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Benghazi...To paraphrase the left from several years ago...

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Actually that email really doesn't say anything other than they need to get their story straight. Doesn't talk about what happened or what they didn't want out etc.


Right, "Sources" told 2 news organizations that this email requested that terms like terror attack be scrubbed. Those 2 organizations ran with the story which is obviously false.

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We are not corrupt....we are idiots.


Officials on Benghazi: "We made mistakes, but without malice" - CBS News


So corrupt or incompetent (or both)?


Does it matter? Does not either (or both) make one unfit to lead?


The types of mistakes and corruption by an administration of such importance does make the leader unfit to lead. If all these mistakes happen at a company, the CEO is fired. No confidence in leadership leads to low morale and that is where we are now with Obama and his administration. Mistrust.

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First of all a source speaking anonymous should be wire tapped by DOJ and found out in case they leak more info.


But if they admit being idiots, then why do we want them to lead us.


And if they are so transparent, tell us who the heck ordered the stand down. The longer they keep that secret the more it has to lead to Hillary and the Dem Party is afraid it will ruin her 2016 run for Pres.

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