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A Bengal Under Pressure: Andy Dalton

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This passage from the article says it all and is what I said about him panicking under pressure for 2 years now....his rookie year I gave him a pass, it was his rookie year afterall.


"Dalton comes from the Kevin Kolb and Blaine Gabbert school, which is a school that should probably be shut down, demolished, and declared a Superfund site. Quarterbacks in this class often struggle to diagnose pressure before the snap and do a subpar job of capturing who exactly is coming at them when defenses disguise their blitzers. Even worse, when they do feel even the tiniest bit of pressure heading in their direction, passers like Kolb and Gabbert bail out of the pocket and frantically sprint toward the sideline like ants trying to escape feet. The coup de grâce is a dangerous pass, one often thrown to the first hint of a friendly uniform without resetting and reexamining the field to see where defenders have settled."

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Doesn't equate to owning a successful pro sports franchise. Oh unless you count making tons of money.


For some, like the Brown family, owning a business is ALL about making money. Your happiness or lack thereof doesn't impact them in the least.

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That article is brutal as a Gals fan. Funny how all the articles about him mention his arm isn't big enough yet people on here say I'm wrong every time I mention it.


You have to admit that even though Dalton has proved you right, he also has proved you wrong too. You made it sound like from the very beginning that his arm would prevent him from doing that well. When in reality even though he doesn't have the strongest arm, his arm has not been a huge reason for when he does struggle. He has gotten better every year and last year alone they were a top 10 offense and the 6th best scoring offense and that was without much of a running game. So he is doing something right. What has hurt him more than his arm ever has is his inability to handle not only the pressure a defense may bring on a blitz, but the pressure of a big game. He seems to get to uptight and even to hyped up sometimes. Its been more mental IMO for his struggles than his arm. Yes he won't win many deep throwing contest with other NFL starters, however his arm has been good enough and will be good enough down if he can mentally handle big moments.

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