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Do You Have Any Recurring Dreams? If So, What Do You Think They Mean?

Science Friction

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Have you had the same dream over and over for years? I believe that a lot of what we dream is just a mish mash of things that happen to us during our waking hours and don't really have any deep significance. However, I do feel as though recurring dreams do have a deeper meaning. I think most recurring dreams probably have something to do with a deep-seated fear or insecurity that we have.


I have one recurring dream that I've have for many years. I'll talk about it later on in the thread. I'd like to hear what kind of recurring dreams you have and see if you have any thoughts on what you think they might mean.


I've always been fascinated by dreams and REM sleep analysis. I think dream research would be such an interesting field of study.


So, what are your dreams???

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I tried to decide how to present this story either with the super long, riddled with details version, or rather try my hand for a change at a more straight-to-the-point condensed version of it, and while the longer version would certainly explore more in depth psychological insights regarding it along with what I feel to be some more relevant particulars, it might be best if I just stuck with the shorter less involved version, and forgive me but even this shorter version I'm sure will be considered long by other people's standards.



In October of 2015 I began to night after night have reoccurring dreams that I was living in some large upper level attic type apartment that seemed to feel familiar to me, and while it would change a bit some, night after night it still remained generally the same with it being either a large lofty warehouse or attic type space where I kept discovering rooms that in my mind had been long forgotten, but were indeed furnished with my belongings having me often think in my sleep how did I not remember that this was where I was living, or why haven't I been utilizing all of this extra space?


Fast forward to August of 2017 and my landlord informed me that he would no longer be renting to me, and that he wanted the entire property for his ever growing family, but his mother would soon have an apartment for rent in another building that I might want to take a look at.


I was given the green light to move into my new place at the beginning of October where it was located on the 3rd and top floor of a very large high ceiling historical house where the hallway outside of my apartment is actually larger than my apartment itself, and while I can't much justify hanging in the hallway for any particular reason it is a hugh accessible space available to me to venture into if I needed to spread my wings a little though my apartment is adequately big enough to be satisfactory to me.


Presently there's only one other person living on this floor who I rarely ever see, and now there's also another extremely huge empty apartment across the hall that someone just moved out of, and it's not yet for certain if it will be rented out again by the owner.


The huge hallway was a ballroom 100 years ago, and my apartment was a men's smoking room and billiards room with a large school room style door with a glass transom. Two transomed doors actually but I only use one of them.


Outside of the other tenant who I literally never see, and the empty huge apartment that I'll likely not have access to, I now pretty much have this entire huge 3rd floor all to myself with way more space counting the huge hallway than I really know what to do with. It feels super private with little chance for me to disturb anyone else, or anyone else disturbing me.


On top of all of that my last name, and the name of this building are one in the same though as far as I know I'm not related to the family who built this home over 100 years ago.


Anyhow I've now been living and enjoying my new space for the last 5 months, but it wasn't until I read your tread that it dawned on me that since moving in here I haven't been having those dreams any longer. Hmmm???


With having those dreams for nearly 2 solid years it's peculiar to me that it hadn't even dawned on me until now that I seemed to have quit having them. and it truly was the suggestion of this thread that has made me consciously aware of it.


Sure I still dream, and it's been an assortment of other puzzling random mind benders, yet I suppose that now that I'm living in my "dream apartment" there really little reason for me to continue to dream about it.


I really love my new place and I probably feel more content with it than any place that I've ever lived in my entire adult life. The newness has yet to wear off and I have such peace of mind here that I can only hope that nothing major changes anytime soon, and that I can stay here for many years to come.

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I'm at work, there's a big project that needs to be completed. Then I realize, "I'm retired" - it's not my problem anymore.


I have some incarnation of this dream maybe a couple times a year. And I always LOVE it when I wake up.

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One of my nightmares is that we are underway on the boat (submarine) and the planes get stuck in a jam drive. We continue to go down farther and farther. We past Test Depth (which is a point that the boat is never supposed to cross) and proceed to Crush Depth. I wake up when the boat starts to implode.


I've been having this for decades and have just recently got to where I can tell anyone about it.

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I have a few.


One is that after many years of working, I find out that I failed to take a class I was supposed to take way back in nursing school, and I had my license revoked.


Second one is that I am falling, never sure where I am falling from but it is a long fall and I know I am going to die. Think I may have died that way in a previous life?


Lastly, and more prevalent is that my teeth suddenly start to fall out until they are all gone. I wake up and feel my mouth to make sure my teeth are still there.


If I have any good recurring dreams, I sure don’t remember them.

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Haven't had any in a long time, but when I was a kid, I would have the same nightmare at least once a week.


I'd be walking out of Kroger with my Mom and as we were walking past a manhole, a fish-looking monster would pop out and rip my leg off. I'd always wake up right after it severed my limb. :lol2: :idunno:

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I have a few. The first which I have regularly, is that I’m back in college and there is a class I’m taking where for whatever reason, I don’t need to attend. But after awhile, I realize I’ve done no work, can’t remember the teachers name, or even when or where the class was held. And I need this class to graduate. I spend the rest of the dream in a panic.


The second is I’m somehow back on a sports team (and the sport changes each time). I work all through practices, but yet never get to play in a game because something stupid has happened. Like my helmet went missing, or I can’t get my cleats tied.


The third is golf related. I’m playing golf with sometimes famous people (different ones every time), sometimes people I know but haven’t seen in a while. At one of the first tee boxes, for some reason, I’m unable to find a suitable place to tee the ball. Either the ground is bad where I want to place the ball, or there’s some obstacle in all the other places.


All of these are kind of related I think, and all occur at least a few times a year.

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Upon further study of the 3rd floor of this monster house I discovered that within the huge unoccupied apartment there is a large room with a fireplace and an ornate mantle which now makes me believe that it is that room which was the billiards/smoking room.


Facing the back of the property looking out at the huge lot as well as the south, and southwestern hills, I've concluded that my apartment was apart of the servants quarters, and was developed by joining two servants rooms hence why I have two doors with two transoms.


The other occupied apartment also has a huge door with transom making believe that it too was also another large servant's room.


There are 2 staircases to the 3rd floor in this house, one beginning from the main entrance, and the 2nd one being for the servants access to their rooms. The extra wide staircase that begins in the first floor foyer from the black and white checkered tiled floor looks like it would make for a good setting for a 30's/40's style hollywood movie staring Fred Astaire. I can just picture him dancing up and down them.

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Have you had the same dream over and over for years? I believe that a lot of what we dream is just a mish mash of things that happen to us during our waking hours and don't really have any deep significance. However, I do feel as though recurring dreams do have a deeper meaning. I think most recurring dreams probably have something to do with a deep-seated fear or insecurity that we have.


I have one recurring dream that I've have for many years. I'll talk about it later on in the thread. I'd like to hear what kind of recurring dreams you have and see if you have any thoughts on what you think they might mean.


I've always been fascinated by dreams and REM sleep analysis. I think dream research would be such an interesting field of study.


So, what are your dreams???


I've had this recurring dream Raquel Welch has been in for over 35 years.

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I don't say these are recurring but I have had them off and on. One involves being in college and realizing the day before the final exam that I haven't read any of the material or attended any of the classes. Another one is pumping the brakes while driving with no reaction from the car. Another one is I am running but not really moving. Some years ago we were discussing dreams with a bunch of similarly-aged family members and the men seemed to have dreams like these while the women seemed to have dreams where they were floating about 30 feet in the air and could see everything that was happening.

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Since getting my CPAP (10 + years ago), I remember a dream as I am waking but completely forget it as soon as I sit up. I know I have dreamt, but I have no memory of the dream itself. According to my pulmonologist, that is what should happen. If you remember your dreams you are not getting to full REM sleep.

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