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"Gone with the Wind" should go the way of the Confederate flag.

Irish Cat

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That some can't tell the difference between removing a largely offensive flag from atop a government building and banning everything they don't like... It's baffling to me. This author wrote an opinion piece. Call me when the Supreme Court is debating its merits. Until then, consider it click bait fodder (hey, it worked) and chalk it up as "nothing to see here." Whether you agree with their opinion or not - I don't - they have every right to express it.

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Personally I don't give a flip over the flag flap, but the folks that do should also be calling for a ban on rap music.. Full of racial hatred and violence, but hey, it's free speech....


No one is banning anything.

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Pretty sure most folks of at least limited intelligence know that.. Just another example of the hypocritical thinking of what "offends" folks...


You paint "rap music" with a pretty broad brush. Could you cite me some examples of the racial hatred so that I know which tracks, albums, or artists you'd like me to campaign against?


The confederate flag flying above the South Carolina state capitol, however, is concrete. It started flying in the early 1960s as the state government was fighting a war against integration. There's nothing overbroad or ambiguous there: they put it up as a symbol of racial segregation during a period of massive change away from it.

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You paint "rap music" with a pretty broad brush. Could you cite me some examples of the racial hatred so that I know which tracks, albums, or artists you'd like me to campaign against?


The confederate flag flying above the South Carolina state capitol, however, is concrete. It started flying in the early 1960s as the state government was fighting a war against integration. There's nothing overbroad or ambiguous there: they put it up as a symbol of racial segregation during a period of massive change away from it.

Thanks, but I fully understand and actually agree with the flag issue......
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