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Weight Loss--Any good ideas??


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Exercise, exercise, exercise.


Also, cut out soft drinks, fast food, and beef and ham. When eating meats, eat chicken or turkey. When at a restauraunt or if you must eat fast food (it's hard to just flat out stop cold turkey), order the grilled chicken or salads with grilled chicken.


Lastly, give up beer and/or any other alcohol.

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When I found out several years ago that I had diabetes, the first thing I did is cut out the 8-10 cans of sugared soft drinks that I guzzled every day. Did a bit better job of watching what I ate (but not as good a job as possible, admittedly). Lost 20 pounds or so in 3 months or so. Now I stay from about 175 (summer) to 182 (winter).

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When I found out several years ago that I had diabetes, the first thing I did is cut out the 8-10 cans of sugared soft drinks that I guzzled every day. Did a bit better job of watching what I ate (but not as good a job as possible, admittedly). Lost 20 pounds or so in 3 months or so. Now I stay from about 175 (summer) to 182 (winter).


It's incredible how much healthier you can be if you just cut out the soft drinks (and coffee).

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I am a fan of the 10,000 step program. Wear a pedometer and just pay attention to steps taken. At end of the day, what you fall short of 10,000, make it up. Very simple and works.exercise has to be simple or it's abandoned. 95% of exercise equipment is never touched after the first ten days!

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In moderation it does. Nothing pains me more than to see people at the office take in 5+ cups a day.


5 cups a day is boarder line excessive but really any where for 2-4 cups a day isn't bad. A cup of coffee only contains around 100-120 mg of caffeine.

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Do you guys who have done blood work just make an appointment with your regular physician? Normal co-pay? or is there another route to go? Start of the school year = start of a new attempt at weight loss and healthier living.

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I was talking to guy this weekend and somehow we got to talking about Ale-8 and he said he knew a guy that drove a truck and drank 24 a day. I find that hard to believe.


Funny you say that because I was talking to Ty's mom last week and she said she used to drink 20-25 a day! I thought to myself how in the heck is that possible!

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It is a fallacy that eating late at night causes weight gain. There are no conclusive studies or any evidence to prove that eating late meals causes fat gain moreso than eating early meals.


Ultimately, weight gain depends on how many calories you consume and how many calories you expend in a day. If you eat more than you expend, you gain weight - regardless of whether the source of your calories are from breakfast, lunch, dinner, or 1AM snack. The problem is that you generally tend to reach for very high calorie garbage (chips, cookies, Little Debbies, ice cream, etc...) late at night, therefore causing you to exceed your daily calorie intake. But if you're going to eat healthy foods - fruits, veggies, lean meat, etc.., there is no problem whatsoever eating it late at night. Your body processes food just as well at night as it does during the day.

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Not that I agree with any of them but why would they be impossible for anyone? For agruements sake change the 3rd one to don't eat upto 3 hours before going to bed.


Many people don't get off work before then or around then. If you just mean don't eat 3 hours before bed that's a different story.

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