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Contemporary Female Leaders


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He did though, ask me my opinion on other subjects throughout the class and I ended up with an A. I sure didn't expect it.


On this subject, there is always alot of talk about how professors grade down people who don't share there views on things. I have (for the most part) found this not to be true. I think their views on things are generally well known and they love when people take a stand or attack points of view. I think more than anything the professors want a lively debate, whether you agree witht them on the issues or not. There is nothing more boring than a room full of people who don't participate or simply tell the teacher what they want to here.

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I was in an education class of some sort many years ago, think early 90's and the professor was going on and on about women and the importance of them going out in the workplace, how it was essential for them to get out of the home, etc, etc.


Well, you guys know how stubborn I am and how I get to a point like Popeye and I cans't stand no more, so firmly sticking my tongue out at my grade, I raised my hand.


I used the old technique of buttering up his point and then switching on him. Said that in today's world, women could do alot of things. One may be elected President. One may be CEO of the top country. etc, etc. He was right that our society may be missing out on a lot of things from women not being in those roles.


BUT, all those things they accomplish PALES in comparison to being a mom. To bring life into this world. Nothing they could accomplish will ever make them as successful as they are by bringing life into this world. THey could be the first female President and it would rank 2nd to being a mom. Every guy in the room should be jealous because we CAN NEVER do what they do. We can NEVER no matter how many sports championships we win, money we make, or whatever we accomplish come close to matching what they accomplish. MEN will FOREVER take a backseat to WOMEN in their accomplishments in this world, because we cannot carry our child, feel it grow inside of us and bring life into this world. We are forever failures compared to them.


I continued with, "It is sad that somehow that greatest thing that God has given women, the privilege of bringing life into this world has been turned into a 2nd rate thing." (At that time, I had not been baptized and accepted Jesus Christ in my life, so I knew not of the truly greatest thing.)


A couple students clapped for me, the professor was quiet for what felt to me as minutes when it was probably 5 seconds and told me that I would make a great neighbor but he was glad I didn't make policy. He changed to another topic and we never came back to it.


He did though, ask me my opinion on other subjects throughout the class and I ended up with an A. I sure didn't expect it.


WOW!!!! That is an awesome insight. I think you deserved an A for your courage in that class and also in the comment you gave. :thumb:

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