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Survivor: Tocantins


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Does anyone still watch Survivor? I still have never missed an episode, ever since season one (sometimes thanks to CBS.com, but still). I am not sure why, but I am a big fan of the show.


If anyone still watches...


Who do you think gets kicked off tonight?

Who do you think will win?

Who has been your favorite players?

Who are your least favorite?

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My son and I have been watching all season.


Can't stand Coach. It has to be his time to go. He is so arrogant. I like both JT and Stephan. I am hoping they make it to the final two and then I will be happy either way.

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Coach goes tonight (but I've thought that for about 4 weeks now)


Stephen or JT will win. Too close to call (How's that for going out on a limb)


JT has been my favorite this season


Coach makes me ill and Tyson was just an arrogant jerk. I literally cheered when he got blind sided. Coach and Tyson need to be stranded on an island with Jonny Fairplay and Randy from last season and let them tear each other apart.

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Coach and Tyson are the a-typical dirtbags they have on every season. While I despice the ground they walk on (I play the game with integrity yet I lie when I need to), I can see why the CBS folks have folks like them on there cause without some kind of conflict people wouldn't watch each week.


The one that I would like to see win would have to be Taj.

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I dislike Coach as much as you all, but if I was a player against him...I would love to have him on the island. He may be annoying at times, but as JT said once, "He is predictable". And those are definitely the players you want to play with.


While Tyson was rather arrgoant and egotistical I thought that he was hilarious. Some of the things he said in the one-on-ones were pretty rude, but I really think he was being rather sarcastic with a lot of those comments.


JT and Stephen have been playing this game pretty smart. Blindsiding people, and then convincing the others that they had to keep them out of the loop so that it didn't get personal for them...brilliant.

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Coach goes tonight (but I've thought that for about 4 weeks now)


Stephen or JT will win. Too close to call (How's that for going out on a limb)


JT has been my favorite this season


Coach makes me ill and Tyson was just an arrogant jerk. I literally cheered when he got blind sided. Coach and Tyson need to be stranded on an island with Jonny Fairplay and Randy from last season and let them tear each other apart.




I can’t stand the “dragon”-fly slayer. He is all talk and gives real coaches a bad name. That story about being abducted by Amazon head hunters was too much. How could anyone keep a straight face?


I hope JT or Stephen wins. Taj is ok, but she doesn’t need the money.

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Watch every week, if put on the spot I would pick JT as my favorite but Stephen as the guy in the best shape to win right now.



Coach is, in my opinion the most interesting character remaining on the show, I don't like him but I think he is so hatable that it makes good tv. I personally would like to see him keep chugging along to the final episode on Sunday.

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If it comes down to Taj, Stephen, and JT, Taj will win if they do not take into account that she is rich with Eddie George. If Stephen and JT take someone else to the final, one of them will win it, and I think it will be JT.

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Still watch. I think Stephen wins because he will be able to prove he was the mastermind of the whole thing. Erin goes tonight. Taj goes next and Coach wins immunity and makes the final three before getting slayed.


Interesting.....hope coach goes. From the previews, he gets hurt tonight or is faking it.

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I honestly don't think Taj would win if it come down to her, JT, and Stephen. I don't think the jury would vote for her at all because it's not like she made any moves or did anything. I can see that group of jury not voting for her for that reason.

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