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RNC Health Insurance allowed elective abortions?


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And we can continue this game....


There isn't an elected Democrat that wants to see racism solved. It would be a death blow to the Donkeys.


I've said it before that some use the race issue as a way to control a certain segment of people.

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I'm not sure if you are trying to insinuate that I have no other points in this debate. So I'll refrain from addressing that point until I'm clear on that.




















I TOTALLY agree with you on this part. It doesn't make any logical sense to be for a woman's choice on abortion and not also support legalized prostitution.


Though, as you probably know...I also don't really agree with the Dems on much either.



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I don't see how a party of supposed "limited government" takes the stance they do on that issue (among others for that matter).


So, should the Republican Party not be supportive of it being illegal to murder?

Cause those on this side of the issue sees it as murder. And since it is seen as murder, than you have two options. Make murder illegal or legal.

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Neither of the issues you mention go against the Dems core beliefs as much as abortion does for the GOP. The Christian right is being taken for a ride by the GOP...mainly due to their eagerness to vote blindly on one issue and not dive further into a candidates policies/positions.


You have got to be kidding?


Of course the Christian Right is being taken for a ride, as are the blacks and poor people by the Dems. Shoot, we're all being taken for a ride.

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I've provided a reason why I believe abortion goes against the GOP's core beliefs. Can you do the same?


You know, after thinking about it I think you're right because I don't think the Dems have any core beliefs that have been put out there like the Repubs have. Of course, I don't think the Republicans can say that limited government is one of their core beliefs. Conservatives maybe, but not Republicans.

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When you have no other alternative because the other side thinks killing of unborn children is acceptable in this country, you are right.


Remember it was the Dems who thought a partial birth abortion is acceptable. It was the Democrats that think the below is acceptable and if left up to THEM would still be going on in this country.


Remember it was the DEMS who kept the below legal in this country through the Clinton Presidency.







Yes! On July 11, 1995, American Medical News (AMA’s official journal) submitted the transcript of a tape-recorded interview with abortionist Dr. Martin Haskell to the House Judiciary Committee in which he admitted: “...the majority of fetuses aborted this way (partial birth abortion) are alive until the end of the procedure.”




When this type of procedure first became public knowledge, those defending it said it was only done a few hundred times a year. Then Ron Fitzsimmons, the executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers admitted on ABC’s “Nightline” (11/95) that he had lied when he asserted the procedure was used rarely and only on women whose lives were in danger. The reality is, this gruesome method of killing partially born babies is done many thousands of times a year. Abortionist, Dr. McMahon, admitted in 1995 to performing over 2000 partial birth abortions.




Yes. While most babies are in their 20th to 24th week when aborted in this manner, babies are aborted as late as the ninth month! This was admitted to by abortionist Dr. McMahon who, in 1995, submitted to the House Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee a graph and explanation that showed he aborted healthy babies even in the third trimester!


As disturbing as this sounds, these are the facts. In this country medical doctors are partially delivering babies and then killing them. These babies are inches from being born. Many could be born and placed directly in the loving arms of childless couples for adoption. Instead, they are cruelly killed. Some call this abortion. No matter what you call it, you cannot alter the reality - 4 more inches out of the womb and this act would be called murder.


Evidently the RNC didn't agree with you for the past 18 years.

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Evidently the RNC didn't agree with you for the past 18 years.


The RNC was wrong and has admitted.


The Republicans in Congress and Presidency were against this policy and made it illegal.


Up to Democrats, having a baby partially born and then being killed would still be legal in this country. And I could be wrong but I believe that method was crushing the babies head with forsips and then using a vacuum to render it limb from limb. That is a choice in this country.

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lbbc, among us, you are the most vocal and committed to overturning R v W. At times, you've made excellent arguments supporting the premise of voting based upon your Christian values. I admire that. I understand that this coverage is being ended, and that it's a good thing. But are you not even a little disillusioned, or angry, at the hoodwink that was the RNC for almost 20 years? I would be!

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lbbc, among us, you are the most vocal and committed to overturning R v W. At times, you've made excellent arguments supporting the premise of voting based upon your Christian values. I admire that. I understand that this coverage is being ended, and that it's a good thing. But are you not even a little disillusioned, or angry, at the hoodwink that was the RNC for almost 20 years? I would be!


Did you read post 9?

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Absolutely, here too.


They were wrong for allowing this and if I would have known it then, it very well may have changed my vote EXCEPT...I would bet that if they policy would have come to light at anytime in the past, it would have been changed then too.


The thing moving forward is that that 1) the RNC has corrected the mistake and I would bet that I can safely assume that the DNC is still taking the donation dollars that are being sent to them and funding the killing of unborn children; 2) that the RNC still is the best hope for the unborn children of our future in getting the genocide in this country being masked as "a woman's choice" in getting stopped.


The ironically funny thing is that we here over and over about a woman's right to do what they want with their body but I don't see the legalizing drugs and prostitution planks in the DNC platform.


I guess abortion and the killing of unborn children is one of the few places that a woman's right to do what they want with their body is a political rallying cry.


I don't believe the DNC gives a rat patootie about a woman's right, just a woman's vote.


lbbc, among us, you are the most vocal and committed to overturning R v W. At times, you've made excellent arguments supporting the premise of voting based upon your Christian values. I admire that. I understand that this coverage is being ended, and that it's a good thing. But are you not even a little disillusioned, or angry, at the hoodwink that was the RNC for almost 20 years? I would be!


Did you read post 9?




And for the record, abortion is a horrible practice and should be stopped and that argument can be made with Christian values never coming into play.

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