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Why Will You Vote For Romney?

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Because I think he's the most capable/most well suited of the candidates to turn the economy around.


I agree with his various positions more so than President Obama's, and I also worry about President Obama's potential Supreme Court Justice nominees should any leave the bench in the next 4 years.

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Another aspect that leads me to believe Gov. Romney is the better candidate is I feel he'd surround himself with better advisors, staff, etc.


In order to be a successful businessman (and even the staunchest liberals can't argue that Gov. Romney is that), you need to surround yourself with good qualified people. I feel that Gov. Romney would do a better job of that than President Obama as he's had much more experience in doing so.

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Because I think he's the most capable/most well suited of the candidates to turn the economy around.


I agree with his various positions more so than President Obama's, and I also worry about President Obama's potential Supreme Court Justice nominees should any leave the bench in the next 4 years.


Can someone explain to me who the president turns the economy around?

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