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Obama--Will He Heal or Further Divide??

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It won't be him that divides as much as his supporters, much of my animosity and what makes me quick to make fun of him in point fingers comes from how liberals have treated me the last 8 years over my beliefs. I've been called a racist because I don't believe in affirmative action, I've been called a Nazi for supporting the war, I've been called an idiot for daring to believe George Bush did what he thought was best. Thats what divides me not Obama personally, but I can not forget it and I will remember it when Obama messes up.

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I don't think this helps.




I think it's pretty low to leak details of a chat between the current and future president. I thought he would be above that.

He's showing what McCain was trying to tell everyone. He's not prepared to lead. His yap isn't helping the market any today.



"Senator Obama may not be familiar with a long-standing tradition of presidents holding their private conversations, private," a senior adviser explained to the DRUDGE REPORT.

He should take this "advise" and think before he talks.

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In light of Obama's philosophy, I would be interested in how you can reconcil your statements. Also, since you appear to be an alumnus of Trinity and I assume you are Catholic, I would be interested in how you reconcil his complete disdain for the value of human life (as defined by the Church) with your alleged church association.


I am a Christian and an Obama supporter. I look at it as that my Christian beliefs are exactly that; MY Christian beliefs. This country is not just for Christians and their values, it is for everyone and their beliefs too. My God isn't necessarily the same one the next person believes in. Although my belief is that certain things are wrong (i.e. homosexuality and abortion) it is not my place, nor our government's, to tell someone they are wrong for doing so. They will have to answer to my God in the next life for their choices on Earth and I won't have to answer for their sins. This country stands for freedom, so give people the right to choose, which they deserve, they will pay the ultimate price for their decisions.

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He's showing what McCain was trying to tell everyone. He's not prepared to lead. His yap isn't helping the market any today.



"Senator Obama may not be familiar with a long-standing tradition of presidents holding their private conversations, private," a senior adviser explained to the DRUDGE REPORT.

He should take this "advise" and think before he talks.

I agree it is a shame. President Bush giving a interview to CNN this evening talking about the meeting. Terrible!!! ;)
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I hope he can heal, but I don't know. None of us do. I will support him on things that I agree with him on and speak out when he does things that I disagree with, at no point in time though will I ever want anything other than the best for this country.

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I am a Christian and an Obama supporter. I look at it as that my Christian beliefs are exactly that; MY Christian beliefs. This country is not just for Christians and their values, it is for everyone and their beliefs too. My God isn't necessarily the same one the next person believes in. Although my belief is that certain things are wrong (i.e. homosexuality and abortion) it is not my place, nor our government's, to tell someone they are wrong for doing so. They will have to answer to my God in the next life for their choices on Earth and I won't have to answer for their sins. This country stands for freedom, so give people the right to choose, which they deserve, they will pay the ultimate price for their decisions.


Read Justice Scalia's dissent in McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky. With Justice O'Connor replaced by a W. Bush appointee Scalia's opinion my become the majority and the Christian God could become they God we see a lot of inside the government.

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It won't be him that divides as much as his supporters, much of my animosity and what makes me quick to make fun of him in point fingers comes from how liberals have treated me the last 8 years over my beliefs. I've been called a racist because I don't believe in affirmative action, I've been called a Nazi for supporting the war, I've been called an idiot for daring to believe George Bush did what he thought was best. Thats what divides me not Obama personally, but I can not forget it and I will remember it when Obama messes up.



I've been called a liberal for not believing in the war, for supporting legislation for more gun control regulations and naive because I am not a hard core conservative. I'm apparently now a socialist because I support Obama's tax policy, and maybe a Marxist as well.


The fingers point both ways. And, believe me, I'm as sick of the animosity as you.

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I am a Christian and an Obama supporter. I look at it as that my Christian beliefs are exactly that; MY Christian beliefs. This country is not just for Christians and their values, it is for everyone and their beliefs too. My God isn't necessarily the same one the next person believes in. Although my belief is that certain things are wrong (i.e. homosexuality and abortion) it is not my place, nor our government's, to tell someone they are wrong for doing so. They will have to answer to my God in the next life for their choices on Earth and I won't have to answer for their sins. This country stands for freedom, so give people the right to choose, which they deserve, they will pay the ultimate price for their decisions.

Serious question, fan, did the Jewish people of the OT get sold in slavery as a punishment for the sins of Israel as a country?


Did God not hold the Jewish people of the OT responsible for the actions of their country?

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I'll start by saying that I was not a supporter of Obama/Biden, and we differ on several basic philosophies. That said he will soon be MY President as well as his supporters, and I do hope he is very successful in the next four years, if only selfishly for my family. Many huge issues confront him and his administration, and he will need everyone's support if he is to turn our country and economy around!!


I believe that President Elect Obama has the opportunity to be one of the most important figures in our country's history, if he actually lives up to the many promises he made during the campaign, and in particular his acceptance speech. How he handles his newfound power can go a long way to either heal or further divide this country, both internally and overseas.


My questions here are:


1. Will Obama be able to win over his detractors and the support of the 57.5 million people that voted against him?


2. Will he even try to win the support of these folks, or with a majority in the Congress and Senate, will he simply push a liberal agenda as his opponents suggest?


3. Can Obama overcome the Reid/Pelosi agenda, and try to actually "reach across the aisle", and try and heal the divide that exists in our democracy?


I could go on and on, but this is only one thread--Everyone's thoughts??

I don't remember anyone on this board posting similar questions when Bush was re-elected in 2004.


Bush didn't reach to the center at all, speaking the next day of his "political capital" and his intent to "spend it."

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I don't remember anyone on this board posting similar questions when Bush was re-elected in 2004.


I do.


Bush didn't reach to the center at all, speaking the next day of his "political capital" and his intent to "spend it."


After his first election he used words quite similar to Obama's about being a president for all the people. He did make some early attempts before both the Democrats and his own Republicans smacked him around. Hopefully Obama gets a better chance from both sides. I'm not holding my breath.

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