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Obama--Will He Heal or Further Divide??

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Many on here have pushed the "support your president" button when in fact it's Obama's responsibility to live up to his promise to "hear" those that didn't vote for him.


If he truely wants to be a uniter then he can't push a hard left agenda.


I agree. But, until people quit expecting the president to view everything exactly as they do, being united is impossible. The hard right is going to be against him unless he pushes a hard right agenda, which isn't going to happen. Additionally, if he governs as a moderate, there's a good chance the hard left will be angry with him.

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I agree. But, until people quit expecting the president to view everything exactly as they do, being united is impossible. The hard right is going to be against him unless he pushes a hard right agenda, which isn't going to happen. Additionally, if he governs as a moderate, there's a good chance the hard left will be angry with him.



Like I said, I believe the hard left will be much more disappointed in him than the hard right. The hard right is expecting a hard left turn, and if it doesn't come, they will be pleasantly surprised. I think he will be more of a centrist to satisfy the people who really elected him, the center, ... not the hard left or hard right.

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Like I said, I believe the hard left will be much more disappointed in him than the hard right. The hard right is expecting a hard left turn, and if it doesn't come, they will be pleasantly surprised. I think he will be more of a centrist to satisfy the people who really elected him, the center, ... not the hard left or hard right.



Then, I'm glad I am not hard left or right. Because one of the major reasons I voted for him was FOR what I perceive is his genuine desire and ability to unite. IMO, I would love to say that he can heal all; but there are those who don't want to be healed, so they'll fester and infect others. But, I honestly do believe he can unite most of the country, and the cancers will eventually just have to live their own cankerous lives unhappily.

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Then, I'm glad I am not hard left or right. Because one of the major reasons I voted for him was FOR what I perceive is his genuine desire and ability to unite. IMO, I would love to say that he can heal all; but there are those who don't want to be healed, so they'll fester and infect others. But, I honestly do believe he can unite most of the country, and the cancers will eventually just have to live their own cankerous lives unhappily.


If he follows through on all his campaign promises, he will not be in more than 1 term. His position on abortion is absolutely mind boggling to me and I hope it is one campaign promise he does not keep. I hope that he focuses on the economy and leaves the social re-engineering alone.


I also don't consider my view on abortion as a 'cancer'. If congress passes and he signs the Freedom of Choice Act, there is no way I could get past that. He deserves a chance to lead us out of this current economic mess and I certainly hope he does and will give him an 'atta boy' if he takes actions to unite our government and turn around our economy. I just don't see how increasing capital gains taxes, increasing taxes on anyone in our current economic condition, increasing minimum wage by 46% in 24 months, passing the Employee Free Choice Act, etc will help the economy. But I believe he is a smart man and will hopefully find the right solution for our economy.


However, I cannot believe that passing the Freedom of Choice act would unite anyone. Even friends of mine who are pro-choice believe that this is a horrible idea.

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During the night, someone took a brick and broke out the driver side window of one of my cars. Nothing in the car was bothered although my cell phone was in plain view as was well over $70.00 in cash.


Now, my neighborhood is one that would have voted overwhelmingly, probably unanimously, for McCain-Palin and I'm sure it did so. Many of us leave one or more of our cars in our dirveways. However, my car is the only one with McCain-Palin bumper stickers on it.


Since the circumstantial evidence is obvious that one or more of Obama's supporters broke out the window, do you suppose I can contact him and have him "heal" my window?


I'm sorry about your car. Have any kids in the neighborhood?

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He's not going to get a chance with alot of people. One post in some other thread on here sums it up. When he was running there was concern about staying aligned with Isreal and after he named his chief of staff someone was worried about what the Arabs might think.

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He's not going to get a chance with alot of people. One post in some other thread on here sums it up. When he was running there was concern about staying aligned with Isreal and after he named his chief of staff someone was worried about what the Arabs might think.
To be fair, Bush never got a chance with a lot of people, some still claim he stole the election 8 years ago. This is nothing new to just Obama.
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Been thinking about this and it seems that voters voted for Obama and NOT the issues that he represents. They voted for the man and the historical nature of him being the first black President. Issues were basically irrelevant.


It seems this issue was mostly an issue about race and that Obama could be the first African-American President and many (me really included) feels it is important and was time for an African-American to be President. That was an issue that obviously McCain could never be competitive in.


I come to this conclusion because most of the comments after the race were about great to see this happening in their lifetime. So proud that this has finally happened. Can't believe that 40-50 years after finally getting to vote that an African-American has been elected President.


In addition, California went strongly Obama but yet those same voters amended the Ca constitution to protect the marriage. That stands in contrast to the O-Democrat position. When GW was in the same position, his voters voted along the lines of GW/Repu and upheld the protection of marriage. So, their vote for the candidate met their vote on the issues.


In CA, they said the group that overwhelmingly voted for protection of marriage was African-Americans. Jon Stewart said it was the oppresees quickly becoming the oppressors.


So, at least in one case, and I would surmise in many cases, those voting FOR Obama would not and did not support many if not most of the issues that he supports.


It will be very interesting to see what happens among Obama supporters as he/Democrat-controlled Congress brings forth issues that they strongly disagree with.

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I think this election was more of a vote against Bush as anything else. Yes I know Bush wasn't running. I voted for Obama because I believe he can do some good things and will have to govern from the middle to get things done. His skin color had absolutely nothing to do with it.

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I do not doubt that there will continue to be a plan to make everything look bleak and with no hope so that O and the Dems will come across as Saviors. I would not expect any work from the Dem leaders with the White House to do anything that might make W look like he has done something to help without O and them getting most of the credit.

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