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Evolution vs Creationism vs Intelligent Design Catch-All Thread

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It means that the universe was literally created in 6 days, Adam and Eve were the first humans, and the Bible contains their entire lineage which only goes back 6000 years making the creation of Adam and Eve somewhere between the years 5500 and 4000 BCE.


I subscribe to this. The earth is between 6-10,000 years old. It was created by God in six literal days. (No Gap theory here). Evolutionists need time (and I mean millions of years) for their theory to even be plausible. Those who hold to creation through evolution are known as "theistic evolutionists" (just for the record) and seem to believe that God chose to create through the process of evolution. I am not sure if they are speaking of macro or micro evolution. I personally do believe in micro-evolution----small change within the same species. It is macro-evolution that is garbage (IMO) this teaches that there are large charges across species. (i.e. a gnat eventually evolves into a cow.) Can't happen. Also, how you view the book of Genesis will certainly color your thoughts on creation. The God I serve is a big God and is sovereign, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and literally spoke the world into existence. He has made us stewards of His creation for us to enjoy and to take care of until He returns. Good reads on the subject are the Genesis Record by the late Henry Morris or anything that Ken Hamm has published.

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Ken Hamm's Creation Museum teaches super evolution they just don't call it that. It's in that video. Evolution says nothing about the big bang (astronomy and astrophysics) or the origin of life from primoridal ooze, that's abiogenesis.

Ken Hamm doesn't know a thing about science. Seriously. I actually went to a seminar of his and listened to his swill.

Here's a good video responding one of Ken Hamm's scientific gems.

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I belive in Creation. BUT....


I also belive that God gave Human beings a soul and a mind for sound reason and decision making. Empirical scientific evidence has supported, time and time agian, Darwins theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. There has actually been no scientific evidence presented that discredits the theory of evolution.


Being married to a scientist I know this and will state it for you. In science, something that is labeled a Theory, holds more weight than a Fact does. People that call Intelligent Design a science are completley wrong because it is not scientific. It cannot be tested, nor can the main tenents be proven right or wrong.

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I belive in Creation. BUT....


I also belive that God gave Human beings a soul and a mind for sound reason and decision making. Empirical scientific evidence has supported, time and time agian, Darwins theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. There has actually been no scientific evidence presented that discredits the theory of evolution.


Being married to a scientist I know this and will state it for you. In science, something that is labeled a Theory, holds more weight than a Fact does. People that call Intelligent Design a science are completley wrong because it is not scientific. It cannot be tested, nor can the main tenents be proven right or wrong.


Amen, except being married to the scientist part. My wife was an animal science major though.


My whole thing is. All of the evidence points to billions of years and evolution. God is part of that mix to me but I can't teach that in school b/c it's not testable and not science.

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No offense meant to anyone on here; but I really don't want someone teaching my kids science who truly believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old. Is there a supreme power that created something from the void? My guess is yes, but my next guess is that it was a heck of a lot longer than a few thousand years ago.

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No offense meant to anyone on here; but I really don't want someone teaching my kids science who truly believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old. Is there a supreme power that created something from the void? My guess is yes, but my next guess is that it was a heck of a lot longer than a few thousand years ago.




Amen, except being married to the scientist part. My wife was an animal science major though.


My whole thing is. All of the evidence points to billions of years and evolution. God is part of that mix to me but I can't teach that in school b/c it's not testable and not science.



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I lean toward Intelligent Design. Scientists accurately measured the speed of light decades ago. If we accept the argument that the world is only 6,000 years old, then everything that astronomers could see in the sky with the most powerful telescopes available could be no more than 6,000 light years away.


That would mean that some galaxies that appear to consist of as many or more stars than the Milky Way would be tiny in comparison to our own galaxy. It would also mean that our sun would dwarf the stars contained in those tiny galaxies.


Believing that the earth is only 6,000 years old requires a belief that scientists have all of the laws of astrophysics wrong, paleontologists are wrong about dinosaurs, carbon dating is wildly inaccurate, etc. Creationism requires us to disregard our own God-given common sense.

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science requires that you test your hypothesis to prove them as theories. You can't test God. That's the problem with ID. It's Creationism in disguise. While I believe God created nature to act in the way that it does I can't test that.


ID says that species randomly come out of nowhere, and that a designer (God) jumps into the natural process and crates new life out of nowhere. We can't test that and all the evidence that we do have points to the contrary. Personally I don't thing believing in evolution makes my faith any weaker. If anything, believing that God made such a complex machine that is the universe makes God more powerful to me.

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I belive in Creation. BUT....


I also belive that God gave Human beings a soul and a mind for sound reason and decision making. Empirical scientific evidence has supported, time and time agian, Darwins theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. There has actually been no scientific evidence presented that discredits the theory of evolution.


Being married to a scientist I know this and will state it for you. In science, something that is labeled a Theory, holds more weight than a Fact does. People that call Intelligent Design a science are completley wrong because it is not scientific. It cannot be tested, nor can the main tenents be proven right or wrong.


Many people do not realize that when a scientist refers to a theory they are referring to something that they have an extreme amount of evidence supporting. They do not just say, "well my theory is" and then throw out a guess. A science theory is much different from the type of theory normal people use in conversations on a daily basis.


Also agree with your last statement about ID. An ultimate creator can not be proven or disproven therefore no one can say that believing in an ultimate creator is wrong.


We just went over all of this in my Natural Science class last semester...:D

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Because creationism is all about faith. You can not force faith on someone. Creationism is not testable. It can not be proven or disproved therefore IMO it should NOT be taught in school.


Evolution and the Big Bang Theory on the other hand are supported by large amounts of data and can be proven. They ARE science, therefore they should be taught in school. It is as simple as that. There should be no choice...

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science requires that you test your hypothesis to prove them as theories. You can't test God. That's the problem with ID. It's Creationism in disguise. While I believe God created nature to act in the way that it does I can't test that.


ID says that species randomly come out of nowhere, and that a designer (God) jumps into the natural process and crates new life out of nowhere. We can't test that and all the evidence that we do have points to the contrary. Personally I don't thing believing in evolution makes my faith any weaker. If anything, believing that God made such a complex machine that is the universe makes God more powerful to me.




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Because creationism is all about faith. You can not force faith on someone. Creationism is not testable. It can not be proven or disproved therefore IMO it should NOT be taught in school.


Evolution and the Big Bang Theory on the other hand are supported by large amounts of data and can be proven. They ARE science, therefore they should be taught in school. It is as simple as that. There should be no choice...


It can be proven down on your knees in prayer. If you are serious with God He will be serious with you.

As I said in an earlier thred..... Scientist took some data and determined that a tornado blowing through one end of a junk yard in Texas and a 747 jet coming out the other end was more likely to happen than the big bang.

I don't think either of these possibilities can happen. (without God doing it)


It used to be taught in school before the 60's. If this world has been here for millions of years did we just all of the sudden get smart. i don't think so.


Even Darwin knows now.

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Oh the good old odd against evolution straw man. What are the odds that a supernatural being exists? Besides, the origin of life from primordial goop isn't evolution, it's abiogenesis. Evolution is the science behind the changes in lifeforms from their common ancestor. Species have evolved, and still evolve. Humans are obviously evolved to deal with different climates, diets, etc. You can't look at stars without seeing objects millions and billions of light years away which proves an old universe.


Add that to the stratification of life forms in rock layers and plate tectonics and we see that Earth is very very old.

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Why? Several posts go towards illustrating why. #33, the last paragraph of #37, for example. The last sentence of #38 for another.


And no one can deny that a guy that believes in Eli Manning has as much faith as anyone.:D

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It can be proven down on your knees in prayer. If you are serious with God He will be serious with you.

As I said in an earlier thred..... Scientist took some data and determined that a tornado blowing through one end of a junk yard in Texas and a 747 jet coming out the other end was more likely to happen than the big bang.

I don't think either of these possibilities can happen. (without God doing it)


It used to be taught in school before the 60's. If this world has been here for millions of years did we just all of the sudden get smart. i don't think so.


Even Darwin knows now.


God is all about faith and not about proof. If there was proof of God, everyone would believe in Him and there would be no need for faith.


Do you have a link to your "scientist took some data" claim?


Many things USED to be taught in school...and no longer are. That argument is invalid. Did we all of a sudden "get smart"? No, not all of a sudden, but obtaining more knowledge leads to new conclusions.


In reference to your last sentence, you know that Darwin is deceased, right?

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