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Realtors vs. Lawyers, who is less ethical?

Realtors vs. Lawyers, who is less ethical?  

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  1. 1. Realtors vs. Lawyers, who is less ethical?

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I think generally speaking lawyers get a bad rap in life but we all know one that just makes our skin crawl. However, I know many more lawyers I think are absolutely fantastic. Recently I have dealt with a number of realtors and overall what a slimy bunch. Not all of them, but too many of them. I talked with one of my good friends that is a realtor and in her opinion since the real estate market has been so bad it has become a dog eat dog world in their line of work and she said she has noticed a difference in the way many realtors do business these days.


Thoughts? Agree? Disagree?

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What do each do that give them the unethical stigma? I'm familiar with the lawyer stereotypes (ambulance chasers, corrupt clients, etc.), but not so much with realtors.

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Car dealers.


Just tell me what it will take to get the vehicle and quit the beating around the bush. I hate dealing with them.


Studies show that most people say they prefer the negotiations vs a set price.

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With car dealers I think we all know the deal going in. In other words, other than Tom Gill Chevy (a business of character, LOL) I never really hear them gloating how honest or ethical they are, they are there to make as much money as possible. And no I have not had one negative dealing with Tommy Boy.

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Studies show that most people say they prefer the negotiations vs a set price.


at least with a set price you know if you can afford it or not. When you have to negotiate it may go for a while.


I was at a dealer once and he kept asking me "what do I need to do to get you in this car?" I kept telling him to lower the price. He would not so after about 3 times I got up and left.

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at least with a set price you know if you can afford it or not. When you have to negotiate it may go for a while.


I was at a dealer once and he kept asking me "what do I need to do to get you in this car?" I kept telling him to lower the price. He would not so after about 3 times I got up and left.


Logic says people would want a set price. That's not the case. You had better have a game plan going in the door.

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