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I hung out with some Highlands Football Mommies the other night...


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First I want to say I was VERY IMPRESSED with their knowledge of high school football. It was more than just Highlands too, wow!


I am going to throw some random items out:


Generally speaking they were optimistic about the 2020 Bluebirds.


They believe there is going to be a new offensive coordinator.


When I started my "pro CovCath spiel" I nearly felt threatened. The little one's talons came out! :angrybird8:


They thought the 2019 Bluebirds were better than their record. Cue up a picture in your mind of Coach Trosper smiling here.


I pressed them on this question, will the 2020 Highlands Bluebirds be better than the 2019 Highlands Bluebirds? I didn't get a straight answer and judging from the body language no one was going on the record with a yes to that question.


They knew more about CovCath that most mommies know about their own team. They also were knowledgeable about several other high school football teams including Ohio teams. Definitely my kind of women.


This part is just my opinion but I believe they are near the end of the rope with the current status of the Highlands football program. If Highlands is at the same place this time next year I expect a lot of unhappy, vocal football mommies in Fort Thomas.


I want to finish by saying these women could not have been nicer to me and there are definitely some lucky dudes in Fort Thomas. :thumb:

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I'm good for fun, even though my personal knowledge of the Highlands and CovCath football programs are limited to what I read here.


I guess I can give you a little spoiler, they did keep hugging me and telling me how good I smelled.

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@Jack of all Trades, were finally getting some movement. Great intel @theguru.


Well I ran into G on Friday night as well, but we only discussed how good Doug Spritzky was versus Tom Spritzky and that I needed a new pullover.


I am curious to see if this thread gets some traction as well. Curious to know if these women were speaking for themselves or on behalf of their husbands.

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