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All You Obama Supporters!!!!!

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....... Can take pride in a very, very effective and successful campaign. I do not agree with what Obama stands for, but there is no denying that he has exceeded my expectations and that the campign behind him has accomplished a very productive run.

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I was listening to Brit Hume and O'Reilly on Fox last night. They had the anchor of Fox Morning News as a guest. All three were bemoaning the lack of focus of the McCain campaign.


O'Reilly said that when it was announced that Sen. Obama announced the 30-minute TV spot; he offered 30 minutes of FREE TIME, in the same time slot, to Sen. McCain; who didn't accept the offer.

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I was listening to Brit Hume and O'Reilly on Fox last night. They had the anchor of Fox Morning News as a guest. All three were bemoaning the lack of focus of the McCain campaign.


O'Reilly said that when it was announced that Sen. Obama announced the 30-minute TV spot; he offered 30 minutes of FREE TIME, in the same time slot, to Sen. McCain; who didn't accept the offer.

O'Reilly has been trying to get McCain to appear on his show again for a long time. He was not offering to turn the mic over to him - O'Reilly would have been equally as tough with his questions as he was on Obama. Unfortunately, O'Reilly does not prepare for most interviews to do a really tough interview. His questions are okay but his follow-ups are generally weak because of his lack of preparation.
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I was listening to Brit Hume and O'Reilly on Fox last night. They had the anchor of Fox Morning News as a guest. All three were bemoaning the lack of focus of the McCain campaign.


O'Reilly said that when it was announced that Sen. Obama announced the 30-minute TV spot; he offered 30 minutes of FREE TIME, in the same time slot, to Sen. McCain; who didn't accept the offer.


Not sure why McCain would turn it down as Obama had his turn on O'Reilly. I've said several times McCain's effort brought back memories of Bob Dole.

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O'Reilly has been trying to get McCain to appear on his show again for a long time. He was not offering to turn the mic over to him - O'Reilly would have been equally as tough with his questions as he was on Obama. Unfortunately, O'Reilly does not prepare for most interviews to do a really tough interview. His questions are okay but his follow-ups are generally weak because of his lack of preparation.


That is my understanding as well. It wouldn't be an "infomercial", but an interview.

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....... Can take pride in a very, very effective and successful campaign. I do not agree with what Obama stands for, but there is no denying that he has exceeded my expectations and that the campign behind him has accomplished a very productive run.


Give Hearsay 142 million dollars to spend and he'll get many more votes than Obama. $142,000,000! Wow! This tells me he is extremely weak while his campaign is strong. That much $ and the media on his side...If he were any kind of candidate , McCain would have dropped out weeks ago.

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Serious question for Obama supporters:


I had someone tell me that they voted for Obama but their vote was meaningless because they know going in that KY would go to McCain. My question for all Dems, is it demoralizing knowing that your vote is meaningless, according to this cat?

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Serious question for Obama supporters:


I had someone tell me that they voted for Obama but their vote was meaningless because they know going in that KY would go to McCain. My question for all Dems, is it demoralizing knowing that your vote is meaningless, according to this cat?


Those meaningless votes are apart of history.

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Serious question for Obama supporters:


I had someone tell me that they voted for Obama but their vote was meaningless because they know going in that KY would go to McCain. My question for all Dems, is it demoralizing knowing that your vote is meaningless, according to this cat?


Not to me. It's my right and, I feel, my duty to vote. Knowing that KY is a Republican state doesn't bother me or make me feel like my vote doesn't count.

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Who will go down in history as the best campian Clinton in 92 or Obama in 08?


Clinton faced a sitting president in an environment which was not nearly as favorable as what Obama faced so I will go with him. Both were ultra impressive though.

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