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Joined a Fraternity


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There is a third option: Maybe they tried it, found it to be a joke, and saved the cash instead.

Why belittle someone else's choice?


Yeah, but they wouldn't like to hear my theory on their reasons ... :D

Your ablility to mind-read & judge people's hearts must be impressive....


Don't be a Kanye....

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I've got tons of friends who are Greek or were Greek in college. I'd say out of the 300-400 friends I have that were Greek. I can only recall 2 that went inactive and said that it wasn't for them. Not saying everyone should join. But if you've never been thru it, then you really don't have a leg to stand on when giving reasons why people shouldn't join because you clearly don't know as much as you think you do about it. It's not for everyone, but I wouldn't met a lot of great people or be where I am had I not joined.

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Hate to hear that. I know when I went you never saw any campus cops at all. Guess times have changed.


Saint4: If the same bar is still there right above the baseball field I would advise that you atleast try to make one visit to check it out. I don't know if it is even still there or if it is even still the same. When I went that was the one place that athlets and greeks all got along and just shot pool and drank pitchers. When or if you find out let me know. PM if you want to.:thumb:


Skyline Tavern


Sometimes they ID pretty tough these days. Not like when Billie was still alive. Definitely an establishment that I spent many evenings in.

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Skyline Tavern


Sometimes they ID pretty tough these days. Not like when Billie was still alive. Definitely an establishment that I spent many evenings in.


The Skyline thats it....we always just called it Cheers. I loved that place.


If it had not been for that bar I don't know how I would have made it through my sophmore year.


Great location, Great bar, and above all, Great people.:dancingpa

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Skyline Tavern


Sometimes they ID pretty tough these days. Not like when Billie was still alive. Definitely an establishment that I spent many evenings in.


I know back in the day that place was great because of how free-wheeling it was. And, it had one of the best jukeboxes ever.

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There is a third option: Maybe they tried it, found it to be a joke, and saved the cash instead.


Ding ding ding.


I rushed & pledged and then dropped out shortly thereafter. I met a lot of new friends through it, and through the dorms.


I also used to host a lot of the parties. It was great. Nothing like getting the perks of the fraternity without paying the dues.


And they'd even send pledges back the next morning to clean up (most of the time.) :ylsuper:

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I looked around and didn't find it to be for me. I have lots of friends that were in them, dated girls in sororities, and even had roommates in fraternities. I always found it to be amusing when they had to miss something they wanted to do because of a frat/sorority function. But they seemed to enjoy them, though I'll never see the appeal.

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I posted earlier in this thread but now I'm going to go a little more in depth for my reasoning behind seeing no real reason to join a fraternity.


People say you make great friendships, have new opportunities, etc. I say you can get the same thing without paying dues and everything else. Fraternities can be good I guess, I mean if you're a freshman looking to make instant friends, but seriously there is nothing that a fraternity offers that someone can't get by not being in one. I'm not bashing them, and I say if someone wants to be in one then that's their choice.


When I went to college I made a ton of friends by just being out going, joining intramurals, working in the student center, etc. I didn't have to rush a fraternity, go through some crazy initiation, and pay dues every semester to do that.


I made a lot of connections in college by working with different people, and they have since helped me out of college. I didn't have to join a fraternity to get that either.


All I'm trying to say is, for every reason someone has given in this thread about making tons of friends and receiving opportunities they had, that they wouldn't have had if they hadn't joined a fraternity, I can and did do the same without having to pay for it.

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