropriately waited until he actually took office; and then spoke out against the Russians if they prove to be connected.


Slightly off topic, in the interest of fairness and equal information; I tuned to CNN tonight when I saw they had a documentary on Obama's legacy. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of hearing condemnation of Trump's supposed platform & actions (Obviously yet to be determined) instead of discussion of BHO's legacy, I was forced to finish up some paperwork.


BTW--Where the heck is Hillary??

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Thought I'd stumbled across a honest and interesting take on the election results, only to find out it was another lefty rant with the typical talking points (Amazing how consistent the left is--Remember "Gravitas" being repeated incessantly when few knew what the word meant?). Writer did make some good points, up until the rant however, and in his summation.


Regarding the "hacking", count me as one who hopes we get to the bottom of this and respond accordingly. Trump would do everyone a service, if he appropriately waited until he actually took office; and then spoke out against the Russians if they prove to be connected.


Slightly off topic, in the interest of fairness and equal information; I tuned to CNN tonight when I saw they had a documentary on Obama's legacy. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of hearing condemnation of Trump's supposed platform & actions (Obviously yet to be determined) instead of discussion of BHO's legacy, I was forced to finish up some paperwork.


BTW--Where the heck is Hillary??


Who cares?

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Strange ain't it? Did Romney or Gore go the Inauguration? Bill doesn't have to go as a former POTUS does he?


No one has to go...Bill as a former Potus should go. Gore attended as the out going VP, not sure if Romney did or not. McCain attended as well.

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