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Bronx is Burning

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The first episode was pretty good. If you get a chance to read the book, however, please do. It was really, really good! I got it a couple years ago and read it in two days; took it to my boss (huge Yankee fan) who read it in two days! Trust me, you'll love it!

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I watched it and thought that it was pretty good.(I like anything to do wit the Yankees) I thought that the HR derby would never end :irked: . Not that I have all that much against the HR derby just that they drag it out so long. I turned the t.v. on espn to watch the Bronx at 10pm, waited a little over an hour on it.( all to watch some guy playing the American game that can't speak English win the thing :D )


I also liked the first part where the Reds won the series in 76' from them in a sweep!! That was Cincinnatti Reds Baseball, not the sad imitation that we see today. (from the Big Red Machine to the little red wagon - LOL)

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