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LaSalle (OH) 34 Cov Cath 7

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Without knowing anything about the team from Columbus they play, I am going to say that this is the best team they play all year.


By NKY standards LaSalle is very good and probably top 2 or 3. HHS and Boone would provide tough challenges. Beechwood's lack of depth would hurt them.

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I thought the DBs for CCH played a solid game against the pass. Not perfect. They didn't dominate but they were solid for a bunch of newbies.


Deters and Terlau ran hard.


Isler's passes had nice zip with the exception of one where he went into baseball mode and tried to throw a slider. His out pass looked better than I saw in the Ryle scrimmage.


Hans Roedig had a strong game before leaving with a hip pointer.


Nice punt return by Furnish and a nice carry by Furnish on the 4th down sweep.

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What can CCH use from this game to move on?


The schedule is tough, but it is what it is. Next up NCC.


Good question. I listed what I viewed as the positives above.


This was the wrong team for Dave Brossart to have to face with this particular CCH team in a season opener. NCC will be good. They won't be LaSalle though so that's the positive for the Colonels.


This team will struggle but I hope that by week 11 they're at their peak. I guarantee it will not be the same team we saw today.

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