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Question about Boyle County


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I have a question for those who have followed Boyle County football. Would the program be in the same position now if Chuck Smith had stayed? Programs go up and down some based on the current talent level. Is BC just in a bit of a "down" spot due to the fact that there aren't any Brandon Smiths, Duggins, Overstreets, Givhans, or Tammes on the squad, or is the difference in coaching playing a role???

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I really do not want to hurt any feelings but the program would not be anywhere near the shape it is in right now. Yes, Boyle co. had some talented athletes but anyone who knows or played Boyle during Chucks era knows that his kids overachieved. He got more out of 165 lb. guard or slow wr. than anyone I have ever seen. Flat out he got kids to play together and overcome individual weaknesses and play like a machine. Boyle did not beat themselves. I can say with reasonable certainty that if things don't change dramatically this season changes will be made. Like I said I do not want to ruffle feathers, I personally like all the coaches however sometimes things get so broken that the only way to fix a problem is to clean house and start over. IMO

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Boyle County had a unbelieveable run from 1999-2004. What they did had never been done before and may never happen again. There was no way they could keep up that pace. I think Boyle has come back down to earth (so to speak) and will have good seasons, along with some long season in the future. Either way NOBODY can take away our 5 straight state championships. Thats something that will stay in our minds forever and never be forgotten!


JB I'll answer this part of your question. I will come out and say that with Chuck Smith...Boyle County would not have won a state Championship the past 2 years if he had stayed.

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Boyle County had a unbelieveable run from 1999-2004. What they did had never been done before and may never happen again. There was no way they could keep up that pace. I think Boyle has come back down to earth (so to speak) and will have good seasons, along with some long season in the future. Either way NOBODY can take away our 5 straight state championships. Thats something that will stay in our minds forever and never be forgotten!


JB I'll answer this part of your question. I will come out and say that with Chuck Smith...Boyle County would not have won a state Championship the past 2 years if he had stayed.



I think Rebel's assessment is closer to on. They might have been better in wins and losses but Boyle would still not have won the 3A crown either year. It's probably some combo of Smith's absence and the lack of Leffew's, Tamme's and QB's. The truth is that even before the streak there was a great run of QB's from Johnson (?) to Duggins to Smith. Few get the chance to have that many quality QB's in a row at anyplace, let alone Boyle County.


One of the hallmark's of Smith's programs was that they rarely beat themselves. Last season and the first week of this one it seems that they certainly help the other teams a little more than most of us recall in the Smith era.

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I am not in anyway implying that the Rebels could have maintained the high level of play they did during the streak. However, I have watched many, many Boyle football games and there is a far cry from the intensity, desire, attention to detail, and fun that existed during chucks tenure. Even during the early years chuck found a way to get young men often with less talent to play at a high level. I firmly believe that if chuck was still around this team would have been much more competitive than as of late. Of course the mentioned great athletes helped the cause but it takes 11 kids on the field to be successful and not all of them were great players. I also know in this time of political correctness we should look for the good in everything and ignore the negative but I guess I'm too old school for that and think the program has fallen too far to let it continue. I will conclude with one final thought. Just look at the atmosphere around the program, on the sideline and on the field and honestly ask yourself would this be happening if Chuck smith was still the head coach?

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I am not in anyway implying that the Rebels could have maintained the high level of play they did during the streak. However, I have watched many, many Boyle football games and there is a far cry from the intensity, desire, attention to detail, and fun that existed during chucks tenure. Even during the early years chuck found a way to get young men often with less talent to play at a high level. I firmly believe that if chuck was still around this team would have been much more competitive than as of late. Of course the mentioned great athletes helped the cause but it takes 11 kids on the field to be successful and not all of them were great players. I also know in this time of political correctness we should look for the good in everything and ignore the negative but I guess I'm too old school for that and think the program has fallen too far to let it continue. I will conclude with one final thought. Just look at the atmosphere around the program, on the sideline and on the field and honestly ask yourself would this be happening if Chuck smith was still the head coach?



I don't believe I or Rebel disagree with you. It's just the talent level was not there the last two years to have seen them overtake a Cov Cath or Lex Cath in those two years. Do I think the records might have been better? Last year, yes. Two years ago? Maybe a round or so deeper in the playoffs.

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I believe that if Chuck Smith had stayed Boyle could've won maybe 1 more state title in the span he hasnt been there. Coach Pardue is a great offensive coach. I was listening to the game the other night and it was said that there is a huge difference in the offense because Pardue was calling plays again. Also I heard mentioned that it looked as if Boyle was dragging and out of energy the 2nd half.


I agree with a little of everything that you all have said but I do not believe that Boyle would be in title contention every year even if had of stayed, but they would be much better than they are playing right now, def. more conditioned.

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I asked a certain young man last year what the difference was playing for the current coach verus Smith. He answered it quite simply, "Coach Smith was so intense and that made us all want to be intense also". He also told me, "when Coach Smith talked to you, you knew that he was going to talk to you as a Coach who truly cared". I don't truly think that the talent was there the last two years but as another poster said earlier, coach Smith could just get so much more out of kids. I think that you have to believe that your coach believes in you before you can believe in yourself. I know this is going to sound like sour grapes and I truly don't mean for it to but if you believe in your team and if your team believes in you, I really don't think there isn't anything you can't accomplish.

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I believe that if Chuck Smith had stayed Boyle could've won maybe 1 more state title in the span he hasnt been there. Coach Pardue is a great offensive coach. I was listening to the game the other night and it was said that there is a huge difference in the offense because Pardue was calling plays again. Also I heard mentioned that it looked as if Boyle was dragging and out of energy the 2nd half.


I agree with a little of everything that you all have said but I do not believe that Boyle would be in title contention every year even if had of stayed, but they would be much better than they are playing right now, def. more conditioned.

I very much disagree with your statement that Chuck would have won a title with one of Coach Pardue's two teams. As good a high school coach as Chuck was..........NO WAY!

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I believe that if Chuck Smith had stayed Boyle could've won maybe 1 more state title in the span he hasnt been there. Coach Pardue is a great offensive coach. I was listening to the game the other night and it was said that there is a huge difference in the offense because Pardue was calling plays again. Also I heard mentioned that it looked as if Boyle was dragging and out of energy the 2nd half.


I agree with a little of everything that you all have said but I do not believe that Boyle would be in title contention every year even if had of stayed, but they would be much better than they are playing right now, def. more conditioned.


In defense of RebelBred, I think he could have possibly gotten back to the title game b/c there is a ton of talent walking around the halls of Boyle County that would have played 3 or 4 years ago. I don't know if the kids just don't want to put in the time, or that they don't like the coaches or maybe they have better things to do but when Chuck was here every athlete in the school was dying to play football and that isn't the case anymore.

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I very much disagree with your statement that Chuck would have won a title with one of Coach Pardue's two teams. As good a high school coach as Chuck was..........NO WAY!


First off you are allowed to disagree, second off I said he MAYBE could've won 1 more title, meaning that he couldve gotten to the title game and lost. Never did I say 100% he would've won.


Please though elaborate on your opinion though.

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I think he could have possibly gotten back to the title game b/c there is a ton of talent walking around the halls of Boyle County that would have played 3 or 4 years ago. I don't know if the kids just don't want to put in the time, or that they don't like the coaches or maybe they have better things to do but when Chuck was here every athlete in the school was dying to play football and that isn't the case anymore.



3 or 4 years ago Chuck was still the coach. Your statement about under Chuck every athlete in the school was dying to play football and that isn't the case anymore." Is False. Boyle had some great players walking the halls under Smith's years that would have started, and made a huge impact. Whitehouse and Yates come to mind right off the bat. Are there more walking the halls now, I'd say yes.

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What Chuck Smith did was remarkable and will probably never be repeated, but with 6 different classifications it may become easier.(different thread topic) There are major differences between Coach Smith and Coach Pardue. One of the hardest thing for any coach to do would be to follow a coach the way Pardue had to follow Smith. Two different approaches to the game can create controversy and dissension if the winning doesn't continue. I am somewhat but not too close to the Boyle County football program and again, there are major differences but I'd like to see Pardue get a chance. I know a lot of people would like to see him and his staff gone and I understand that sentiment. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I also don't agree with some of the things I have heard about this coaching staff that has happened between coaches and players. After this year every kid on the team will be a product of Coach Pardue's system and not Coach Smith's. I think part of the problem might be that there are so many kids who were brought in under Smith that are used to and loved playing under the Smith way. I'm not saying that Pardue and staff pushed out the Smith holdovers, but there is an awful amount of talent walking the hallways of Boyle County high school that would suit up if Coach Smith was there. I know a few of the coaches on Pardue's staff and I like all of the coaches I know. I hope that the things I have heard aren't true, but if they are things will get worse before they get better. In all reality, Boyle County did come back down to earth. Is the talent level there on the field? Maybe not, but they are still a good team and will be a great team in 4A. This year's team is better than last year's team. They played great football against a 5A powerhouse for one half(progress) and while they might struggle against the likes of Henry Clay and LexCath, those could very well be the only losses they have until the playoffs. I was impressed by Boyle County's showing versus Bowling Green and I expect surprising results for a team everyone(at least locally in the papers and on the scene) is writing off. People here have been spoiled and the intensity level is nowhere near the level it was when they were the kings of 3A. Even the fans aren't as intense, they don't show up for all the home games(they traveled to BG very well I must say) and while we may not be seeing the results we are accustomed to seeing, it's no excuse to not rally behind those boys and show them that regardless of how hard or different practice is now, we still love them and are behind them 100%. A lot of things have changed since Coach Smith's departure, but I don't think it is fair to the coaching staff to bear the brunt of the blame. I think the worst is behind us and we have to look forward to building for the future and trying not to live in the past. 5 Championships in a row can't be taken away and I know there is a lot of talent not in uniform, but it is necessary to still press on hard for those that are in uniform. Better days are coming.

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