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Team the top 5!


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A thread somewhat like this was already started.




But I say


PG- Dominic James- Marquette

SG- Chris Lofton- Tennessee

SF- Alando Tucker- Wisconson

PF- Kevin Durant- Texas

C- Aaron Gray- Pitt


6th Man- Tyler Hansbrough- North Carolina


MVP- Kevin Durant with Chris Lofton a close second.

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Call me crazy but I wouldn't want JamesOn Curry running the point on my team. He's extremely talented but he's a little too selfish for me. If you have him running the point, it's going to take away from Lofton and the other shooters on the team.


PG - Mustafa Shakur - Arizona (#3 in NCAA in Assists)

SG - Chris Lofton - Tennessee

SF - Kevin Durant - Texas

PF - Nick Fazekas - Nevada

C - Glen Davis - LSU


6th Man - Brandon Rush - Kansas - I'd play an up tempo style & Rush can play multiple positions.

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I had to pick someone. My favorite PG is sitting out a year... :D


JamesOn Curry is pretty talented, but he forces the issue too much and is too much of a dribbler. On a team like this where there is plenty of talent, Curry isn't the best pick for a PG. I'd probably take Greg Paulus above Curry, on a team like this.

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1st Team

PG - Mustafa Shakur - Arizona

SG - Christopher Lofton - Tennessee

SF - Kevin Durant - Texas

PF - Al Horford - Florida

C - Tyler Hansbrough - UNC


2nd Team

PG - Jameson Curry - Texas

SG - Arron Afflalo - UCLA

SF - Alando Tucker - Wisconsin

PF - Nick Fazekas - Nevada

C - Greg Oden - Ohio St


3rd Team

PG - Dominic James - Marquette

SG - Paul Harris - Syracuse

SF - Thaddeus Young - Georgia Tech

PF - Brandan Wright - UNC

C - Aaron Gray - Pitt


MVP: Kevin Durant - Texas

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