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Albert Gore wins Oscar


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Is this for real? If so, what did he win for?


Forgive me if I seem oblivious to the obvious. Everyone that knows me knows that I am out of touch with the mainstream when it comes to pop culture. I just don't keep up, and I don't watch those award shows because it just doesn't interest me. But this one got my attention.

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I googled it and found out the answer to my question. I'm not a news hound either, but I guess I should have known about this one.


Oh well, I guess I'm one of those people who could live on a deserted island and never miss the tv or newspapers. :D

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Is this for real? If so, what did he win for?


Forgive me if I seem oblivious to the obvious. Everyone that knows me knows that I am out of touch with the mainstream when it comes to pop culture. I just don't keep up, and I don't watch those award shows because it just doesn't interest me. But this one got my attention.


I believe it was for the Documentary he did about global warming.


Scooter, are you upset that the documentary won because you don't agree that the documentary was worthy? Or are you simply upset that Gore won something?

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I believe it was for the Documentary he did about global warming.


Scooter, are you upset that the documentary won because you don't agree that the documentary was worthy? Or are you simply upset that Gore won something?


Neither. I was merely posting what really could have been posted yesterday. Or last month. Or when the nominations were announced. Or even when Gore made the documentary. The outcome surely didn't surprise anyone, did it? Does anyone think it had anything to do with subject or quality? It was politics. The vote could just as well have taken place at the Gore Family Reunion.


What I am poointing out is the absolute travesty of these awards. Merit has little or nothing to do with it. In cases like Gore, it is to "send a message".


My pattern of watching these jokes is the same as Watusi. I haven't watched one since John Wayne won for True Grit. When I turned on the computer this morning to check email, I couldn't miss the Gore fiasco. Of course, who expected otherwise? Watch out, the Nobel Peace Prize will probably be next. Of course, the last nonpolitical winner of that award was Mother Teresa and the liberals whined at that one. I guess cardboard figures are more popular than are saints.

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Neither. I was merely posting what really could have been posted yesterday. Or last month. Or when the nominations were announced. Or even when Gore made the documentary. The outcome surely didn't surprise anyone, did it? Does anyone think it had anything to do with subject or quality? It was politics. The vote could just as well have taken place at the Gore Family Reunion.


What I am poointing out is the absolute travesty of these awards. Merit has little or nothing to do with it. In cases like Gore, it is to "send a message".


My pattern of watching these jokes is the same as Watusi. I haven't watched one since John Wayne won for True Grit. When I turned on the computer this morning to check email, I couldn't miss the Gore fiasco. Of course, who expected otherwise? Watch out, the Nobel Peace Prize will probably be next. Of course, the last nonpolitical winner of that award was Mother Teresa and the liberals whined at that one. I guess cardboard figures are more popular than are saints.


I haven't seen the documentary, but from what I hear from people who have, it's actually worthy of merit in it's own right. Some I've spoken with have mentioned that they feel it would have been more widely accepted had Gore not been involved, but feel the documentary itself was credible and worthy of note.


As to your comment about Mother Teresa....I guess most on here think I'm a liberal, and I feel that she absolutely deserved her Nobel prize.


While you may or may not have seen the documentary, your post made me think you wouldn't see it simply because of Gore. That may not have been your intent, but that's what it seemed like from reading what you wrote.

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I haven't seen the documentary, but from what I hear from people who have, it's actually worthy of merit in it's own right. Some I've spoken with have mentioned that they feel it would have been more widely accepted had Gore not been involved, but feel the documentary itself was credible and worthy of note.


As to your comment about Mother Teresa....I guess most on here think I'm a liberal, and I feel that she absolutely deserved her Nobel prize.


While you may or may not have seen the documentary, your post made me think you wouldn't see it simply because of Gore. That may not have been your intent, but that's what it seemed like from reading what you wrote.

The biggest problem with the "documentary" is that Al Gore himself has admitted to stretching the "facts" to fit their cause.
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I haven't seen the documentary, but from what I hear from people who have, it's actually worthy of merit in it's own right. Some I've spoken with have mentioned that they feel it would have been more widely accepted had Gore not been involved, but feel the documentary itself was credible and worthy of note.


As to your comment about Mother Teresa....I guess most on here think I'm a liberal, and I feel that she absolutely deserved her Nobel prize.


While you may or may not have seen the documentary, your post made me think you wouldn't see it simply because of Gore. That may not have been your intent, but that's what it seemed like from reading what you wrote.

I have seen it Mom, and to put it gently, it is based upon and filled with scientific proofs and conclusions that are questionable at best. For Gore to so inextricably link himself politically to spreading panic over what more and more scientists are coming to realize are merely natural variations in our long term climate causes him to come off as Chicken Little to anyone with any genuine depth of understanding of the issues.


Gore has forever stained himself as an hysterically inclined fear-mongering attention hound.


If this vital film received an award for technical merit, or artistic interpretation, I can buy it. But there is no way it should have received much more than a yawn for the accuracy of its scientific content.


ScooterBob, although blunt, is right on the money in regard to this being an award based upon a popular political cause more so than an innovative presentation of prescient facts.

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The sun goes through seasonal variations that may span hundreds of years, resulting in variations in the average surface temperature of the earth of a few degrees one way or the other. These are far beyond the control or influence of man.


One large volcano can spew more greenhouse gasses and pollutants into the atmosphere in one week than mankind has generated in our entire history upon the earth. We have yet to figure out how to predict a volcanic eruption, much less to prevent one or even to harness some of its power.


I’ve just watched hours of programming on the History Channel detailing the Little Ice Age that occurred during from the 1500s through the mid-1800s. At its peak, the average temperature of the earth dropped only about 4 degrees F (or 1 degree C,) and yet, the entire Northern Hemisphere suffered bitterly cold winters and reduced growing seasons in summer. New York harbor regularly froze solid, allowing residents to walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware took nine hours through snow and ice, when the same trip could be managed in no more than 30 minutes otherwise.


Activists at the first Earth Day protests in the 1970’s were warning of “Global Cooling” and the return to another Ice Age if we didn’t clean up our act. Now, many of the same interests are spreading fear of global warming.


I could go on, but for now to summarize, yes, the climate is fluctuating… that’s what it does and has done for millennia. Yes, there are some things mankind can and should do to clean our nest and keep it clean. I will not contest that at all, but mankind hasn’t had a whole heck of a lot to do with affecting global warming for 99% of our existence on this planet, and it is unlikely we have a whole lot to do with what we’re observing now.


For Gore to be the front man in a film stating that we’re the cause of global warming is erroneous at best, and political grandstanding at its worst.

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