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Sharpton speaks out, again...

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Will you agree that we have a significant part of our youth population that is not being raised by their parents with the zeal that they need to be raised?


If yes, than are we, as a society, to just not worry about what they are pouring into their minds?


I don't know that I should have to suffer through censorship because of somebody else's bad parenting.


I guarantee you that as a society, you will have to address the fall out of the huge numbers of our population not being raised by their parents at some point and time.


I think the increasing numbers involved in the juvenile system bears this out.


Seems like misplaced blame to me. You should be faulting an economic system and consumer culture that demands both parents work.


My family didn't have much when I was growing up. But I was never for want, and mom was always there when I came home from school. And if I was even a few minutes late, the grilling began.

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Will you agree that we have a significant part of our youth population that is not being raised by their parents with the zeal that they need to be raised?
How is that Imus or any musician's fault?


I guarantee you that as a society, you will have to address the fall out of the huge numbers of our population not being raised by their parents at some point and time.


I think the increasing numbers involved in the juvenile system bears this out.

I work in the Juvenile justice system. I see it every day. I also go out into the field occasionally withour probation department and see first hand some things that make me sick. I can tell you this though, 97-98% of the time it comes down to bad irresponsible parenting. Drugs, crime, and poverty, not music and Don Imus.
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I don't know that I should have to suffer through censorship because of somebody else's bad parenting.




Seems like misplaced blame to me. You should be faulting an economic system and consumer culture that demands both parents work.


My family didn't have much when I was growing up. But I was never for want, and mom was always there when I came home from school. And if I was even a few minutes late, the grilling began.

Couple of things. I completely understand the point on bad parenting. Doesn't mean that society will not still have issues to deal with because of bad parenting.


Just because a parenting puts ZERO emphasis on education and actually works against us, doesn't wash our responsibility as a public school to educate that child. We are EXPECTED to still have success educating that child regardless whether there is good parenting or not.


What happens when we fail? Simply build more jails to deal with all of these kids getting filth poured into their heads?


And I disagree with the economic system. I think individuals wants for luxuries have led to many of the situations for both parents working. For example, you want a boat for the weekends and can't get that on one salary. Or you want directtv at $60 a month along with other niceties of life. And can't have those on one salary.


So in too many cases, those luxuries or wants are chosen over one parent staying home with the kids.


You say it yourself in your situation. You family did without financial niceties so that your mom could stay home. Our society today feels that we DESERVE our cake and eat it too.


My dad wanted things for us and so he worked many, many OT hours. I would have preferred to have him at home to toss ball with me, than to have the camper for us to use 4 weeks a year.

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How is that Imus or any musician's fault?


I work in the Juvenile justice system. I see it every day. I also go out into the field occasionally withour probation department and see first hand some things that make me sick. I can tell you this though, 97-98% of the time it comes down to bad irresponsible parenting. Drugs, crime, and poverty, not music and Don Imus.

Have you not read It Takes A Village To Raise An Idiot? ;)
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How is that Imus or any musician's fault?


I work in the Juvenile justice system. I see it every day. I also go out into the field occasionally withour probation department and see first hand some things that make me sick. I can tell you this though, 97-98% of the time it comes down to bad irresponsible parenting. Drugs, crime, and poverty, not music and Don Imus.

Not blaming it on either. But saying that there is fallout that society will have to deal with. You can choose to do two things. Preventive or reactionary. Society's choice.


And I agree it is irresponsible parenting. But we cannot say, irresponsible parenting and then simply wash our hands of it.


Because you know if you are working in juvenile justice system, we WILL have to deal with those kids that are coming out of irresponsible parenting situations. We deal with it now as Juveniles and will deal with it more and possibly even violent situations when they become adults.


If you know as a parent that eating peanuts help to make your child sick, you going to continue to let your child eat peanuts?

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Not blaming it on either. But saying that there is fallout that society will have to deal with. You can choose to do two things. Preventive or reactionary. Society's choice.


And I agree it is irresponsible parenting. But we cannot say, irresponsible parenting and then simply wash our hands of it.


Because you know if you are working in juvenile justice system, we WILL have to deal with those kids that are coming out of irresponsible parenting situations. We deal with it now as Juveniles and will deal with it more and possibly even violent situations when they become adults.


If you know as a parent that eating peanuts help to make your child sick, you going to continue to let your child eat peanuts?

I don't care enough about this to put any more thought into it, haha. But I will finish with this.


Going after the artists or Don Imus is going after the gun makers for killing people, it's going after tobacco companies for people getting cancer, it's going after car makers for auto accidents, it's going after alcohol distributors for people gettting drunk and killing people.


At some point, hopefully, this country will get back to the realization that we are not entitled, that we are on our own, that we make our own decisions and that "society", or the governement is not responsible for taking care of us.

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I don't care enough about this to put any more thought into it, haha. But I will finish with this.


Going after the artists or Don Imus is going after the gun makers for killing people, it's going after tobacco companies for people getting cancer, it's going after car makers for auto accidents, it's going after alcohol distributors for people gettting drunk and killing people.


At some point, hopefully, this country will get back to the realization that we are not entitled, that we are on our own, that we make our own decisions and that "society", or the governement is not responsible for taking care of us.

So as long as I am making products, movies songs, etc, I am not responsible for my own actions and the results of those actions? Does being an actor, musician, etc, etc, mean I get full clearance of my actions and the results of those actions?


I understand what you are saying and fully agree that personal responsibility is the best action, but that is not happening. So as a society what do we do. Preventive actions or reactionary actions.


Just building prisons to house those that have not had a good upraising, is it working?

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I don't care enough about this to put any more thought into it, haha. But I will finish with this.


Going after the artists or Don Imus is going after the gun makers for killing people, it's going after tobacco companies for people getting cancer, it's going after car makers for auto accidents, it's going after alcohol distributors for people gettting drunk and killing people.


At some point, hopefully, this country will get back to the realization that we are not entitled, that we are on our own, that we make our own decisions and that "society", or the governement is not responsible for taking care of us.

:thumb: :ylsuper: :banana:

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Al Sharpton is now attacking the recording labels and artists for the degrading lyrics, but not one person has applauded him for it. Do we only attack and demean? Do we never praise the good works of others just because we may not like them?




I don't think that's it at all, just that it's not as publicized and well he's right for doing so. I think most call him out or point him out when he's going out for popularity which he often does. He could very well be a smart man, trying to win popularity in other areas he know's he can to help gain support on topics such as these lyrics.


However I'd venture to say it's kinda the opposite, just trying to pull more support from White Dem's or Middle Class Minorities that could support him on this lyric issue so maybe they will later on other racial issues.

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First of all, I commend him for taking a stand he should have taken a LONG time ago.


Second, even if it is for political reasons and/or because he was challenged by Hannity and Imus, if he causes ANY positive change, it is worth it.



And if he causes more divide?:devil:

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Certain recording artists have a very long history of using extremely offensive language, much more offensive than what resulted in Imus being fired. However, it wasn't until Sharpton was called on his selective outrage that Sharpton made the lyrics of recording artists a priority. Given the omnipresence of such lyrics, Sharpton cannot reasonably claim that he was unaware of them or their offensive nature. I therefore conclude that he consciously chose not to make those lyrics a priority previous to the Imus controversy. I therefore suspect that the only reason that their lyrics are a priority now is that Sharpton recognizes that the hypocrisy of attacking Imus but not attacking the recording artists is indefensible. Sharpton should be applauded for being less of a hypocrite but he would deserve greater applause if he were more consistent in his outrage from the beginning. If Sharpton continues his crusade against offensive lyrics with as much enthusiasm as some of his previous crusades he'll earn my respect on this issue. But until then, I question whether his heart is really in this fight.




P.S. I'd like to see Sharpton lead a protest march to an arena just prior to a concert by a recording artist known for his offensive lyrics.



Ha that'd be the day.....

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Seems like misplaced blame to me. You should be faulting an economic system and consumer culture that demands both parents work.


My family didn't have much when I was growing up. But I was never for want, and mom was always there when I came home from school. And if I was even a few minutes late, the grilling began.



So you're blaming our founding fathers? Are we still the wealthiest nation nation in the world and the currently acting Hegemon?

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So as long as I am making products, movies songs, etc, I am not responsible for my own actions and the results of those actions? Does being an actor, musician, etc, etc, mean I get full clearance of my actions and the results of those actions?


I understand what you are saying and fully agree that personal responsibility is the best action, but that is not happening. So as a society what do we do. Preventive actions or reactionary actions.


Just building prisons to house those that have not had a good upraising, is it working?


The actors are acting, there is a difference. It's called fiction, it's called that because it's not based on true events. If people can't see that then they have issues that don't fall upon the shoulders of them but rather the loved ones of people who can't see the difference or realize it exists.

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Al Sharpton commenting on the canidacy of Morman Mitt Romney


I paraphrase:


Don't worry about him, people that really believe in God will make sure he's not elected.


Will there be outrage because of Sharpton's anti-Mormon comments?

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I think Sean Hannity may be the one who needs applauding for this, he's the one that took him on and challenged him on this issue at their recent debate...

:thumb: Sharpton is not going to do anything unless he sees that it is coming back to haunt him. :rolleyes: I am not that fond of Hannity but I did see that and he put Al baby in his place, at the bottom running with his tail tucked. Made him look like the idiot biggot that he is.

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