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Will 2014 be a changing of the guard year?

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The past 4-5 years, one thing you could pretty much bet on would be that Trinity, BGreen, Highlands, Central, NCC and Mayfield would make an appearance in BGreen. Maybe not all every year, but, at least 4 of those every year and all of them more times than not. Will that trend continue or will there be a changing of the guard in 2014?


Maybe 2013 was the beginning of the change as teams like Desales, Collins, Scott Co made there way to the dance to take home the title, but, it seemed most felt last year was more an anomoly than anything else, but, was it really or was it just the beginning. Are times really changing in regard to the state of Ky HS football?


In the past several years, all the above teams have either been the concensus favorite to win it all in there respective classes or at the very least, one of the top 2 contenders. For some reason, this year seems alot different to me. I'm not sure any of these teams would be considered the concensus favorite this year. Sure, they'll still contend and be a strong team and tough out, but, will this be the year that we don't see the same ole same ole teams taking home the hardware or even making the treck to BG?


Is it just me or is there a little different feel about things this year?

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You may be right, but, it doesn't feel near as much of a lock as in past years. IMO, Trinity is a step or 2 behind Male and Scott Co.. BG is likely still the favorite, but, WC and J.Hardin seem to be more on par with the Purples this year. More questions in the Highlands camp this year than in past and Cov Cath, Lex Cath and Boyle all seem to be on the uptick this year. Central is young and alot of teams from the west could beat them this year. I'd say NCC is a pretty good bet to get back to the title, but, I could see PBurg knocking them off and Mayfield looks to be seriously challenged by Beechwood and Frankfort this year. While all of these teams may make it back to the title game and win it all, I don't think they are near the heavy favorites as they've been in the past few years.

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You may be right, but, it doesn't feel near as much of a lock as in past years. IMO, Trinity is a step or 2 behind Male and Scott Co.. BG is likely still the favorite, but, WC and J.Hardin seem to be more on par with the Purples this year. More questions in the Highlands camp this year than in past and Cov Cath, Lex Cath and Boyle all seem to be on the uptick this year. Central is young and alot of teams from the west could beat them this year. I'd say NCC is a pretty good bet to get back to the title, but, I could see PBurg knocking them off and Mayfield looks to be seriously challenged by Beechwood and Frankfort this year. While all of these teams may make it back to the title game and win it all, I don't think they are near the heavy favorites as they've been in the past few years.


In my opinion, and I would hope in most Bowling Green fans opinions, JH has been on par with the Purples the last two years. So I don't think it's accurate to say that JH is more on par with BG this year. That being said, 5A should be very exciting this year as there is no clear cut favorite.

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Hoss, I was, by no means, dissing J.Hardin, if thats the way it came out. Just saying, for the most part, BG has been a solid #1 ranked team in 5a the past few years and this year, while most will still have them at #1 because of the streak, it's not near as clear cut as in the past few years. I think J.H. and W.C. are right there from the west and Pulaski and Mad Southern right there with them from the east.

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I think 4 or 5 of those 6 will be there. And you would be hard pressed to find an HHS fan that thinks T is a "step or 2 behind Male and Scott Co.". Only time will tell.


Male did beat them twice last year and from all accounts, they return more from last years team then Trinity does. As far as what HHS fans think, to me, they sounded pretty unimpressed with what T brings to the table this year in comparison to years past.

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Male did beat them twice last year and from all accounts, they return more from last years team then Trinity does. As far as what HHS fans think, to me, they sounded pretty unimpressed with what T brings to the table this year in comparison to years past.


I personally think Trinity and HHS are down from the past 5 or 6yrs.. It will defiantely be an interesting year imo..

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In my opinion, and I would hope in most Bowling Green fans opinions, JH has been on par with the Purples the last two years. So I don't think it's accurate to say that JH is more on par with BG this year. That being said, 5A should be very exciting this year as there is no clear cut favorite.

Hoss, I definitely think JHardin close to BG the past two years. Two years ago was the hook n ladder game where BG hit on 4th and 21 from their 20 plus a 2 point conversion to win by 1. Last year at BG was one of the best comebacks I've seen to norrowly miss, so yeah they were right tbere. This year is a toss up with about 5 good teams with a realistic chance to win.

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Mayfield will likely be there again and if they lose to Beechwood it not like it would be a huge change. NCC is never really been a huge favorite to win 2A but they always show up in the end somehow so if they make the Final again it is not that much change. Highlands will be right there and Trinity will be right there. BG I think will win it.

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Heres the thing:


Up until last year, Central has been the #1 team in 3a from nearly start to finish every year in the past 5. I don't see it this year. I see them as a solid Top 10 team, likely top 5, but, Belfry should replace them as the concensus favorite. That, in itself is a change.


While NCC will likely make the title game, I think there are 3-4 teams from the west side of the bracket that would be favored over them this year. That certainly hasn't been the case in prior years as if they weren't ranked #1, they were at least #2. This year, probably not.


Mayfield has had a great 5 year run behind 2 great QBs in the Guhy brothers and JJackson. While Beechwood & Frankfort have always been there primary competition, I believe they were still head and shoulders better and the scores bore that out. I think these 2 teams are much closer in talent level this year and probably moreso from an experience perspective. I don't see Mayfield as the clearcut dominant team that theyve been in recent years.


Highlands has completely dominated 4a the past several years and it hasn't been that close. They've been on a tremendous run. Collins did pull the upset last year as Highlands defense showed some flaws and vulnerability not seen in prior HHS teams. Now, with a new coach and a few more question marks than most years, several other teams are looking more on par withe Bluebirds than any year I can remember in a long time.


Until 2013, it has been pretty much a foregone conclusion that Trinity was going to be handed the trophy when all was said and done and they did little to give anyone much hope of any other result, but, while they're surely going to be a strong contender, that aura of vicibility no longer exists. Alot of teams in state played T tough last year while others overtook them, so, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that T gets handed the trophy this year. There are several other teams that can go toe to toe with them. Again, that's a change.


BG has also been on a tremendous run with a couple of outstanding classes that are no longer roving the sidelines. They'll still be tough, but, not the dominant force of years past making that a change, as well.

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Fair questions and you bring up some good points UK educated one...


I can tell you this much though, both Highlands and T may not like the results of last yr but it will certainly be much nicer not carrying the pressures that go with keeping the run going and playing the underdog card this yr...LOL


Ask Rocky Balboa:thumb: "Adrian, Adriannnnnnnnn"

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Hoss, I was, by no means, dissing J.Hardin, if thats the way it came out. Just saying, for the most part, BG has been a solid #1 ranked team in 5a the past few years and this year, while most will still have them at #1 because of the streak, it's not near as clear cut as in the past few years. I think J.H. and W.C. are right there from the west and Pulaski and Mad Southern right there with them from the east.




No issues my friend. I just think sometimes it's forgotten how close JH has been the last two years to being called the two time defending champions. But like has been said, that was a magical class for BG and they knew they were going to win their games in the end. All credit goes to them.

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