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Seed or not to seed?

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Let's hear what everyone thinks about this. I wish the districts would all use the seeding approach. IMO, if you do well during the season you should be rewarded for it and I feel the two best teams will represent their respected districts proud.


This should be a KHSAA decision, not the districts themselves. If one district has to seed the tourney then all should and visa versa but the KHSAA should make this a by-law.

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Let's hear what everyone thinks about this. I wish the districts would all use the seeding approach. IMO, if you do well during the season you should be rewarded for it and I feel the two best teams will represent their respected districts proud.


This should be a KHSAA decision, not the districts themselves. If one district has to seed the tourney then all should and visa versa but the KHSAA should make this a by-law.


Agree, if one does it, they all should.

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No small school is going to like the seeding issue... Because more than likely there is another team that they can play with but wouldnt get to in tournament because of their seed.. For example: Mason Co. is in a district with 3 Class A schools. None of those schools are going to vote to seed because they dont want Mason Co. All 3 are capable of beating each other on a given night.. They would all rather take their chances on the blind draw!

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I think it is voted on year to year.


UreachIteach: I agree, the small schools obviously would rather see the blind draw but as a district I would want my best teams to represent my district knowing that if I were lucky to win a game and get to the district final and into the region that I would only get my pants beat off.


I just like seeing the best teams play and the top teams deserve to get to the regional tourney. If your team doesn't make it work harder to get in next yr but don't hold it against a better team for selfish reason and vote for blind draw just to get in a couple extra games that you will get killed in.

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It would depend on how they decided to seed teams. If they have each one of the teams in the district play each other during the season in order to determine the seeds then I agree. But if they are going to seed teams by just having the coaches vote on what teams should be what seeds then I wouldn't want it, and it would be better having a blind draw...

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The district teams do play each other. The seed is determined this way. The coaches do not vote on it. In the district I am assoc w/our team opted not to play the top teams w/the understanding she would take the bottom seed giving her a chance to schedule less talented teams and giving the other teams the chance to schedule better competition. I am not saying to do this but seeding the districts is very fair and let the best two teams fall where they may/should.


I do agree that it should be the same across the state that is why the KHSAA needs to get involved and make it a by-law one way or the other.


The KHSAA worries about other problems and making things equal across the board, seems to me this would help make things equal across the board by making all the districts/regions use the same tournament procedures.

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I also agree that the districts should be seeded and not just a blind draw.Smaller schools will have to work harder to get better and make the tourney but the better teams should deffinantly be rewarded and also be representing their districts.The tourney should deffinantly be the best of the best playing for the top spot!:thumb:

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The district teams do play each other. The seed is determined this way. The coaches do not vote on it. In the district I am assoc w/our team opted not to play the top teams w/the understanding she would take the bottom seed giving her a chance to schedule less talented teams and giving the other teams the chance to schedule better competition. I am not saying to do this but seeding the districts is very fair and let the best two teams fall where they may/should.


I do agree that it should be the same across the state that is why the KHSAA needs to get involved and make it a by-law one way or the other.


The KHSAA worries about other problems and making things equal across the board, seems to me this would help make things equal across the board by making all the districts/regions use the same tournament procedures.


That is not true in all cases, unless they changed something in the last 3 years. I know back in the 03/04 season the district with Ludlow, CovCath, Holmes, and Holy Cross seeded their district but it was not by playing each other, the coaches voted on the seeds for the teams. And Ludlow ended up getting shafted in the deal by getting the 4 seed and had to play the 1 seed in CovCath who made the semifinals of the state that year. Instead HC got the 3 seed and got to play Holmes a team that was easier to beat. Even though in the All "A" classic tournament HC couldnt' get by the first round and lost to St. Henry while Ludlow not only ended up beating St. Henry the next round but also made the finals. So seeding that year screwed Ludlow cause of the coaches voted, when a blind draw would have been alot more fair in that situation. I know the next year they changed it and had every team playing each other to seed the district that way. But if a district is going to be seeded by coaches vote then I would rather have a blind draw...


I do agree with you with every district should seed, as long as the seeding is done by having the teams play each other...

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First let me say I am for blind draw. Like it better.


Let me point out the misconception that the KHSAA is some all-powerful organization that can just sign the dotted line on something and all of the schools in the state have to do it.


If the HS's across the state wanted seeding across the state, they would have to propose this at the Delegate Assembly that meets in October and the HS's across the state would either approve or not. The KHSAA is the HS's and not the group that sits in the building in Lex. The commish/board of control/staff do not have the power to make all HS's in the state do what they wish like some sort of puppet masters.


I think we saw that with the Prop 20 scenario.

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I'm stongly for the seeding approach if you dont seed you could end up with the best teams not going to regional play.

And yet at regionals, the best teams could play the first or second game. You don't seed at regionals. You don't seed at state. Why change the format of the tournament in the middle of the tournament?

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A few things here, most district teams do play each other. Since you brought up Ludlow let me say that they are probably the #1 school against seeding, that is in all sports concerned w/seeding a tourney(ie, VOLLEYBALL).

Besides, they got switched to an easier district now so.


I guess what I would like to see done is that all the districts use the same format whether it be seed/blind draw. This way each team has the same chance to be lucky w/or w/out the blind draw or be seeded where you season puts you.


bballcoach, thanks for the input, I DO realize that this would be a proposal and have to be voted on. I does still have to go across the desk of the KHSAA to be put in place, that was my point. The board members, I think so you correct me if I am wrong, can make proposals themselves. This would be a good one to bring up, IMO.

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Seeding is always the way to go. This makes the season meaniful and it assures that the 2 best teams make it to the region. Regionals should not be seeded because most teams in the region do not play each other, so it is understandable that they are not. However it, should be that the 1st place team from one district plays the 2nd place team from another so that there is some meaning to winning the district.

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