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TV Shows you will never watch

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The worst on TV, IMO, are the 'fake' reality shows. Those jokers are never going to find Bigfoot.


Wait.....I thought there were pictures and sound recordings and footprint casts and hair and............not real, are you kiddin' me? Dangit! I guess I gotta' clean out my DVR. But that'll leave more room for the jackalope shows!

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That's pure Comedy!!! I get more laughs making fun of those guys than I do watching Sit-Coms!


See, my wife watches all that crap and I'll sit down and do the same. But she gets PO'd at me which makes me laugh even more. Come to think of it, that's probably why I get cut off quite a bit.

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I despise every:

-pseudo reality show. That includes Big Brother, Real House Wives of Anywhere, all talent shows, anything that has to do with bad girls, dance moms or Snooki.

-Judge "somebody" show.

-soap operas

-daytime talk shows like the View, the Chew, Oprah, Springer, etc

-vampire, zombie, or weird alien shows

-King of the Hill, Family Guy, Simpsons, pretty much any of the modern animated crap.


For the most part I'm left with sports, movies, and HBO originals. There are only 5 shows that I have seen every episode of. Mash, House, The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire, and Game of Thones.

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If I'm bored enough (and I'm rarely bored at all), I'll watch anything. Last night I watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians.


As an aside, Bruce needs to lay off the plastic surgery! His mouth is becoming like the Joker's, and it's sad to see!

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Series TV bores me to tears. I've gotten to where I can predict the next scene. I used to watch pilots to see if they could surprise me. 99.99% of the time, I can lip sync the dialog it's so predictable. Doesn't matter the network, HBO, Starz, Showtime, CBS, NBC, ...


Reality TV. None of it. Manufactured drama is not entertaining to me. Survivor, Big Brother, and any other "Game". Any talent show. Most anything on History, now. H2 is even starting to show that junk. Duck Dynasty, and the like. Any restoration or repair show unless it sticks with details of the restoration, not the deals and personalities of those buying the items or doing the restoring. More manufactured drama.


I really don't watch that much TV, anymore. I'd rather be surfin' the web or reading a book.

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Any Pageant show, Toddler's and Tiara's comes to mind (Just people living their life prostituting their kids)

Kardashians (see above)

Seinfeld (IMO only one episode worth watching)Soaps (all of them)

The View


Any Dance Competition program

Basically any thing on MTV

Vampire or Zombie shows


"The contest"?

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It would be easier for me to list the shows that I will watch. I used to say that I hated "reality" TV shows, but the quality of TV series has declined so much, the writing on a few reality shows is better. So, I make exceptions for shows like "Pawn Stars" and a few others such as the gold mining shows because I do learn something from those shows.


The more I watch TV news the worse I like it. I refuse to watch anything on MSNBC, rarely watch CNN, and I am very selective about what I watch on Fox News. As for ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox, I never watch those network's newscasts. The Sunday news shows, which I used to watch on a weekly basis, are now mostly propaganda fests, with the same guests appearing on the same Sunday on multiple networks spouting the same talking points.


I miss Tim Russert's Meet the Press. I am sick of seeing John McCain and Lindsey Graham speaking on behalf of Republicans. No wonder the GOP is having trouble winning big elections.


If I lived alone, then I would probably ditch TV completely. I see it as a big waste of my time.

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It would be easier for me to list the shows that I will watch. I used to say that I hated "reality" TV shows, but the quality of TV series has declined so much, the writing on a few reality shows is better. So, I make exceptions for shows like "Pawn Stars" and a few others such as the gold mining shows because I do learn something from those shows.


The more I watch TV news the worse I like it. I refuse to watch anything on MSNBC, rarely watch CNN, and I am very selective about what I watch on Fox News. As for ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox, I never watch those network's newscasts. The Sunday news shows, which I used to watch on a weekly basis, are now mostly propaganda fests, with the same guests appearing on the same Sunday on multiple networks spouting the same talking points.


I miss Tim Russert's Meet the Press. I am sick of seeing John McCain and Lindsey Graham speaking on behalf of Republicans. No wonder the GOP is having trouble winning big elections.


If I lived alone, then I would probably ditch TV completely. I see it as a big waste of my time.


I'm with you with just about everything here. Maybe I just get more jaded as I age, but there's little if anything on television other than sports and movies that I watch. I usually have the TV on, but that's because I like to read with a little background noise.


I do like stuff like "Gold Rush", "Deadliest Catch" and several of the auction/pickers-type shows.

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I try to watch two or three Seinfeld's a night on TBS. Other than that it's sports or Military Chanel (which used to be what History Chanel was before the pawn shop and junk finders show took over the network)

Love when Kramer comes back into Jerry's apt. and slams his money down on the counter "I'm Out"!

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