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Newport Central Catholic 63 Ryle 54

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If someone told me that Grant kept the Breds after the game for practice I would believe it! He was not a happy camper with the play of his team tonight. A win is a win, but it was not pretty. However, much of the credit definitely goes to the Raiders who played one hell of a game. They deserve a ton of credit for the hustle they displayed tonight, along with some very nice passing and excellent execution in their offense.


The 1st 3 quarters the Breds maintain the lead, but never eclipsing double digits, as the "pesky" Raiders would NOT back down. Everytime it looked like the Breds were going to go on a run at really take command the Raiders found a way to get back in it.


Ryle scores the 1st bucket in the 4th to make it a 4 pt. game, but the size and stamina of the Breds was too much to overcome. The Breds opened up a 15 point advantage with under 2:30 to go, but the Raiders would not give up. They forced a few turnovers and converted, albeit with McDonald, Schulte, & Pangallo out, and got it to under 10 but the Breds hang on.


Schulte and McDonald were just too much for the Raiders to contain inside and Pangallo had the hot hand outside.


I really wish I had the names of some of the kids from Ryle because they deserve alot of credit. Was shocked at the Ryle fanbase, including parents, you could have fit them all on one bus and still have room. The way this team played tonight, they deserve better!!


NewCath (27-2) 12-15-19-17 63

Ryle.......(10-15) 10-12-18-14 54


NewCath scoring by quarters


McDonald 6-2-7-6 = 21

Pangallo..5-0-7-2 = 14

Schulte...1-6-2-4 = 13

Bueter....0-5-3-3 = 11

Seibert...0-2-0-2 = 4

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This was bound to happen after the last couple of weeks when they ran through the A tourney and outplayed and beat Holmes. These are kids and sometimes we forget that. NCC still won and that is a good thing for them. They will realize probably that you cannnot overlook anyone that has decent talent.

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This was bound to happen after the last couple of weeks when they ran through the A tourney and outplayed and beat Holmes. These are kids and sometimes we forget that. NCC still won and that is a good thing for them. They will realize probably that you cannnot overlook anyone that has decent talent.


Very good points Maniac.

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I agree with Q. They won a HUGE game, but that isn't going to get them to the promised land. I know Grant is a great coach but he needs to find a way to keep his guys hungry.


Don't know if this was HUGE game, but one they should have won and did. Losing this game would have had no effect on going forward. Ryle seems to be getting it together.

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No bench points for NCC.


I know they have shortened the bench a bit as the season has progressed, but they may need a bucket or two from off the bench to make it to Rupp.


While your point is valid, a good bench does not necessarily have to provide points. While I would agree it would be nice to see the bench sink a bucket or two, the Breds bench when called upon has provided many valuable minutes to give the starting 5 a much need rest or fill-in when someone has gotten into foul trouble. Weyer, Dupont, & Devoto, who get the bulk of the bench minutes, have scored some and have done a very good job in their role ball handling and on "D".

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This was bound to happen after the last couple of weeks when they ran through the A tourney and outplayed and beat Holmes. These are kids and sometimes we forget that. NCC still won and that is a good thing for them. They will realize probably that you cannnot overlook anyone that has decent talent.


NCC's guard play on defense was poor and that is being kind. They were consistantly beat off the dribble especially Pangallo & Siebert. Ryle's guards penetrated the lane at will putting pressure on the bigs to try and defend. Maybe they were coasting a little but on ball pressure was poor.

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So you have already given them a win over Highlands?


The intent was not a slap in the face but as soon as I posted it I knew you would question it. Of the teams in the district Newport is the only one that has shown any type of ability to beat NCC. NOT Bellevue NOT Dayton NOT Highlands. By your same line of questioning you should have asked me if I have given Newport a win over either Bellevue or Dayton..........


So to answer your question IN MY OPINION Highlands has not shown anything that would lead me to believe that they can step up and beat NCC. Now I also believe that Highlands is one of the biggest disapppointments in the region this season. Injuries, poor guard play, and no ability to score for whatever reason, would be three things I have witnessed. I think they have talent and have the ability somewhere in that group to be competitive but it has not come out all year as of yet.


Maybe in the district it will; in fact I hope it does. Would like nothing better than to see NCC get knocked off.......:thumb:

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