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Ain't no homos going to make it to heaven

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Saying that someone is ignorant is very disrespectful. Demeaning is defined as "Cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something)."


I would disagree with your first sentence. I'm very ignorant of many things. It's not demeaning to me because I know what the word actually means. Now if someone doesn't know what the word means, then I could see that as being received in a "demeaning" way. However the problem still lies with the "ignorance" of the listener.

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I would disagree with your first sentence. I'm very ignorant of many things. It's not demeaning to me because I know what the word actually means. Now if someone doesn't know what the word means, then I could see that as being received in a "demeaning" way. However the problem still lies with the "ignorance" of the listener.


We're not talking about a skill though. We're talking about someone's ideology. If I were to say that "I believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior and not a natural behavior" and you said "You are ignorant for believing that." You wouldn't see that as disrespectful?

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We're not talking about a skill though. We're talking about someone's ideology. If I were to say that "I believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior and not a natural behavior" and you said "You are ignorant for believing that." You wouldn't see that as disrespectful?


Same way white folks in Mississippi in the 1950s found it disrespectful when those "n*****-loving communist agitators" came to town and told those folks they were wrong for lynching black people.


Sometimes, people have to be drug out of their caves, kicking and screaming, before they see the light.

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We're not talking about a skill though. We're talking about someone's ideology. If I were to say that "I believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior and not a natural behavior" and you said "You are ignorant for believing that." You wouldn't see that as disrespectful?



Not if you backed up your assertion. I remember going to seminary with a guy who thought his graders were too liberal and that was why he received poor grades. I told him, "When you are asked to give an essay answer you have to back it up with something you've studied. You can't just say 'Cause I say so' in your answer and leave it at that."


Again, I'm ignorant on many things and don't believe I have all the answers. I'm willing to look for truth even if I think I have the truth. To me, ignorance is always preventable.

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Please explain.I'm always into learning something new.


The interracial marriage example is different because nowhere in the Bible or in sacred church texts is there anything that even implies that interracial relationships are wrong. Whether you believe the Bible or not, no one can deny that scriptures within the Bible condemn homosexuality. Therefore if churches base their perspective, ideology, or doctrine on scripture then they will preach that particular message and teach there children to do so as well.


This issue is different then the interracial marriage issue because interracial marriage is not spoken against in any liturgical documents.


I'm not trying to open up a whole new can o' worms but simply trying to respond to you.

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The interracial marriage example is different because nowhere in the Bible or in sacred church texts is there anything that even implies that interracial relationships are wrong. Whether you believe the Bible or not, no one can deny that scriptures within the Bible condemn homosexuality. Therefore if churches base their perspective, ideology, or doctrine on scripture then they will preach that particular message and teach there children to do so as well.


This issue is different then the interracial marriage issue because interracial marriage is not spoken against in any liturgical documents.


I'm not trying to open up a whole new can o' worms but simply trying to respond to you.


Where in the Bible does it teach us to use derogatory words or to applaud when judging that people are going to hell?

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The interracial marriage example is different because nowhere in the Bible or in sacred church texts is there anything that even implies that interracial relationships are wrong.


Then I wonder why some churches from the past and present have a problem with interracial relationships?Do you think they are interpreting the Bible wrong?

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The interracial marriage example is different because nowhere in the Bible or in sacred church texts is there anything that even implies that interracial relationships are wrong. Whether you believe the Bible or not, no one can deny that scriptures within the Bible condemn homosexuality. Therefore if churches base their perspective, ideology, or doctrine on scripture then they will preach that particular message and teach there children to do so as well.


This issue is different then the interracial marriage issue because interracial marriage is not spoken against in any liturgical documents.


I'm not trying to open up a whole new can o' worms but simply trying to respond to you.


The Bible also says it's wrong to eat shellfish. Do you eat shrimp?


And before you go and throw that whole "Christ is the new covenant" and all that other such stuff that says the New Testament is all that matters, I thought the Bible was the inerrant, literal Word of God, not to be parsed out by any human being? If the Bible is the inerrant, literal Word of God, you can't say one part is meaningless and the rest is meaningful just because it suits some bigoted argument. In other words, you can't pick and choose parts of the OT that suit your argument and dismiss the rest.

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The Bible also says it's wrong to eat shellfish. Do you eat shrimp?


And before you go and throw that whole "Christ is the new covenant" and all that other such stuff that says the New Testament is all that matters, I thought the Bible was the inerrant, literal Word of God, not to be parsed out by any human being? If the Bible is the inerrant, literal Word of God, you can't say one part is meaningless and the rest is meaningful just because it suits some bigoted argument. In other words, you can't pick and choose parts of the OT that suit your argument and dismiss the rest.


I didn't realize I was doing any of this.

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Where in the Bible does it teach us to use derogatory words or to applaud when judging that people are going to hell?


I'm not a theologian. I guess Jude maybe. Were you looking for an actual answer or was that a rhetorical question?

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What the heck?


I'm pointing out that the whole "the Bible says so" argument against homosexuals is lame and disingenuous, in light of other things the Bible frowns against. Usually the people who are hardcore anti-homosexual are the same ones who claim this whole rigid "the Bible is inerrant" crap and refuse to acknowledge the Bible's inconsistencies. Yet they love shrimp and wear clothing with multiple types of thread, which the inerrant Bible explicitly prohibits.


Most people who are anti-homosexual are that way because they think two guys getting together is gross, not because of the Bible. The Bible is just a convenient hammer. I've often found that they're cool with girl-on-girl action.


You know in your heart how you stand. I've got a feeling that my first cousin, the closest of my cousins, who is queer as a 3-dollar-bill, who has dedicated his life to helping at-risk kids overcome their abhorrent life circumstances and helping them find opportunities to overcome the horrible hands they've been dealt, will have a much nicer place at the table in Heaven than all those Neanderthal fire-and-brimstone preachers talking about "ain't no homos goin' to Heaven" types, as well as their cheering section.

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I'm pointing out that the whole "the Bible says so" argument against homosexuals is lame and disingenuous, in light of other things the Bible frowns against. Usually the people who are hardcore anti-homosexual are the same ones who claim this whole rigid "the Bible is inerrant" crap and refuse to acknowledge the Bible's inconsistencies. Yet they love shrimp and wear clothing with multiple types of thread, which the inerrant Bible explicitly prohibits.


Most people who are anti-homosexual are that way because they think two guys getting together is gross, not because of the Bible. The Bible is just a convenient hammer. I've often found that they're cool with girl-on-girl action.


You know in your heart how you stand. I've got a feeling that my first cousin, the closest of my cousins, who is queer as a 3-dollar-bill, who has dedicated his life to helping at-risk kids overcome their abhorrent life circumstances and helping them find opportunities to overcome the horrible hands they've been dealt, will have a much nicer place at the table in Heaven than all those Neanderthal fire-and-brimstone preachers talking about "ain't no homos goin' to Heaven" types, as well as their cheering section.


Geez. Talk about hate.

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